
Series Post #2: Surviving the Slump

2021-12-13T16:25:55+00:00December 13th, 2021|

Series Post #2: Surviving the Slump Slump vs Burnout: Before we jump in, recognize that there is a difference between a slump and being burned out. A slump requires reengagement, whereas a burnout requires a comprehensive analysis of responsibilities and an analysis of future career path. A burnout can be solved by adding responsibilities to [...]

New Series, Post #1: Surviving the Slump

2021-12-10T15:34:45+00:00December 10th, 2021|

New Series; Post #1: Surviving the Slump How excited do you think Pat Sajak is to ask contestants to buy a vowel after all these years? Do you think Beyoncé is tired of singing “Single Ladies” yet? Which do you think Michael  Jordan loved more – the championship rings or shooting practice free throws for [...]

Series Post #7: Making High Quality Decisions

2021-11-18T16:18:51+00:00November 18th, 2021|

Series Post #6: Making High Quality Decisions What are Core Mental Models (con't) #8-9 8.      Occam’s Razor: Simpler explanations are more likely to be true than complex ones. Don’t begin with trying to disprove a compilated fact pattern. Instead, begin with trying to prove a simple fact pattern. 9.       Hanlon’s Razor: Don’t blame malice for things that [...]

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