

Wednesday Wisdom

"You don't have to be good at everything, you just need to double down on what you're naturally suited for." - James Clear

Wednesday Wisdom

"At any moment, you are one good choice away from a meaningfully better life." - James Clear

Wednesday Wisdom

"December is the time for remembering the past and reaching toward the future". - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday Wisdom

"Ideas that are hoarded help no one. Success follows generosity." - James Clear

Wednesday Wisdom

“We now accept the fact that learning is a lifelong process of keeping abreast of change. And the most pressing task is to teach people how to learn.” — Peter Drucker

Wednesday Wisdom

"You can carve out a very good career simply by being the most reliable person on the team. You would not think that always showing up on time, hitting every deadline, and responding quickly and professionally to all communication would be such a differentiator, but these traits are always in short supply." - James Clear

Wednesday Wisdom

"In order to improve for good, you need to solve problems at the systems level. Fix the inputs and the outputs will fix themselves." - James Clear

Wednesday Wisdom

“Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision.” -Peter F. Drucker

Wednesday Wisdom

"An organization's ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage." - Jack Welch

Wednesday Wisdom

"Clarity is freedom. Know what is important to you and it will grant you the freedom to ignore everything else." - James Clear

Wednesday Wisdom

"In order to improve for good, you need to solve problems at the systems level. Fix the inputs and the outputs will fix themselves." - James Clear

Wednesday Wisdom

"An organization's ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage." - Jack Welch

Wednesday Wisdom

"Two things help success in life...The way you manage when you have nothing and the way you behave when you have everything." - Author Unknown

Wednesday Wisdom: Appreciation

In The Five Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace, authors Gary Chapman and Paul White help managers effectively communicate appreciation and encouragement to their employees, resulting in higher levels of job satisfaction, healthier relationships between managers and employees, and decreased cases of burnout. Follow us as we explore these 5 languages over the next 5 [...]

The Obstacle Is the Way – Part 12

Great individuals (and leaders), like great companies, find a way to transform weakness into strength. It’s a rather amazing feat. They took what should have held them back - perhaps something that might be holding you back right this very second - and used it to move forward.

The Obstacle Is the Way – Part 11: What Are You Made Of?

The world is constantly testing us. It asks: “Are you worthy? Can you get past the things that inevitably appear in your way? Will you stand up and show us what you’re made of?” Whatever we face, we have a choice: Will we be blocked by obstacles, or will we advance through and over them?

The Obstacle Is the Way: Part 10 – Will

To endure and prevail, you must develop the will (inner power) to confront the obstacle over and over again. Exercising your will is understanding that despite the possibility/probability of failure, you continue to take purposeful, consistent action regardless. Persist until you arrive at a solution.

The Obstacle Is the Way: Part 9 – Action

Sometimes, you must release your grip on your current identity in order to allow yourself to transform. You simply cannot be the person you want to be and the person you currently are at the same time. Once you have calibrated your perceptions and emotions, you are ready to take action: · Focus on what [...]

The Obstacle Is the Way: Part 8 – Perception

Your perception is how you interpret what’s happening around you. It affects how you see and respond to a situation. To turn adversity to strength, the first step is to manage your perceptions. Perceptions drive emotions.  Calmly and objectively evaluate what’s happening and look for opportunities to take action.

The Obstacle Is the Way – Part 7

The paths of meaningful work and goal achievement are littered with obstacles. Therefore, doesn’t it make sense to have a playbook we can execute each time we encounter an obstacle of significance? In Ryan Holiday’s book, The Obstacle is the Way, he offers three disciplines we can develop and use as that playbook. · Perception [...]

The Obstacle Is the Way – Part 6

In some cases, avoiding an obstacle is wise. Ever step on a Lego? Marcus isn’t talking about Legos. He’s talking about the obstacles that we encounter in the pursuit of worthy goals. 

The Obstacle Is the Way – Part 5

Daily, we observe people attempting to avoid obstacles. Every obstacle is unique to each of us. But the responses they elicit are very similar: Fear. Frustration. Confusion. Helplessness. Depression. Anger. Change shifts our comfort zones, where we find security and stability, so these emotions are naturally occurring reactions.

The Obstacle Is the Way – Part 4

"The mind adapts and converts to its own purposes the obstacle to our acting.” This simply means that our job is to domesticate the obstacle. We make the obstacle serve us on our journey to achieve the goal. We all have the right to live our best life; anything else is mediocre – and none [...]

The Obstacle Is the Way – Part 3

“Our actions may be impeded, but there can be no impeding our intentions or dispositions. Because we can accommodate and adapt. The mind adapts and converts to its own purposes the obstacle to our acting. The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way.” - Marcus Aurelius Let’s convert this [...]

The Obstacle Is the Way – Part 2

Why would we reference works from nearly 2,000 years ago? No matter your role or how long you have been in it, we all have situations we would rather avoid. Meditation provides timeless wisdom and insights that can help to understand the process of breaking through obstacles (and coaching others to do the same). One [...]

New Series!

The Obstacle Is The Way Marcus Aurelius was a Roman Emperor and a Stoic philosopher. On the throne from 161 to 180, he was the last of the rulers knows as the Five Good Emperors and the last emperor of the Pax Romana, an age of relative peace and stability for the Roman Empire. Marcus [...]

Applications close January 31!

The Russ Mountain Memorial Scholarship awards up to $13,000 to a rising junior or senior college student who has a passion for the field of Recruiting and Talent Acquisition and plans to pursue a job in the field following graduation. To apply:

Only14 days left!

The Russ Mountain Memorial Scholarship awards up to $13,000 to a rising junior or senior college student who has a passion for the field of Recruiting and Talent Acquisition and plans to pursue a job in the field following graduation. To apply: Applications will close January 31, 2024

Applications for our 2024 Russ Mountain Memorial Scholarship are now open!

We are seeking a rising junior or senior college student who has a passion for the field of Recruiting and Talent Acquisition and plans to pursue a job in the field following graduation! Do you know one? Ask them to apply for the Russ Mountain Memorial Scholarship! This scholarship will award up to $13,000 to [...]

Seeking a Rising Junior or Senior College Student

We are seeking a rising junior or senior college student who has a passion for the field of Recruiting and Talent Acquisition and plans to pursue a job in the field following graduation! Do you know one? Ask them to apply for the Russ Mountain Memorial Scholarship! This scholarship will award up to $13,000 to [...]

Do you know a rising junior or senior college student who has a passion for the field of Recruiting and Talent Acquisition and plans to pursue a job in the field following graduation?

If so, ask them to apply for the Russ Mountain Memorial Scholarship! This scholarship will award up to $13,000 to a rising junior or senior college student who has a passion for the field of Recruiting and Talent Acquisition and plans to pursue a job in the field following graduation. Please click link for details! [...]

BIG news!

We are so very excited to open the application process for the Russ Mountain Memorial Scholarship! This scholarship will award up to $13,000 to a rising junior or senior college student who has a passion for the field of Recruiting and Talent Acquisition and plans to pursue a job in the field following graduation.

Making High-Quality Decisions – Part 4

Most people don’t possess the tools to optimally process these things. Consequently, they rely on tactics like the old pro-con list, listing the positives on the left side of the page and the negatives on the right. It works, but that approach has drawbacks. If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. [...]

Making High-Quality Decisions – Part 3

A September 2021 Inc. magazine article reported that the average adult makes approximately 35,000 decisions per day. (Do you suddenly feel tired?) Decisions fall on a continuum ranging from the unimportant (do I go to lunch at 11:45 or Noon?) to the critically important (do we launch this product?). The consequences of important decisions can [...]

Making High-Quality Decisions – Part 2

The Internet has made things worse. Why learn decision making skills when Google has thousands of “experts” with an answer? All those answers then introduce the Paradox of Choice, which leaves many feeling overwhelmed and looking for somebody else to make decisions for them.  

NEW SERIES! Making High-Quality Decisions

Few things will improve the quality of your life more than learning how to make high-quality decisions. Yet amazingly, no one really teaches us how to do it. Not in grade school; not in high school. Most college majors don’t require courses in critical thinking or decision making. Has anyone ever told you that their [...]

Only 6 Days Left To Participate!

Russ Mountain Memorial Scholarship Please help us carry on Russ' legacy and consider a donation to the Russ Mountain Memorial Scholarship TODAY!

Only 2 Weeks Left To Participate! Russ Mountain Memorial Scholarship

Please help us carry on Russ' legacy and consider a donation to the Russ Mountain Memorial Scholarship today. Last week, I referenced my last professional email I received from Russ to share in a post. Last week I shared his own personal "What & Why" and this week, I share his "Where & How" [...]

Only 3 Weeks Left To Participate! Russ Mountain Memorial Scholarship

Please help us carry on Russ' legacy and consider a donation to the Russ Mountain Memorial Scholarship today. I have struggled what to post in the last couple of weeks about Russ and this scholarship. Today, I decided to go and find the last professional email I received to get some inspiration. There it was! [...]

Russ Mountain Memorial Scholarship

"Simply the BEST...Better than all the rest..." B = Believe E = Effort S = Structure T = Total Commitment Please help us carry on the legacy of the creator of Rowland Mountain's "BEST" awards and consider a donation to the Russ Mountain Memorial Scholarship today.

Russ Mountain Memorial Scholarship

Please help us carry on the legacy of this great servant to the recruiting and staffing industry. Russ was an active member of our national and state association for many years, making his way to the capital numerous to lobby on behalf of our industry. Having served twice as President of the Georgia Association of [...]

Russ Mountain Memorial Scholarship

Please help us carry on the legacy of the "Ultimate Planner of Team Building Events" and consider a donation to the Russ Mountain Memorial Scholarship today.

Russ Mountain Memorial Scholarship

This week, we launch our fundraising efforts for the Russ Mountain Memorial Scholarship in partnership with the CxR Foundation. For so many, Russ was a professional mentor. For those he hired, he provided tools and training that would become their foundation in building successful careers in search and recruiting. For his clients, he was a [...]

Final Post: Curating an Exceptional Culture

Few organizations have an exceptional culture. That’s because it’s hard to do. But if you want to capture and keep the heart of supremely able people who perform at their very best, it’s absolutely worth the effort.  

Part 11: Curating an Exceptional Culture

Be the Cultural Immune System Curating exceptional culture also means protecting it. Threats must be identified and eliminated. In “A Failure of Nerve,” author Edwin Friedman likens organizational culture to human organisms. Our bodies are programmed to protect us from harm. Infection is met with an assault of white blood cells. Pepper in our nose [...]

Part 10: Curating an Exceptional Culture

Keep Things Simple The world is a complicated, noisy place. Inputs assail us all day long, competing for our attention and challenging our ability to focus. Culture creates clarity. Leaders who curate culture are consistently on-message. They remind everyone of fundamental truths about the culture and the business to keep people grounded during challenging periods [...]

Part 9: Curating an Exceptional Culture

Quit Managing. Start Leading. Leadership Guru Warren Bennis defines leadership as, “the capacity to translate vision into reality.” Let’s add to that. The leader’s role is to cast vision, provide resources, remove obstacles, drive execution, and deliver results. Most people would much rather be led than managed. What’s the difference? Visualize standing over someone versus [...]

Part 8: Curating an Exceptional Culture

Make the Investment Making it about them requires consistent, focused investment of time and attention. Start with understanding purpose. Purpose inspires and drives people. What’s important to them personally? Professionally? Financially? Paint pictures of how exceptional performance will lead to outcomes serving the very things that are most important to them. The historical boundaries of [...]

Part 7: Curating an Exceptional Cuture

Get Aligned Once culture is defined, we need to align. Alignment requires two important shifts. The first shift happens within leadership. Leaders must realize it “isn’t about them.” The second shift is even more important and depends on the success of the first. This shift happens within the organization itself. Everyone must believe…that leadership believes…that [...]

Part 6: Create a Culture Code (continued)

Once you have the Code, bring it to life. Create laminated copies for everyone, turn into a piece of office wall art. Put it to work for you. Use it as a cornerstone of your talent acquisition efforts. Make it a tangible, visible part of your organizational ecosystem.  

Part 5: Create a Culture Code

As important as culture is, if you ask ten employees to define their organization’s culture, you’ll likely get ten different answers. Culture should be easily understood and articulated. A great way to achieve that is by creating a Culture Code. For example: The Culture at ABC Corporation Is: ·         Sales oriented and results driven ·         High-energy and fun [...]

Part 4: Curating an Exceptional Culture

Every organization has a culture. It exists in the presence or absence of leadership. If there is a lack of leadership, the organization creates conflicting dynamics, and that becomes the culture. It’s impossible to eliminate culture. Like matter, it simply changes form.

Part 3: Curating an Exceptional Culture

Culture is horizontal gravity. It’s what draws individuals into an organization, and it’s what keeps them there. More simply put, culture is why people join and it’s why they stay. Culture is a mindset, rooted in a philosophy. It’s mission in action.

New Series! Curating an Exceptional Culture

Andrew Carnegie was a Scottish American businessman and philanthropist. He led the expansion of the steel industry in the United States and became one of the richest men in the world. During the last 18 years of his life (which ended in 1919), he gave away the 2022 equivalent of roughly $10 billion to charities, [...]

Quiet Quitting – Final Post

Quiet quitting isn’t new. It’s a new twist on an old problem. But, it has captured people’s attention. As leaders, it’s on us to address it.  

Quiet Quitting – Part 8

Treatment Option 4: Work to Reconnect Employees/Teammates Employee engagement relies on feeling connected to one another individually and connected as at team to a bigger purpose. Leaders must be intentional in creating interaction and cohesion.  

Quiet Quitting – Part 7

Treatment Option 4: Acknowledge and Respect that Employees Have Changed. Quiet quitting is an identity shift. See employees as they are now vs. who they were pre-pandemic. Employees want autonomy over their work, not just in how they carry out their tasks, but also — as much as possible — influence over where and when [...]

Quiet Quitting – Part 6

Treatment Option 3: Commit to Offer High-Quality Work High-quality work means having varied and meaningful tasks, clear goals, and a positive team climate. Particularly relevant today, high-quality work also means having reasonable demands and expectations of workers. Leaders need to be especially careful about not overwhelming people with excessive demands, long work hours, or unreasonable [...]

Quiet Quitting – Part 5

Treatment Option 2: Rebuild the psychological contract with employees. The 20th Century psychological contract was transactional: Employees showed up every day from 9-5, and in return were rewarded with a paycheck and a pension. The 21st Century contract is relational. Employees want a paycheck, but they want challenge, career growth, support, and meaningful relationships. More [...]

Quiet Quitting – Part 4

Treatment Option #1: Acknowledge this is a leadership issue. In his book Extreme Ownership, former Navy Seal Jocko Willink writes: “On any team, in any organization, all responsibility for success and failure rests with the leader. The leader is truly and ultimately responsible for everything.” Leadership must address manager engagement first, then re-skill them to [...]

Quiet Quitting : Part 3 – Uncovering the Cause

“What is your why?” It sounds like an esoteric question, but why is it that you choose to go to work each day? Why do you choose this profession, instead of something else? Why do you choose the role you are in, as opposed to others? Encourage yourself and others to press beyond the obvious [...]

Quiet Quitting: Part 2 – What’s New?

In the video – which has over 3.5 million views – 24-year-old TikToker Zaid Khan (@zaidlepplin) states that “work is not your life.” This is not a new concept. But assuming that work is a requisite part of life, to view the act of employment simply as a means to an end overlooks the opportunity [...]

New Series: Quiet Quitting

Part 1 - Separating the Symptom from the Cause Quiet quitting. What began as a viral video has become one of the most talked about (and written about) topics this year. Is it a valid phenomenon, or is it nothing more than catchy clickbait? To a certain degree, the answer to that question does not [...]

Series Post #2: Be the Diamond

Series Post #2: Be the Diamond Embrace the Gray: With all that seems to divide the world today, it turns out that we might not be as far apart as it seems. The news feeds on extremes; no longer just a 30-minute daily segment or a newspaper on your doorstep. Rather, social media is the [...]

New Series Post: Post #1: Be The Diamond

New Series Post: Post #1: Be The Diamond Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.” – John Maxwell There are times in life, both personally and professionally, where circumstances can change at such a rapid speed that our opinions, perspectives, and course of action can change by the day, if not by the hour. When faced [...]

Series Post #4: Turning the Grind into the Goal

New Series...Post #4: Turning the Grind into the Goal Outsourcing Most roles have tasks that are required to engage in repeatedly; knowing the natural progression of a profession is essential. How many partners at a law firm still do all their own research? Does a surgeon want to spend more time in surgery, or in [...]

New Series…Post #3: Turning the Grind into the Goal

New Series...Post #3: Turning the Grind into the Goal The Pursuit of Value Author Cal Newport has emerged as one of the more vocal critics of the only-do-what-you-love movement, and says it is time to end the professional guilt trip. In his book, So Good They Can’t Ignore You, Newport argues that following one’s passions [...]

Series Post #2: Turning the Grind Into the Goal

The Pursuit of Happiness Though some of the following may not be true all of the time, when you love the process of what you do, the following should ring true much of the time:  You don't talk about other individuals; you talk about the great things other individuals are doing.  You help [...]

New Series Post #1: Turning the Grind Into the Goal

New Series...Post #1: Turning the Grind into the Goal A world-renowned athletic coach was asked once what the difference was between the best athletes and everyone else. In other words, what do really successful people do that most people don’t? Of course, there were the typical responses of genetics, luck, and talent. But there’s an [...]

Series Post #6: Surviving the Slump

Series Post #6: Surviving the Slump Actively Learn: In nature, plants either grow or decompose; they do not stay the same. People are the same way; in an organization, nourishment is supplied by learning. What are you doing to foster training, growth, and new perspectives for yourself on an ongoing basis? Consider this dilemma: a [...]

Series Post #5: Surviving the Slump

Series Post #5: Surviving the Slump Have a Plan:   Benjamin Franklin is credited with the phrase “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” Two hundred years later, that still rings true. Do not leave the office or go to bed at night without knowing exactly what your day is going to [...]

Series Post #4: Surviving the Slump

Series Post #4: Surviving the Slump STREAMLINE:   Next, consider removing the unnecessary from the calendar. Focus on whatever those most important objectives are. If your mission is to generate new clients, then remove essentially everything else from your calendar that’s not related to developing new clients. If your key objective is to complete some [...]

Series Post #3: Surviving the Slump

Series Post #3: Surviving the Slump Commit to Change: Pop quiz: Five frogs are sitting on a log. Four decide to jump off. How many are left? ……… The answer is five. Why? Four decided to jump off, but that’s all they did. There’s a big difference between deciding and doing. Commit to just a [...]

Series Post #2: Surviving the Slump

Series Post #2: Surviving the Slump Slump vs Burnout: Before we jump in, recognize that there is a difference between a slump and being burned out. A slump requires reengagement, whereas a burnout requires a comprehensive analysis of responsibilities and an analysis of future career path. A burnout can be solved by adding responsibilities to [...]

New Series, Post #1: Surviving the Slump

New Series; Post #1: Surviving the Slump How excited do you think Pat Sajak is to ask contestants to buy a vowel after all these years? Do you think Beyoncé is tired of singing “Single Ladies” yet? Which do you think Michael  Jordan loved more – the championship rings or shooting practice free throws for [...]

Series Post #7: Making High Quality Decisions

Series Post #6: Making High Quality Decisions What are Core Mental Models (con't) #8-9 8.      Occam’s Razor: Simpler explanations are more likely to be true than complex ones. Don’t begin with trying to disprove a compilated fact pattern. Instead, begin with trying to prove a simple fact pattern. 9.       Hanlon’s Razor: Don’t blame malice for things that [...]

Happy Veterans Day!

We are so very grateful for all who serve and have served, especially our very own Juliette Lovell!

Series Post #6: Making High-Quality Decisions

Series Post #6: Making High Quality Decisions What are Core Mental Models (con't) #6-7 6. Probabilistic Thinking: This is trying to estimate, using math and logic, the likelihood of any specific outcome happening. Identifying the most likely outcomes is one of the best tools available to improve the quality of our decisions. 7. Inversion: Most [...]

Series Post #5: Making High-Quality Decisions

Series post #5: Making High-Quality Decisions What are Core Mental Models; #3-5; continued: 3. First Principles Thinking: Separate the underlying ideas or facts from any assumptions based on them. Once you get down to the essential idea or facts, you can build to produce something new. Elon Musk explains it like this: boil things down [...]

Series Post #5: Making High-Quality Decisions

Series Post #5: Making High-Quality Decisions Charlie Munger, billionaire investor and vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, once summed up his approach to wisdom using mental models. He stressed the importance of having models in your head, and then filtering your experiences through that network of mental models to arrive at better decisions. So, what are [...]

Series Post #4: Making High-Quality Decisions

Those who make consistent, high-quality decisions also use mental models. A mental model is simply a way of thinking that helps us process what goes on around us. They’re the routines our brain uses to simplify the outside world. We all have them, and we all use them.

Series Post #3: Making High-Quality Decisions

Series Post #3: Making High-Quality Decisions It's important to note that even people with good decision-making skills can get it wrong. History is full of bad calls made by smart people, many of whom could even be called “professional deciders.” However, there is much we can do to increase our odds of making high-quality decisions. [...]

Series…9th Post…Relationships

Series 9th Post Relationships: The relationships: • On a scale of 1-100, how confident are you that you’re in the right place, doing the right things, with the right people? What can be done to move us higher up on the scale? • What’s a 7 that could be a 10? Every company does things [...]

7th Post: Paying Attention to Retention – Inquiring Minds

As it relates to professional purpose and fulfillment, there are two critical elements that are highly intertwined but distinctly different: the responsibilities and the relationships. Retention cannot happen without constant care and feeding around both.

6th Post: Paying Attention to Retention – Servant Leadership (continued)

If the reason you want something from others is because it will benefit you, that is inauthentic behavior that few will trust. If your intent is to genuinely serve those around you, you have begun to create a relationship of authenticity. Work on asking purposeful questions and perfecting your active listening skills, and share responses [...]

We are so excited to be celebrating Jessica Strecker on her 2 year work anniversary! What a gift you are to the many who get the pleasure of interacting with you! Looking forward to many more!!!

5th Post: Paying Attention to Retention – Servant Leadership

If you had to name the names of your most important clients, who would immediately come to mind? If the answer is anyone other than the names of your employees, it’s likely time for a paradigm shift. Your people are your most valued asset, and they should feel as though you are dedicated to serving [...]

4th Post: Paying Attention to Retention

It's time to stop theorizing! It’s time to start asking! What kind of culture will inspire and retain the best? How can employees get involved and feel part of something bigger than themselves? What is the right balance of virtual and in-person interactions? These are just a few of endless questions that should be asked [...]

3rd Post: Paying Attention to Retention – What Matters recently published an article that states a jaw-dropping 52% of employees plan to leave their jobs this year. Their research found: 71% more employees are more disengaged in 2021 than they were at the beginning of 2020, and 66% of employees said they would be more engaged at work if their employer improved company [...]

Today we celebrate Jessica Albert and we thank her for 9 years of service to Rowland Mountain. Thank you Jessica for your dedication and hard work! We look forward to many years of great success together!

May your weekend be filled with peace as we remember with gratitude all those served and died for our country and our freedom. We will be closed Monday, May 31, 2021.  

2nd Post: Paying Attention to Retention

If the thought is that turnover is a natural evolution of the workforce, it’s true. But as a leader, it’s important to remain on the driving end of those decisions, not the receiving. Creating an environment in which nobody would ever want to leave might sound impossible, but falling a few feet short of that [...]

New Series!

Paying Attention to Retention You've likely started to see a shift in headlines. No longer focused on what we have been through, the new emphasis is on what’s to come. Though it’s impossible to predict the future, it certainly seems reasonable that the forecast could be correct: a mass employee exodus is coming. How can [...]

So much change for us, our clients and our candidates! Our amazing team is here to support and enhance your recruiting process through the many changes!

Final Post: Stronger Than Yesterday

Have an appreciation for your history. What are some of the toughest things you’ve experienced? How did you get through them? You probably already know quite a bit about being resilient, just haven’t stopped to admire it. Remember: you’ve got this. The person who has gotten you through the toughest parts of your life? It’s [...]

14th Post: Stronger Than Yesterday: The Steps for Success

If you wake up suffocated by the list of things that need to get accomplished today, start with getting up and brushing your teeth. When you feel anxiety over an important deadline, make a list of things that need to be done and do just one of them. If your email inbox is exhausting, unsubscribe [...]

12th Post: Stronger Than Yesterday – The Power of Purpose

Spend time focusing on this for yourself personally, and with those you lead. Some points to ponder: Who in my life do I care to impact the most? How specifically am I going to mentor and impact those individuals? What are five things I would put on my bucket list, and with whom would I [...]

Good Monday?

Looking to cue up a happier mood by landing a new opportunity? Call us today!  

11th Post: Stronger Than Yesterday – The Power of Purpose

We have the freedom to choose our actions, our profession, our financial needs, and the path of our life. Each day is not about what we have to do. It’s about what we get to do. Strength can come from the recognition that there is a bigger purpose, a desire to make a difference, and [...]

Is now the time…???

Is now the time for you to expand your search for talent? Is now the time to take the risk and look for growth opportunity? Call us today!

10th Post: Stronger Than Yesterday – A Fondness for Failure

You may find that you fail less when you don't fear it.   Failure is either redirecting or reaffirming. If failure caused you to take a different path, it’s because you saw it heading towards a dead-end. (Yay!) If failure caused you to get back up and keep going, it reaffirms you are committed to [...]

We are like no other!

We have some of the best and brightest candidates and some amazing clients with outstanding opportunities!  

9th Post: Stronger Than Yesterday: A Fondness for Failure

Consider failures as beginnings, rather than endings. You’ve probably learned more from failures than any other source of wisdom. Teach yourself, and your team, to focus on the data and facts. Embrace failure's value as a teacher, get curious about the information it provides, and be open to where it leads you next.

Happy Friday!

How was your week? What does your future hold? Perhaps the weekend is a good time to sit back and consider what the future may hold. Let us help!

Happy St. Patricks Day

May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, the rains fall soft upon your fields. May God hold you in the palm of his hand. May God be with you and bless you. May you see your children’s children. May [...]

7th Post: Stronger Than Yesterday – A Core of Confidence (continued)

Confidence increases productivity and causes you to choose more challenging tasks, which make you stand out amongst your peers. You naturally create a more cohesive workplace environment; confident people celebrate the accomplishments of others as opposed to insecure individuals who try to steal the spotlight and criticize others in order to prove their worth. Speaking [...]

Happy Anniversary Juliette!

Today we celebrate Juliette Lovell and 13 years of service! We are so very grateful for her SIGNIFICANT contribution to our success over the years and look forward to MANY more!

6th Post: Stronger Than Yesterday – A Core of Confidence (continued)

As a leader, recognize that criticism doesn’t increase competency. You are simply sharing what not to do, instead of what to do. Imagine a child learning how to ride a bicycle. Which environment shapes a more confident future cyclist: pointing out each time they fell down, or pointing out what they did to stay up?

5th Post: Stronger Than Yesterday – A Core of Confidence (continued)

Although comparison can create competition and competition can fuel achievement, it’s a balancing act. While constructive criticism can deter certain behaviors in the short-term, positive reinforcement is generally better for shaping new and lasting behavior. It’s also at the core of creating confidence.

3rd Post: Stronger Than Yesterday

Instead of leaving resilience up to chance, considering strengthening those muscles by choice. How can we lead a more resilient life, and lead a more resilient team, in the year to come?  

2nd Post: Stronger Than Yesterday

Looking back at some of the toughest situations you’ve endured, you may have felt there was no other choice. It was a natural instinct. And while it’s true that resilience can come innately, it’s also a learned skill.  

New Series! Stronger Than Yesterday

Resiliance. It’s one of the secrets to survival, both professionally and personally. It’s what’s gotten you to where you are, and it’s what will help define who you will become.Read this posting series each Wednesday for more!

Later Will Be Now Before You Know It – Final Post

In a culture that is bombarded with information and stimuli, finding time void of noise can seem inconceivable. However, it is in that void that we are able to tap into the part of the brain that can process thoughts of deep significance. Give your mind the space to take all of the information it’s [...]

Later Will Be Now Before You Know It: 10th Post

There may be a deeply rooted connection as to why the phone ceased to be something that is enjoyable, and instead something you are virtually compelled to use. Connect the feeling behind the activity: · Feeling lonely, so time to plan something enjoyable with a friend/family, not check social media. · Need something positive to [...]

Later Will Be Now Before You Know It: 9th Post – Give Yourself More Battery Life

Consider the following to give yourself more battery life: · Give yourself a full hour to start your day before allowing yourself to check email on phone/computer · Eat lunch anywhere besides staring at the phone/computer · Disable push notifications for social media, news, email, etc · Leave devices in another room during meals and [...]

Later Will Be Now Before You Know It: 8th Post – The Focus

It is not possible to manage time; it keeps marching forward regardless of what we do. However, our energy is one of the most valuable things we can control. What do you allow to take this most precious asset of yours; who and what receives your focus and your attention? If you ever feel like [...]

Later Will Be Now Before You Know It: 7th Post – Fill In The Blanks

Fill in the blanks below for all aspects of a balanced life, including relationships, career, health and financial. Next exercise: take each of the “I would have” statements of the past, and revise them to be your non-negotiables for the coming year. I wish I would have ____________________________________________ I would have spent less time __________________________________ [...]

Later Will Be Now Before You Know It: 6th Post – The Past

The intent behind the "I wish..." exercise is not to create a laundry list of missed opportunities; holding on to regrets can be a form of self-sabotage. In fact, in many cases it is impossible to have made a better decision at the time; we were doing the best we could with what we had [...]

Later Will Be Now Before You Know It: 5th Post – The Past

Fill in the blanks: I wish I would have... I would have spent less time... I would have spent more time... I would have worked... I would have focused more on... I would have focused less on... I would have worried more about... I would have worried less about... I would have cherished...

Later Will Be Now Before You Know It – 4th Post

The weekend should not be a 48-hour countdown until Monday, and Friday should not feel like the victorious finish line of a marathon. What if instead of being vulnerable to the regrets of the future, we take a moment, take a breath, and decide what we want to do differently – starting today.  

Later Will Be Now Before You Know It – 3rd Post

Why is it that the question of “what would you do differently” is most commonly asked following a negative event? A missed opportunity to land a big client, a health scare, the sudden loss of a loved one? Why must it take being jarred out of the routine of life before reflection becomes a prioritization?

Later Will Be Now Before You Know It

Why is this important? Because if you are still reading this posting series, you’ve got a gift sitting in front of you. Every single person reading this article has this gift in common.   The gift? Is time.  

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New Series! Later Will Be Now Before You Know It

We have a question to ask you...But you have to slow down to answer it...Stop scrolling...Take a moment...Take a breath... Question: Knowing what you know now, having all of life’s experiences thus far behind you, what would you do differently? Read upcoming posts for more! Contact us today!

We are hiring!

We are all experiencing unprecedented change in our communities, businesses, and our teams. Perhaps you are considering a more personal level of change in your career. We would love to talk with YOU about joining our team! For 33 years, Rowland Mountain & Associates has been honored to serve clients nationwide in building high performing [...]

New Series! Fostering Fear

What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do.” Reflect on that statement for a moment. You may even have an immediate connection to it, with your own delinquent “to-do’s” catapulting to the center of your attention. It was entrepreneur, author, and investor Timothy Ferriss who most recently voiced this assertion [...]

Final Post: The Stress Test

On the Brink of Burnout Improving stress management capabilities is one thing; bringing employees to the brink of burnout is another. Create a healthy balance between high achievement and high enjoyment. Be spontaneous; this could be as simple as rearranging office furniture or hosting an impromptu casual lunch gathering. Instead of your next brainstorming meeting [...]

8th Post: The Stress Test

It is also worth considering the dynamic between a personality type and the ability to comfortably cope with change or pressure. Some individuals are wired to embrace bold new ideas and the bigger picture, believing that risks are worth taking and love a challenge. Others are pragmatic, are drawn by data and facts, and details [...]

7th Post: The Stress Test

Consider some of the following questions to evaluate aptitude (aka "stress test"): • It doesn’t seem as though you have enough experience for this role. Tell me why you believe we should hire you, or why I’m wrong in my assessment. • Do you think you’re doing well in this interview? • I don’t think [...]

6th Post: The Stress Test

Screening for Stress It is commonly known that individuals put their best foot forward throughout the interviewing process – both applicants and hiring managers alike. Professional game faces are on, and many would liken a first interview to a first date, which begs the question: when do you really get to know what is underneath [...]

5th Post: The Stress Test

Think of this; within the workplace, it is common for individuals to achieve promotions based on their commitment to personal success early in their careers. As individual contributors, they can produce more simply by doing more. They can choose to work harder and longer, and to be more productive. There is a tremendous amount of [...]

4th Post: The Stress Test

Good leaders can keep cool even when the situation provokes an emotional reaction. But great leaders also help everybody else stay calm and contribute to the imminent situation and impending objectives. There is a difference between managing one’s self and managing the reactions of others, and the two don’t necessarily go hand in hand. Read [...]

3rd Post: The Stress Test

Why the stress test? Think about it a bit; it makes sense. Drama in the workplace is the enemy of productivity. Incessant venting can create an emotionally exhausting experience for all involved. Individuals who react, instead of respond, typically do not endear themselves to others within the team. Read upcoming posts for more! Contact us [...]

2nd Post: The Stress Test

In our research on the topic, we discovered another crucial attribute as it relates to identifying future leaders: the stress test. Great leaders always seem to have the ability, at least outwardly facing, to remain calm during situations that make most of the general population fall to pieces. Read upcoming posts for more! Contact us [...]

NEW SERIES! The Stress Test

Countless articles, including several of our posts, have addressed one of the most important tasks given to senior leadership within any organization: the ability to identify the next generation of future leaders within the firm. We look for passionate individuals who wake up each day craving success, but who can channel that passion into actions [...]

FINAL Post: Entrepreneur or Wantrepreneur?

Not every player on the team needs to embody an entrepreneurial spirit – but identifying and mentoring those who do can start to shape the next generation of future leaders within your organization. These are but a few of the traits to look for as you evaluate those capable of taking your department or company [...]

12th Post: Entrepreneur or Wantrepreneur?

So how can we start to understand an applicant’s or an employee’s "grit"? Try some or all of these questions to identify the trait: • What experiences do you feel had the most impact in shaping who you are today? • What goal have you had in your life that took you the longest to [...]

11th Post: Entrepreneur or Wantrepreneur?

In his book, Self-Made in America, John McCormack references a trait studied by Kathy Kolbe: conation. Conation is “the will to succeed, the quest for success, the attitude that ‘to stop me you’ll have to kill me,’ that elusive ‘fire in the belly’ that manifests itself in drive, enthusiasm, excitement, and single-mindedness in pursuit of [...]

10th Post: Entrepreneur or Wantrepreneur?

Validation When researching the traits of true entrepreneurs, before the question of "how did they do it" comes the "why." Many experts believe that most entrepreneurs who have made significant footprints throughout history have been driven by a need for approval. Many people have a burning desire to prove other people wrong. That's a great [...]

9th Post: Entrepreneur or Wantrepreneur?

Creativity (continued) Foster creativity in people; give them permission to find their own new answers. It is acceptable to say “I don’t know;” it is impossible for anyone to know anything about everything, but creative thinkers go about finding the answer. No matter what issue is faced, there is someone else who has had the [...]

8th Post: Entrepreneur or Wantrepreneur?

Creativity Creative thinkers are intensely curious, so identify those within your organization who crave answers and alternative ways of approaching problems. Identify those who provide new avenues for thinking, instead of simply following directions. Read upcoming posts for more! Contact us today!

7th Post: Entrepreneur or Wantrepreneur?

Creativity Isn’t that what business is all about? Figure out a new way to sell a product, or create something that doesn’t exist, or streamline a process, or identify a solution that your competition has not identified. Creativity is sometimes more easily found in our children than it is in ourselves! Why is this? In [...]

6th Post: Entrepreneur or Wantrepreneur?

Passion (continued) The key, of course, is that passion is channeled into action. We have all met individuals who are passionate about so much yet accomplish so little, because they lack the ability to focus their thoughts into action. They live in their dreams instead of in reality, often because the fear of failure holds [...]

5th Post: Entrepreneur or Wantrepreneur?

Passion Again, “passionate” is one of those qualities that few would admit they do not have. So how does passion manifest itself? Passionate individuals wake up every day craving success. They are obsessed with the idea of achieving their goals and wasting as little time as possible doing it. Read upcoming posts for more! Contact [...]

3rd Post: Entrepreneur or Wantrepreneur?

In life, self-actualization occurs when a person’s “ideal self” (who they would like to be) is congruent with their actual behavior. In business, we may not have the time to wait for the two to align. We need to make sure we have entrepreneurs in the right roles, no matter how senior or junior the [...]

2nd Post: Entrepreneur or Wantrepreneur?

Not every role requires an entrepreneur. In many cases, the engine of an organization is fueled by those who perform a role consistently and efficiently, day in and day out. However, in a leadership capacity, having a true entrepreneurial mindset and spirit is essential. Read upcoming posts for more! Contact us today!

New Series! Entrepreneur or Wantrepreneur?

Being an entrepreneur, or having entrepreneurial abilities, is an admired trait in our society. If you asked a candidate in an interview if they view themselves as entrepreneurs, the socially acceptable answer is a resounding “absolutely.” If you asked individuals on your current team or in your department if they felt they had an entrepreneurial [...]

Desire to Inspire – Final Post

Hardest Worker In The Room Don’t mistake this final point; this doesn’t mean you need to be the first one in and last one out every day without exception. In fact, many times the “busiest” people are the ones who simply manage their time the poorest. Unplugging or taking time off is important, but the [...]

Desire to Inspire – 11th Post

Hardest Worker in the Room When the team is out of gas, you inject more fuel. When the team doesn't know what to do next, you lead by example. Whether acknowledged or not, employees what to see a leader who is desperately hungry for the mission to succeed and will do whatever is needed whenever [...]

Desire to Inspire – 9th Post

Perpetual Improvement One of the strongest value propositions a leader can give to an employee is the ability for that individual to perpetually grow in all dimensions. The message that someone else believes in you, sees potential and growth in you, can be a powerful connector. Obvious areas of growth include professionally as well as [...]

Desire to Inspire – 8th Post: Change from the Inside Out

Connection is what keeps individuals tethered to a mission and a leader for years and decades to come. When a leader is able to reach in and inspire the hearts and minds of individuals, those individuals are changed from the inside out. When people want to take action because there is a deeply connected desire [...]

Desire to Inspire – 7th Post

Change from the Inside Out Focusing on motivation is the comfort zone of many in a leadership role. Motivation can be wildly effective as it forces us to keep up, compete, and compare ourselves to others. Motivation works as it compels us to take action, to push past limits, and do more than we thought [...]

Desire to Inspire – 6th Post

To continue...To truly inspire, you must start from within: How does my dream connect on a personal level with each team member? How do each of my team members want to be remembered in terms of the impact they had and the role they played in making a difference, both internally with peers and externally [...]

Desire to Inspire – 5th Post

To truly inspire, you must start from within: What problem does our firm solve or service does our firm provide, and what’s our connection as to why that matters? What are we building together? Why is this team special? What makes us proud to be part of this unique collection of individuals? What are my [...]

Desire to Inspire – 4th Post

Great leaders have a crystal clear vision for what the future holds, and they can articulate that vision precisely and with contagious energy. Martin Luther King Jr’s “I Have a Dream” speech is proof of his ability to paint a picture so clearly that it almost seems we are already living in the future state. [...]

Desire to Inspire – 3rd Post

You. Want to be inspirational to others? You must first be inspired yourself. Think about it; reflect upon some of the individuals in your life who have inspired you. You’ll see a common thread between them all – you fed off of their enthusiasm. If you don’t know where you are going, how can you [...]

Desire to Inspire – 2nd Post

Being inspirational can be a trait that appears to be intangible; you either have it or you don’t. It seems that individuals like Steve Jobs, Winston Churchill, Tony Robbins or JFK were most certainly born as charismatic and influential individuals. So if being inspirational to others is something we all want, but it’s something you [...]

Happy Veterans Day

Thank you to ALL veterans for your service, especially our very own Juliette Lovell!

Opportunistic Outsourcing – FINAL Post

Even when individuals are assigned difficult challenges, when they are involved in the decision, there is a huge increase in performance. Those who volunteer look at projects as developmental, while those who are assigned regard the task as hard labor. Take the initiative now to truly engage the hearts and minds of your team, so [...]

Opportunistic Outsourcing – 13th Post: Just Ask (continued)

More questions to ask to assess the present and design the future: • What would you be excited to take on? (projects, responsibilities, clients) • When was the last time you feel like you massively over-delivered on something? What was it, and why did you work so hard? • What would make you listen to [...]

Opportunistic Outsourcing – 12th Post: Just Ask

Not sure what to outsource, and to whom? Challenge yourself to get to know those on your team. Ask questions to assess the present and design the future: • When you come to work each day, what things do you look forward to? • What are you learning here? What have you not yet been [...]

Opportunistic Outsourcing – 11th Post: Survivorship Bias (continued)

An additional option is to opportunistically outsource. Give others the chance to take on tasks and responsibilities they succeed with and are passionate about. Be sensitive to the skills and interests of individuals; match the dreamer with more creative tasks and the perfectionist with the detail-oriented projects. Just think how much more would get done [...]

Opportunistic Outsourcing 8th Post: Survivorship Bias (continued)

For every Branson, Gates, and Zuckerberg, there are thousands, if not millions, of other entrepreneurs who dropped out of school and failed in business. We just don’t hear about them, and so we don’t take them into account. The misconception? You should focus on the successful if you wish to become successful. Read upcoming posts [...]

Opportunistic Outsourcing 7th Post: Survivorship Bias

When you focus too heavily on the “survivors” of a given group, you tend to ignore essential qualities about the rest of the population. Take entrepreneurship; we tend to gravitate toward the most successful entrepreneurs in the world when we study examples. Richard Branson, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg all dropped out of school; learning [...]

Opportunistic Outsourcing – 5th Post: The Shift (continued)

Think less about performance management and think more about professional development. Do you spend the same amount of time talking about where you see a key contributor’s career going as you do talking about how they are doing with deadlines or quotas? Is your coaching equally dedicated to skills that will help them achieve in [...]

Opportunistic Outsourcing – 4th Post: The Shift

Stop thinking of outsourcing as the things you no longer want to do, and look instead at the opportunities you could create for others. A great leader is always one step ahead of career path advancement for key contributors. Take a moment (or a few hours) to evaluate each direct report you have; who do [...]

Opportunistic Outsourcing – 3rd Post

Instead of viewing outsourcing as a chance to create more time for you, shift instead to think through how outsourcing could actually create an opportunity for others within your team. Read upcoming posts for more! Contact us today!

Opportunistic Outsourcing – 2nd Post

What comes to mind when you hear that mantra? An immediate list likely appears of all the tasks you know are not the greatest use of your efforts and energy. In the 15 seconds, you’ve spent thinking about what pops to mind; you may already have vowed to no longer waste time on select mundane [...]

New Series! Opportunistic Outsourcing

Business coach Peter Drucker was known for dispensing some sage advice that still rings true decades later: "Do what you do best and outsource the rest." Read upcoming posts for more! Contact us today!

Employer Branding: Interview Process FINAL Post – Communicate Effectively

Take time to evaluate the lines of communication between prospective candidates and your internal hiring team. When a candidate applies to your organization, is an automatic response sent to notify that the information has been received? If the candidate interviewed and is no longer in consideration for the role, how is that communicated to the [...]

Employer Branding: Interview Process 11th Post – Create a Compelling Story (part 2)

Consider having a "story book" in the lobby for candidates to flip through while waiting for an interview. It could be stocked with pictures from company events, parties, charity events, or volunteer initiatives. Including company newsletters, quarterly updates with announcements and achievements, and photos from events and cultural initiatives add a sense of the company’s [...]

Employer Branding: Interview Process 10th Post – Create a Compelling Story

Prior to a first interview, provide candidates with an “About Us” packet highlighting the history of the company, growth plans, success stories of employees, and other items that will engage them on a human level. Sharing testimonials from recent hires who can attest to how much they enjoy their new roles and the firm, or [...]

Employer Branding: Interview Process 9th Post – Personalize the Experience (continued)

Additional videos can enhance the experience even more. Employees talking about why they love the organization or key customers sharing why they value the company serve to provide multiple perspectives to potential candidates. Videos with clips from around the office and spotlighting superstars can be an effective way to share “why your company” to prospects [...]

Employer Branding: Interview Process 8th Post – Personalize the Experience (continued)

Electronic and telephonic communication works well, but video communication personalizes the candidate experience significantly. As a way to incorporate videos into the hiring process, we partner with a leading video interviewing technology platform so clients can share their stories in their own voices and communicate their brand with depth and personality. Read upcoming posts for [...]

Employer Branding: Interview Process 6th Post – Go Mobile (continued)

Mobile does not only apply to searching for new opportunities. A recent survey conducted by found that 43% of candidates research their prospective employer just 15 minutes prior to their interviews. However, according to a study by CareerBuilder, only 20 percent of Fortune 500 companies have a mobile-optimized career site. Employers must implement a [...]

Employer Branding: Interview Process 5th Post – Go Mobile

Contrary to popular opinion, prospective candidates do not wait to get home from work to look for new career opportunities or research alternative employers. The most popular day to search for jobs is Monday, and it tapers off throughout the week before plummeting over the weekend. This means that candidates are looking for jobs while [...]

Employer Branding: Interview Process – 4th Post: Get on the Same Page

How employees represent the company’s mission and brand is as important as anything said by human resources or leaders during the hiring process. Within the first interview, a candidate needs to grasp an understanding of what is unique about the organization, environment, and opportunity. If a candidate was to ask why your company as opposed [...]

Employer Branding: Interview Process – 3rd Post

Every encounter with your brand influences a candidate’s perception of your organization, which impacts your company's ability to stay in the driver’s seat when deciding which candidate to hire. Employer brand and candidate experience are inextricably linked, and they matter greatly for recruiting and retaining talent. How can you communicate your brand while simultaneously improving [...]

Employer Branding: Interview Process – 2nd Post

Recruiters often say that the purpose of a first interview is to get invited back for a second interview. This is because the decision for next steps then rests solely on the shoulders of the candidate, and options are limitless. But does every candidate who interviews with your organization want to be invited back for [...]

New Series! Employer Branding: Interview Process

Woven throughout an effective talent acquisition strategy must be the communication of your brand. As executive recruiters, we know the importance of communicating this message in the initial stages of attracting an individual to the possibility of considering a career change. However, your company's ability to communicate that message throughout the interviewing process is what [...]

The Dichotomy of Inertia: Final Post – Words Matter

We have the freedom to choose our actions, our profession, our financial needs, and the path of our life. Each interaction is one step on the journey to create a transformed mindset associated with maintaining a perpetually positive inertia. Read upcoming posts for more! Contact us today!

The Dichotomy of Inertia: 8th Post – Words Matter

As a leader, it is our responsibility to help others understand that words have power; the way we say things matters. One could complain, “I am being bombarded with emails” or one could ask for suggestions for technology tools and effective time management. I have to go to this team meeting = I get to [...]

Launching New Product Line in Engineered Wood Floor Systems

The successful candidate for this role works with the General Managers, customers and contractors to grow a new product line, and to spearhead a newly developed relationship. This role is perfect for a top performer who values independence and has the potential to lead others as well as enjoys working in a highly visible role. [...]

The Dichotomy of Inertia: 7th Post – Commitments Vs Goals

An object in motion stays in motion; how is that applied within a professional setting? Consider breaking achievements into two categories – commitments and goals. A commitment is a level that is attainable; one to be celebrated and which took some effort to get to. But how do we keep the motion of achievement in [...]

Senior Level Product Manager for Well-Known Brand in Building Products

The successful hire for this will spend 20% of their time with sales organization and end users doing field-based research and 80% of the time developing ideas. Activities will include product development using gate process, making proposals with new ideas, production, team collaboration, project management, financial evaluations/modeling, pricing, competitive analysis, establishing product road maps, messaging [...]

The Dichotomy of Inertia: 6th Post – Autopsy

Within the workplace, it is common to diagnose negative circumstances. A key employee left the organization, a prospective client was lost, or the department failed to hit quarterly targets are all examples of situations in which individuals will convene to discuss what was missed, what could have been done differently, and how to avoid replicating [...]

The Dichotomy of Inertia: 5th Post – Habits (continued)

Why is that critical to this topic? We must not regard any of the following suggestions as quick-fixes, but rather as a journey to create a completely different mindset associated with maintaining a perpetually positive inertia. Although this analysis of the dichotomy of inertia can span all facets of life, this series will focus on [...]

The Dichotomy of Inertia 4th Post – Habits (continued)

In 2009 Phillippa Lally, a psychology researcher at University College London, published a study on how habits are formed. She sought out to identify how long it takes to form a habit in the real world and by doing everyday tasks. The study looked at simple acts that people could incorporate into their daily life [...]

The Dichotomy of Inertia: 3rd Post – Habits (continued)

Maxwell Maltz best-selling book Psycho-Cybernetics book focused on a mind and body connection and the power of self-affirmation and mental visualization techniques. Many of his findings and the book itself were absorbed into areas of personal development in which some of the very trainers and motivational speakers we know today: Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy and [...]

Top Performer – Engineered Wood Floor Systems

The successful hire for this role will work with the General Managers, customers and contractors to grow a new product line, and to spearhead a newly developed relationship. This role is perfect for a top performer who values independence and has the potential to lead others as well as enjoys working in a highly visible [...]

The Dichotomy of Inertia: 2nd Post – Habits

Let’s start with a common misnomer – that it takes 21 days to create a habit. If we want to focus on replicating positive momentum, we must start with an understanding of what it takes to get into a consistent pattern. The origination of the 21 day theory stems from plastic surgeon Maxwell Maltz. In [...]

New Series! The Dichotomy of Inertia

When it rains, it pours; most are familiar with this phrase. It’s what we use to describe the inertia of negative circumstances building and snowballing. Can you think of the equivalent phrase used to describe the opposite? The experience of positive inertia? “Just look at the bright side”… “turn lemons into lemonade”… “there’s a light [...]

Senior Product Manager – HUGE Brand in Building Products

The successful hire for this will spend 20% of their time with sales organization and end users doing field-based research and 80% of the time developing ideas. Activities will include product development using gate process, making proposals with new ideas, production, team collaboration, project management, financial evaluations/modeling, pricing, competitive analysis, establishing product road maps, messaging [...]

An Era of Authenticity – Final Post

There are two most common scenarios in which colleagues pick up on inauthentic conversations. The first is the small talk; those situations in which you are grasping for something to say in order to avoid awkward silence. This does not mean that you need to ask deeply meaningful questions while collectively waiting for the elevator, [...]

Sales Estimator & Designer

Our client is the largest global manufacturer within their segment of building products with a rich 50-year history. This company fosters a culture of high integrity, humility and has long employee tenures. In the past 5 years, the company has had tremendous growth from acquisitions. The successful hire in this role will work with General [...]

An Era of Authenticity – 7th Post: Start Simple

So if authenticity is something we all want, but it’s something you are and not something you get, then authenticity must be impossible to teach, right? This is likely true and quite a paradox. Therefore, let’s start simple. Decide to stop being inauthentic. Catch yourself when you make a false compliment and try instead to [...]

Engineering Manager – Architectural Building Products

Our client holds the largest market share in their respective field in North America and are renowned for revolutionizing this product line! Unique culture combines a technically oriented staff within a friendly, casual atmosphere. The lucky candidate to get this role will be responsible for a large team that handles all process improvement, equipment and [...]

An Era of Authenticity – 5th Post: The Law of Attraction

Part of the importance of authenticity in the workplace is to serve the relationships of the existing team. Something else to consider? How genuine interactions can influence the interviewing process. Reflect upon some of the most authentic personal connections or experiences that stand out in your life; it may be that you can only think [...]

An Era of Authenticity – 4th Post

Constructive criticism is instead constructive feedback. Feedback about a performance deficiency does not have to be any less positive than reinforcing proficient capabilities. To a certain extent, Zig Zigler’s famous quote that “you will get all you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want” is commonly mistaken. If the [...]

An Era of Authenticity – 3rd Post: Intent

To learn how to be authentic, or to react authentically, treats authenticity as something we have instead of something we are. As complicated as that sounds, it is actually quite simple. In the perceived nature of human interaction, there is an element of intent that cannot be dismissed. As a leader, having an employee’s best [...]

Sales Executive – Concrete Industry

This aggressive company is a world-wide supplier and industry leading manufacturer with a product history for many years. This position has overall responsibility to represent company brands and to increase sales volume by creating product demand as well as developing and maintaining relationships with customers. Approximately 60% travel will be expected to cover the southwest [...]

An Era of Authenticity – 2nd Post

Those around us can sniff out inauthentic behavior just as well as “dogs and bees can smell fear” (to quote Jonathan Lipnicki’s character in Jerry Maguire, of course). What to do? Many of the suggestions in this series may simply serve as a reminder of best practices you already know. However, it is our experience [...]

Seeking Experienced Channel Marketer for Well Established Brand in Building Products!

The successful hire in this role will be accountable for leading annual strategic planning, managing line reviews, new product launches and product development. To be successful in this position you must be able to manage multiple projects at once. This is a challenging opportunity with ample room for growth! This position has a competitive base [...]

New Posting Series! An Era of Authenticity

It's probably a fair statement; if you are the kind of person who needs to read an article on how to be authentic, is the very act of reading such an article in and of itself inauthentic? Setting aside that seemingly debatable fact, the topic of authenticity is likely often discussed in counseling sessions but [...]

Sales Estimator – Global Manufacturer of Building Materials

The successful candidate for this role will work with General Managers, customers and contractors to grow a new product line, and to spearhead a newly developed relationship. This role is perfect for a top performer who values independence and has the potential to lead others as well as enjoys working in a highly visible role. [...]

Elevating the Game: Final Post

Camaraderie at work can create “esprit de corps,” which includes mutual respect, sense of identity, and admiration to push towards goals and outcomes. Certainly, the coordination of group events such as charitable initiatives, wellness competitions, community service events, and other activities can help build a sense of togetherness. However, vital friendships serve many different dimensions. [...]

Product Manager – Top Brand in Building Products

The successful hire for this role will spend 20% of their time with sales organization and end users doing field-based research and 80% of the time developing ideas. Activities will include product development using gate process, making proposals with new ideas, production, team collaboration, project management, financial evaluations/modeling, pricing, competitive analysis, establishing product road maps, [...]

Elevating the Game: 12th Post – Building the Inner Circle of Others

Gallup's research found that managers are the ones primarily responsible for the engagement level of their employees. Think through what you can do to take active role in fostering vital friendships within the workplace and the team. Friendships are about more than simply having fun; camaraderie can be built around a common sense of purpose, [...]

Aggressive Company & Global Supplier of Building Materials Seeks Sales Representative

This position has overall responsibility to represent company brands and to increase sales volume by creating product demand as well as developing and maintaining relationships with customers. Approximately 60% travel will be expected to cover the southwest territory. This position includes territory ownership and the opportunity to develop and grow new business. Ideal candidates will [...]

Elevating the Game: 11th Post – The Inner Circle – “Collaborators”

Collaborators are friends with similar interests - those who share your passion for sports, hobbies, work, politics, food, movies, music, or books. Shared interests often make Collaborators lifelong friends with whom you are most likely to spend your time. Read upcoming posts for more! Contact us today!

Regional Sales Representative – Aggressive Manufacturer of Building Materials

This position has overall responsibility to represent company brands and to increase sales volume by creating product demand as well as developing and maintaining relationships with customers. Approximately 60% travel will be expected to cover the southwest territory. This position includes territory ownership and the opportunity to develop and grow new business. Ideal candidates will [...]

Elevating the Game: 10th Post – The Inner Circle – “Connectors”

Connectors are the bridge builders who help you get what you want. They get to know you and work to connect you with others who will share your interests or goals. They extend your network exponentially and give you access to new resources. Read upcoming posts for more! Contact us today!

Elevating the Game: 9th Post The Inner Circle – “Navigators”

Navigators are friends who give advice and direction. You seek them out when you need leadership and counsel; they're phenomenal at talking through your options. Navigators are best at understanding your dreams and goals and then helping you find the path to achieve them. Read upcoming posts for more! Contact us today!

Established Manufacturer of Architectural Building Products Seeks Engineering Manager

The successful candidate hired for this role will be responsible for all process improvement, equipment and facility maintenance. This position will manage maintenance supervisors, technicians and engineers and will implement and maintain all engineering initiatives. This is an exciting opening to join the #1 company in this market in an influential and highly visible role [...]

Elevating the Game: 8th Post The Inner Circle – “Mind Openers”

Mind Openers are vital friends who stretch your viewpoint and introduce you to new ideas, opportunities, and people. They help you expand your vision and create positive change in your life. These are the friends who challenge conventional wisdom and allow you to express opinions you might hesitate articulating to others. Read upcoming posts for [...]

Elevating the Game: 7th Post

The Inner Circle - "Builders" Builders motivate you, invest in your development, and genuinely want you to succeed. These friends help you see your strengths and advise you on how best to use them. They are generous with their time and encourage you to accomplish more. They'll never compete with you and will always be [...]

Elevating the Game: 6th Post – The Inner Circle

Elevating the Game: 6th Post - The Inner Circle Consider your own inner circle at work. In Tom Rath's Vital Friends, his extensive research outlines the types of individuals you must have in your life in order to elevate your professional game. Who of your vital friends can you count on for the following... • [...]

Product Manager – Building Materials

The successful hire for this will spend 20% of their time with sales organization and end users doing field-based research and 80% of the time developing ideas. Activities will include product development using gate process, making proposals with new ideas, production, team collaboration, project management, financial evaluations/modeling, pricing, competitive analysis, establishing product road maps, messaging [...]

Established Brand in Building Products Seeks Channel Marketing Manager

This person will be responsible for managing the marketing efforts for one of the largest retailers in the U.S.! This person will be accountable for leading annual strategic planning. This individual must be capable of managing line reviews as well as managing any new product launches and product development. To be successful in this position [...]

Elevating the Game – 5th Post

One reason deep friendships are so essential in the workplace is because a necessary element of friendship is trust. Development of trusting relationships is a significant emotional component for employees in today's workplace. Thus, it is easy to understand why it is such a key trait of retention, and is one of the 12 key [...]

Aggressive Building Materials Company Seeks Regional Sales Representative

This position has overall responsibility to increase sales volume by creating product demand as well as developing and maintaining relationships with customers. This position includes territory ownership and the opportunity to develop and grow new business. Ideal candidates will possess strong industry knowledge, written and oral communication skills, and ability to work with cross-functional teams [...]

Elevating the Game – 4th Post

One reason deep friendships are so essential in the workplace is because a necessary element of friendship is trust. Development of trusting relationships is a significant emotional component for employees in today's workplace. Thus, it is easy to understand why it is such a key trait of retention, and is one of the 12 key [...]

Elevating the Game – 3rd Post

The best employers recognize that loyalty doesn’t solely exist to the company; it exists at a much deeper level - among employees toward one another. All employees have moments when they examine their professional situation; as recruiters, on a daily basis we speak to individuals who consider leaving an organization. The best managers recognize that [...]

Elevating the Game – 2nd Post

The concept of having a best friend may seem more appropriate for schoolyard conversations than workplace ones. Although there is no need for friendship bracelets to be exchanged across cubicle walls, there is most certainly a need for significant connections within the workplace in service of employee contribution and retention. Contact us today!

New Series! Elevating the Game

You are the company you keep” is an adage for both personal and professional interactions; what distinguishes highly successful people from everyone else is in the way they use the power of relationships. Vital friendships serve many different dimensions, and understanding the types of relationships that elevate professional performance is essential. Leaders and managers must [...]

Seeking Estimator for Global Manufacturer of Building Products

The Estimator works with the General Managers, customers and contractors to grow a new product line, and to spearhead a newly developed relationship. The ideal candidate will be located in the South-Central United States. This role is perfect for a top performer who values independence and has the potential to lead others as well as [...]

Perpetual Prime: Final Post

We don’t need to make it as complex as Google has; start with becoming the boss you most admired and recreating the circumstances that used to make you feel you were in your zone. So goes the leader, so goes the team; once you feel you are in a perpetual prime of life, you will [...]

Perpetual Prime: Post #8

The best boss you ever had took responsibility for inspiring you, for making you feel heard, and for believing in you at times more than you believed in yourself. As leaders, we owe it to those who have put their careers in our hands, and the formula exists of what to do. It has been [...]

Perpetual Prime: Post #7 – Your Team

Being a leader can often times feel like being a parent, where every word is heard and every action is emulated. That leads us to another question: who was the best boss you ever had? Most answers include things such as “he/she had a vision and could articulate where we were going and how we [...]

A Perpetual Prime of Life – 6th Post

It is normal to find yourself entrenched in the day to day routine of work, family, and life; most go through the day on auto-pilot of knowing what is expected and performing to that expectation. It is not necessarily easy or comfortable to take the time to answer the questions posted in this series and [...]

A Perpetual Prime of Life – 5th Post

As leaders, we are in a position of power – a position to recreate the very circumstances that once made us feel we were the zone or at our best. We have the ability to take control of the variables that put us in those situations and control of the variables that detract. Consider instead: [...]

Seeking Sales Intern in Atlanta (paid position)

Looking for a rewarding and challenging internship this summer? Join us! Rowland Mountain & Associates is a boutique search firm with a 31 year record of placing top sales and marketing talent nationwide. In this internship you will identify talent and make 60+ cold calls a day. You will use social media to grow market [...]

A Perpetual Prime of Life – 4th Post

Commonly, the following four statements are generally the answers we hear most often as recruiters: • I had a team around me and we were all rowing together, hard, to achieve a goal we all believed in • I was busy, maybe even overwhelmed, but overwhelmed doing meaningful work • I was tasked with a [...]

A Perpetual Prime of Life – 3rd Post

The best place to start is by learning from the past. Answer to these questions: - At what point in your career did you feel most fulfilled? - When did you feel you were truly in your prime, or at your best? - What circumstances were in play at that time? Contact us today!

A Perpetual Prime of Life – 2nd Post: Perpetual Prime: Yourself

A commonly cited quote (original author contested) reminds us that “it’s never too late to be what you might have been.” It might help to know that celebrity chef Julia Child worked in advertising for the majority of her life and did not release her first cookbook until age 50. Legendary comic creator Stan Lee [...]

Regional Sales Manager – Building Products (interiors)

This person will lead a team of Architectural & Design Representatives and Territory Managers. Ideal candidate will mostly work in local markets with travel topping out at 30% overnight. Critical experience includes having leadership experience leading a team or direct employees and strong sales experience and success calling on commercial contractors. A professional who has [...]

Reminder…2019 Industry Salary Survey Open Until Friday!

Want to know how your compensation package stacks up in the industry? We are conducting our annual industry salary survey! The results will be aggregated and sent to you, if you choose. This should take no longer than 3 minutes to anonymously complete this brief survey. Why participate? - As an anonymous contributor you get [...]

New Series! A Perpetual Prime of Life

As recruiters, there is a powerful question we ask candidates which typically elicits immediate pause, reflection, and authenticity in the answer. It is a question that catches most off guard, creates a feeling of nostalgia, and sometimes even prompts a smile. “At what point in your career did you feel most fulfilled? When did you [...]

Commercial Sales Leader – Interior Finishes

This position leads a team of Architectural & Design Representatives and Territory Managers. Critical experience includes having leadership experience leading a team or direct employees and strong sales experience and success calling on commercial contractors. A professional who has strong initiative, adaptable and ethical thrive in this role that reports to the President. This opportunity [...]

Leadership Assessment – 8th Post: Play Chess, Not Checkers

The role of a leader is to take one person’s particular talent and turn that talent into performance. In simple terms, a good leader plays checkers. In checkers, there’s some strategy required but essentially all the pieces look alike and move the same way on the board. Now, a great leader? A great leader plays [...]

Global Manufacturer of Building Products Seeks Sales Executive

The Sales Executive hired for this role will maintain and grow the industrial footprint within the designated territory, building market position by prospecting and closing new accounts and building long-lasting relationships at multiple levels within an organization. Overnight travel will be no more than 1-2 nights/week and local day travel will comprise 80% of the [...]

Leadership Assessment – 7th Post

Simply put...Words matter. Do not underestimate the importance that words have when either strengthening bonds or fracturing them. “Employee” has a different connotation than “team member” or “key contributor,” and “I’m going to need you to” comes across differently than “are you open to some feedback.” • Do you separate observations from judgments or assumptions? [...]

An Irish Blessing

"May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back."

Leadership Assessment – 6th Post: Emotional Intelligence

The language we use determines the strength of the conversations we have. The strength and the type of conversations we have determines whether an individual sees us as their trusted adviser or someone that that just tells them what to do. That relationship determines the outcome of our success together; it is classic cause and [...]

Reminder! 2019 Industry Salary Survey Open Until March 29th!

Want to know how your compensation package stacks up in the industry? We are conducting our annual industry salary survey! The results will be aggregated and sent to you, if you choose. This should take no longer than 3 minutes to anonymously complete this brief survey. Why participate? - As an anonymous contributor you get [...]

Large Building Products Company Seeks Regional Manager (in Kansas and Oklahoma Market)

The successful candidate for this role will lead the commercial business segment and a team of Architectural & Design Representatives and Territory Managers. Ideal candidate will mostly work in local markets with travel topping out at 30% overnight. Critical experience includes having leadership experience leading a team or direct employees and strong sales experience and [...]

Leadership Assessment – 5th Post: Listening Skills

Although listening would be considered a soft skill, it is actually one of the hardest skills on which to focus. Humans have a tendency to hear more than they listen. Try to set your natural instincts aside and instead concentrate on the other person’s message and meaning. This requires listening without deciding or judging; the [...]

Leadership Assessment – 4th Post: Listening Skills

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you’re listening to a colleague talk about something extremely important to them, and while they’re speaking, something comes to mind to you and you can’t wait for them to finish so that you can tell your story? This is the point where you can still hear [...]

Leadership Assessment – 3rd Post

What is the right balance? Ultimately, it is not up to you to decide, it is up to those you lead. How they see you is how you are seen. Coming next in this series are the areas as a starting place for feedback and coaching. Contact us today!

Leadership Assessment – 2nd Post

You may feel that by listening without adding topics to the conversation that you are perceived as being interested and thoughtful. Instead, you may come across as dull and self-involved. You may feel that by sharing more than others do, you are perceived as open and honest. Instead, you may come across as burdensome and [...]

New Series! Leadership Assessment

Countless books and articles exist discussing the qualities of managers and leaders and whether the two differ, but little has been said about what happens in the thousands of daily interactions and decisions that allow leaders to get the best out of their people. Start with this premise: We do not see things as they [...]

Leading Manufacturer In Building Products Seeks Product Manager

The Product Manager works to develop new products to drive the future of the Security Products segment of the business in this dynamic role. The position can be based remotely, preferably in the Southeast. Travel is 50% of the position to include a presence at trade shows and visits to Southeast headquarters. The position reports [...]

Loss Aversion – Final Post

Sometimes, it truly is best to return the item, leave the overcrowded restaurant, or succumb to a smaller couch. Instead of experiencing a loss, you might actually gain the improved morale of the entire workforce. Instead of experiencing a feeling of loss over time invested, you might actually gain more time to invest in those [...]

Global Manufacturer of Building Products Seeks Sales Representative

The successful candidate for this role will maintain and grow the industrial footprint within the designated territory, building market position by prospecting and closing new accounts and building long-lasting relationships at multiple levels within an organization. Overnight travel will be no more than 1-2 nights/week and local day travel will comprise 80% of the week. [...]

Loss Aversion

Toxic Workers, a Harvard Business School study of more than 60,000 employees found that "a superstar performer--one that models desired values and delivers consistent performance" brings in more than $5,300 in cost savings to a company. Avoiding a toxic hire, or letting one go quickly, delivers $12,500 in cost savings.

Loss Aversion: Stop Doubling Down

It’s time to step away from the fear of losing $100 and focus instead on the opportunity cost of not winning $200. The obvious unintended consequence of having a seat filled with an under performer is having it not filled by a significant contributor. What rarely is considered is the impact on those who are [...]

Loss Aversion: “B” and “C” Players (even more…!)

On the other end of the spectrum, “C” Players sometimes make up the smallest segment of the team yet require the most time and attention. They are the employees with a constant litany of excuses – a vehicle is broken, someone is sick, excessive days are missed, and the workload either gets passed to someone [...]

Architectural Building Products Manufacturer Seeks Product Manager

The Product Manager will have overall responsibility for the North American product life-cycle of a specific product category, which totals $250M in revenue. Management of the product portfolio with the objective of maximizing the company’s competitive positioning relative to competition as well as the profitability of the company’s products. This opportunity is located in Atlanta, [...]

Loss Aversion: “B” and “C” Players (continued)

We all recognize “A” Players. Within most organizations, there is even room for the competent, steady “B” performers who balance their work and personal lives while still performing a significant amount of tasks that need to be done. They stay in their lane, don't require a great deal of attention, and they get the job [...]

Loss Aversion: “B” and “C” Players

A less enjoyable component of management is the act of working with and coaching the perpetual underperformers. Every department has them, every leader has struggled with them, and some may even have a few who come to mind immediately. They are the few who we try to encourage, who we try to train, and for [...]

Seeking Territory Sales Manager

Company history of 4 decades in building materials serving numerous industries. A prominent U.S. family has invested in this business to provide growth capital and expertise for future expansions. The person hired for this role will be responsible for calling on OEM customers to grow this critical base by developing customized, turn-key solutions. Critical to [...]

Loss Aversion – 3rd Post

Although a fascinating piece of knowledge about human behavior, what does the concept of loss aversion have to do with the workplace? As leaders, knowing that losses have a tremendous psychological impact can cloud judgement when it comes to truly evaluating employee performance. We have a tendency to double down with those we’ve invested time [...]

Loss Aversion – 2nd Post

You likely experience this phenomenon daily. Ever purchased something knowing you’d likely return it, but the longer you keep it the more attached you get? Sending the item back now feels like a loss. The longer we’ve waited to be seated at a restaurant, the harder it becomes to leave, as it feels as if [...]

Now Hiring Executive Recruiters

Looking for a rewarding challenge with high six figure income potential, the autonomy to work from a home office, and the opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of others as well as your own? This will be the hardest job you will ever love. It demands every known business and people skill. [...]

Senior Engineer – Turnkey Supply Chain Solutions

Our client has aggressively grown through major acquisitions, making now a fantastic time to join this organization! The individual hired for this role will primarily be responsible for promoting and educating the customer base on technology from their largest provider of control networks, PLC’s and Servo’s. This position will work in coordination with the company’s [...]

New Series – Loss Aversion

Imagine this scenario: a colleague offers to flip a coin and give you $20 if it lands on heads. If it lands on tails, you give him $20. Stop and ponder; would you accept that bet? For most of us, the answer is no. Behavioral science experts Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman performed an experiment [...]

Territory Sales – Building Materials

Our client provides solutions to customer problems in the form of new products, services, technology and customer care with an unparalleled commitment to excellence. The company culture is geared for one to capitalize on their entrepreneurial strengths. This organization fosters and supports independent thinking in a team environment. The person hired for this role will [...]

Being Your Own Worst Critic: FINAL Post – Allocating Attention

Most of us are used to focusing on externally oriented attention. It is simpler and more straightforward to focus on something outside of ourselves, such as work, television, a significant other, children, or almost anything that engages our senses. Our internal world is far more complicated, with a varied landscape of emotions, feelings, and perceptions. [...]

Established Manufacturer of Architectural Building Materials Seeks Product Manager

The Product Manager will have overall responsibility for the North American product life-cycle of a specific product category, which totals $250M in revenue. Management of the product portfolio with the objective of maximizing the company’s competitive positioning relative to competition as well as the profitability of the company’s products. This opportunity is located in Atlanta, [...]

Being Your Own Worst Critic: Post 7 – The Problem

The next question: What holds us back from taking action on the change needed to improve ourselves? In other words, why do 98% of New Year’s Resolutions fail? It’s simple: the rewards of these changes are in the future, when the discomfort and discipline are right here and right now. When there’s an absence of [...]

Leading Manufacturer in Building Products Seeks Product Manager

The Product Manager works to develop new products to drive the future of the Security Products segment of the business in this dynamic role. The position can be based remotely, preferably in the Southeast. Travel is 50% of the position to include a presence at trade shows and visits to Southeast headquarters. The position reports [...]

Division of Multi-Billion $ Fortune 500 Seeks Sales Engineer

The Sales Engineer will primarily be responsible for promoting and educating their customer base on technology from their largest provider of control networks, PLC’s and Servo’s. This position will work in coordination with the company’s sales force and business partners to provide technical expertise, sales presentations and product demonstrations and consulting to potential customers on [...]

Being Your Own Worst Critic: Post 6 – Rationalizing Failure (continued)

Rationalization is the use of feeble but seemingly plausible arguments either to justify something that is difficult to accept or to make it seem ‘not so bad after all'. We do this because it’s hard to accept the reality: if you want to succeed in any endeavor worth pursing, you have to put in the [...]

Being Your Own Worst Critic: Post 5 – Rationalizing Failure

Most would agree that the things worth having and achieving in life do not come easy. When the going gets tough, we have a tendency to rationalize why we are not succeeding in our pursuits: “I don’t have enough time.” “It just wasn’t in the cards.” “I decided it wasn’t really what I wanted.” “It [...]

Leader in Building Product Manufacturing Seeks Business Manager

This sales leader role is a hybrid position will function as a General Manager and a Product Manager. Specific responsibilities include full strategic responsibility for the business unit to include leading a team, P&L management, budgeting, inventory management, sales forecasting and overall growth. This highly autonomous position with executive level growth opportunities within the division [...]

Being Your Own Worst Critic: Post 4 – The Questions (continued)

• If I were to die tomorrow, what would be my biggest regret? • What limiting beliefs am I holding on to? Are they helping me achieve my goals, or holding me back? • What bad habits do I want to break? How? • What good habits do I want to cultivate? How? • Am [...]

Peace. Joy. Hope.

Our warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful holiday and all the many gifts of the season brings.

Leader in Building & Security Products Seeks Product Manager

The Product Manager works to develop new products to drive the future of the Security Products segment of the business in this dynamic role. The position can be based remotely, preferably in the Southeast. Travel is 50% of the position to include a presence at trade shows and visits to Southeast headquarters. The position reports [...]

Being Your Own Worst Critic: Post 3 – The Questions

In experiential learning, enlightenment comes from taking the opportunity to think about what you experience – both personally and professionally. • What are the things I’m most passionate about? • What are my greatest accomplishments in life so far? • What am I most grateful for? • What are the biggest things I’ve learned in [...]

Being Your Own Worst Critic: Post 2

Most would say the cliché that they are their own worst critic, but consider putting a formal structure to this process. All individuals fall into one of two categories. The first has an incessant looming cloud of pressure creeping in from all angles, resulting in a never-ending feeling of not living up to your possible [...]

Territory Sales Manager – Building Materials

The person hired for this role will be responsible for calling on OEM customers to grow this critical base by developing customized, turn-key solutions. Critical to success in this role will be a high level of face to face engagement in this market. They will effectively communicate with internal and external customers, suppliers and vendors. [...]

New Series! Being Your Own Worst Critic

The holiday season is a time of celebration – spending time with family and friends, reflecting on the past year, and setting goals for the future. Most have a list of to-do’s before the end of the year; you have checked it twice, and the only objective is to knock out all impending tasks so [...]

Territory Sales Manager – Building Materials

The person hired for this role will be responsible for calling on OEM customers to grow this critical base by developing customized, turn-key solutions. Critical to success in this role will be a high level of face to face engagement in this market. They will effectively communicate with internal and external customers, suppliers and vendors. [...]

The Culpability of Free Speech – Final Post

The ultimate goal is to consciously and genuinely listen to the perspective of others and see it simply as a perspective. Instead, most tend to judge perspectives or opinions as “good” or “bad.” Instead, train individuals to not judge but instead view opinions exactly for what they are: the point of view of a single [...]

Building Product Company Growing at Break Neck Speed Seeks 2 Product Managers!

The successful hire for this will be responsible for “more products faster” in this influential cradle to grave role! You will spend your time doing product development using gate process, field-based research (end user interface and data collection), team collaboration, project management, financial evaluations/modeling, pricing, competitive analysis, establishing product road maps and much more! This [...]

The Culpability of Free Speech – 8th Post: The Education

In many organizations, focused training on understanding multiple perspectives is limited. This skill is about authentically learning about others and better understanding their point of view on a specific topic or situation. When we avoid personalizing other people's opinions, we can have a more objective perspective. People do what they do because of them more [...]

Global Consortium in Building Products Seeks Sales Leader

This sales leader role is a hybrid position will function as a General Manager and a Product Manager. Specific responsibilities include full strategic responsibility for the business unit to include leading a team, P&L management, budgeting, inventory management, sales forecasting and overall growth. This highly autonomous position with executive level growth opportunities within the division [...]

The Culpability of Free Speech – 7th Post: The Regulation (continued)

If guidelines should be established, ask the following questions: Is what I am about to share positive in nature or negative? - If negative, what is my desired outcome? - If positive, what audience might still have a differing opinion and am I okay with that audience feeling alienated? When entering into an online debate, [...]

Seeking Product Manager for High Growth Company with Dynamic Leadership!

The Product Manager will have overall responsibility for the North American product life-cycle of a specific product category, which totals $250M in revenue. Management of the product portfolio with the objective of maximizing the company’s competitive positioning relative to competition as well as the profitability of the company’s products. This opportunity is located in Atlanta, [...]

The Culpability of Free Speech – 6th Post: The Regulation

This does not mean that individuals should not have the ability to express freedom of speech, and of course great things have come from it. The challenge that remains is one of authority; who is to say what is appropriate and what is not? Is that really the responsibility of senior leadership and human resources [...]

Multi-Billion Fortune 500 Global Company Seeks Sales Engineer

The Sales Engineer will primarily be responsible for promoting and educating their customer base on technology from their largest provider of control networks, PLC’s and Servo’s. This position will work in coordination with the company’s sales force and business partners to provide technical expertise, sales presentations and product demonstrations and consulting to potential customers on [...]

The Culpability of Free Speech – 5th Post: The Issue (continued)

Notice the following from our prior post: • “seeing what to them is…” • “what they perceive to be…” • “makes them feel like…” In other words, we are not required to take responsibility for the feelings and reactions of others, but we should take responsibility for being the catalyst for those feelings and actions. [...]

Shout out to Emily Carra – This made our day!

Yesterday, Emily received this note of thank you from a candidate that she interviewed on Wednesday. We are so very honored to work with this ultimate professional who approaches each person with a genuine interest in their success and desire to succeed. "It was good talking with you yesterday. I have talked to many recruiters [...]

The Culpability of Free Speech – 4th Post: The Issue (continued)

Consider the ramifications of an A-Player researching whether or not to interview with your organization, and seeing what to them is a controversial article shared from an employee within the firm. Consider one of your key accounts, someone who has done business with your organization for years, distancing themselves based on a persistent string of [...]

Established & Entrepreneurial Organization Seeks Product Manager

The successful hire for this will spend 20% of their time with sales organization and end users doing field-based research and 80% of the time developing ideas. Activities will include product development using gate process, making proposals with new ideas, production, team collaboration, project management, financial evaluations/modeling, pricing, competitive analysis, establishing product road maps,messaging and [...]

The Culpability of Free Speech – 3rd Post: The Issue

Most hiring managers are quite savvy when it comes to researching potential new hires; they check out pictures on social media, they judge extracurricular activities, and they may even choose to end the interviewing process based on things discovered online. What happens when instead of judging, we end up being judged? Contact us today!

North American Building Products Manufacturer Renowned for Revolutionizing Seeks Product Manager

The Product Manager will have overall responsibility for the North American product life-cycle of a specific product category, which totals $250M in revenue. Management of the product portfolio with the objective of maximizing the company’s competitive positioning relative to competition as well as the profitability of the company’s products. This opportunity is located in Atlanta, [...]

Happy Veterans Day

A big thank you to all who serve and have served this country, specifically our very own Juliette Lovell!

Product Manager

With significant investments being made into new product development and a CEO that grows executives from product management there has never been a better time or place to be in this established and entrepreneurial organization! The successful hire for this will be responsible for “more products faster” in this influential cradle to grave role! You [...]

The Culpability of Free Speech – 2nd Post

A little over a decade later, the abundance of the accessibility for opinions skyrocketed with the growth of easy-to-use Web browsers in the mid 1990’s. And now, as of the second quarter of 2018, Facebook has over 2.23 billion monthly active users – all voicing their opinions. We have always had the right to free [...]

The Leading Building Products Manufacturer Seeks Product Manager

The Product Manager will have overall responsibility for the North American product life-cycle of a specific product category, which totals $250M in revenue. Management of the product portfolio with the objective of maximizing the company’s competitive positioning relative to competition as well as the profitability of the company’s products. This is an exciting opportunity to [...]

New Posting Series! The Culpability of Free Speech

If you had to pinpoint a turning point, it was perhaps the launch of CNN in June of 1980. Prior to CNN, news programming delivered relatively factual information for an hour or two a day. After CNN, although it was an amazing accomplishment to cover events live as they happened and to have an endless [...]

Advantages of Partnering with a Certified Women-Owned Business: FINAL Post – Market Enhancement

WBENC-certified WBE’s are among the fastest growing sector of our economy. By working with a women-owned business you show your company’s commitment to working in diverse markets and furthering economic growth in local communities. As a supporter of supplier diversity, your business becomes more attractive to corporations who are seeking second-tier sourcing suppliers that work [...]

Seeking Sales Leader & Product Manager (Building Products Manufacturing)

This sales leader role is a hybrid position will function as a General Manager and a Product Manager. Specific responsibilities include full strategic responsibility for the business unit to include leading a team, P&L management, budgeting, inventory management, sales forecasting and overall growth. This highly autonomous position with executive level growth opportunities within the division [...]

Advantages of Partnering with a Certified Women-Owned Business – Post #2 – Revenue Growth

Research conducted by the Hackett Group shows that working with a WBENC-certified business, can increase profitability with as much as 130% return on investment, providing distinct competitive advantages. Additionally, the research concluded that procurement organizations who work with a diverse supplier base also had lower overall operating costs and spent 20% less on their buying [...]

Seeking sales “hunter” with STRONG track record!

This territory sales role has responsibility for driving revenue growth through growing distributor relationships, providing leadership for independent rep network, and educating A&E firms, clients, and partners on product performance. You will cultivate relationships by calling directly on distributors and specifiers, along with visiting job sites and facilitating educational presentations and meetings. The position is [...]

New Posting Series! Advantages of Partnering with a Certified Women-Owned Business

#1 - Tax Incentives Working with a WBENC-certified WBE can provide your company many tax benefits. The federal government affords tax incentives to those who conduct business with minority and women-owned businesses. Additionally, tax liabilities are reduced for projects funded with federal or state grants or loan when the supplier is a women-owned business. In [...]

Become Comfortable with the Uncomfortable – FINAL Post

To make change a constant and not a singular event, consider investing in your own personal and professional growth and well-being. Go ahead and get the membership to the gym that you have talked about for months, research therapists or personal coaches and sign up for an exploratory conversation, book the vacation you’ve been wanting [...]

Seeking Product Manager -Manufacturer Renowned for Revolutionizing!

The Product Manager will have overall responsibility for the North American product life-cycle of a specific product category, which totals $250M in revenue. Management of the product portfolio with the objective of maximizing the company’s competitive positioning relative to competition as well as the profitability of the company’s products. This opportunity is located in Atlanta, [...]

Become Comfortable with the Uncomfortable – Post 8: Act On It

At some point, you must make the choice to step off the high dive. The battle is half won by that small step! If needed, “fake it until you make it” and simply pretend to be confident. When you have come through to the other side, you will likely realize that it was not as [...]

New Product Development Manager – Architectural Building Products

This individual will lead a segment referred to as the “growth engine of the company” with a team of Design, Drafting and Technical Literature professionals responsible for architectural product design, enhancements and maintenance from concept to manufacturing readiness. This individual will work cross-functionally in the business to assure appropriate collaboration and execution takes place to [...]

Division of Fortune 500 Seeks Customer Facing Engineer

The successful hire for this role will primarily be responsible for promoting and educating their customer base on technology from their largest provider of control networks, PLC’s and Servo’s. This position will work in coordination with the company’s sales force and business partners to provide technical expertise, sales presentations and product demonstrations and consulting to [...]

Given that today is International Day of The Girl…

No better day to announce that as of yesterday we were granted our WBENC Certification! We are thrilled and can't wait to see what the future holds for us as we continue to serve our market with passion and excellence! Contact us today!

Become Comfortable with the Uncomfortable – Post 7: Coach To It (continued)

If we acknowledge that people’s words and perceptions of us can actually shape our own beliefs about ourselves, identify someone who can provide positive mentorship and feedback as you work through whatever it is that is creating the intimidating environment. In time, positive reinforcement can be the catalyst for courage. Looking for a coach? Contact [...]

Leading Manufacturer in Building Products Seeks Product Manager

The Product Manager works to develop new products to drive the future of the Building Products segment of the business in this dynamic role. The position is based in the Southeast. Travel is 25% of the position to include a presence at trade shows. The Marketing Director has a hands-off leadership style allowing the person [...]

Become Comfortable with the Uncomfortable – Post 6: Coach To It

As comedian George Carlin stated, “If you’re looking for self-help, why would you read a book written by somebody else? That’s not self-help, that’s help!” In short, let go of the need to try to solve your challenging situations all by yourself! When faced with a situation that seems overwhelming, seek out an individual who [...]

Sales Leader – Building Product Manufacturing

This role is a hybrid position that will function as a General Manager and a Product Manager. Specific responsibilities include full strategic responsibility for the business unit to include leading a team, P&L management, budgeting, inventory management, sales forecasting and overall growth. This highly autonomous position with executive level growth opportunities within the division and [...]

Become Comfortable with the Uncomfortable – Post 5: Understand It (continued)

More than likely, it is a fear of failure or a fear of not being good enough. Simply summarized, most paralyzing situations stem from one of those two roots. Reflect on the uncomfortable scenario you envisioned when first reading the opening post of this series; would you agree that the underlying originating fear is one [...]

Commercial Industrial Sales – Leading Innovator in Industrial Manufacturing

This sales role is highly influential and will own the relationship between our client and the customer. The day to day is spent in front of the customer, calling on business owners, contractors and engineers and partaking in industry trade organizations and professional associations. You will move from construction sites to lunch and learns throughout [...]

Become Comfortable with the Uncomfortable – Post 4: Understand It

If you want something in life that you have never had, you will likely have to do something that you have never done. However, knowing what needs to be done and understanding what is holding you back from doing it are two different tasks. It might be completely evident to you what the looming task [...]

Become Comfortable with the Uncomfortable – Post 3: Embrace It (cont)

As children, our parents or our swimming instructors or our teachers were obligated to give us a gentle nudge over the edge. Embrace the fact that now, you are the only one who can take that leap of faith. We know how the story continues with those summers at the swimming pool; you throw yourself [...]

Territory Sales Manager – Building Materials – 2 Openings! (Central U.S. & Midwest)

Capitalize on you your entrepreneurial strengths in this organization that fosters and supports independent thinking in a team environment! The successful hires for these 2 positions will be responsible for calling on OEM customers to grow this critical base by developing customized, turn-key solutions. Critical to success in this role will be a high level [...]

Become Comfortable with the Uncomfortable – Post 2: Embrace It

Think back to your days as a child; in your neighborhood, you may have had a community pool with a diving board that (especially in your youth) seemed about twenty stories tall. And each summer, during swimming lessons, the instructor would force you to you climb those stairs, teeter out to the end of the [...]

New Series! Become Comfortable with the Uncomfortable

No matter your role or how long you have been in it, we all have situations we would rather avoid. Scenarios can range from taking on a project in which you are not sure you will excel, having a difficult conversation with a client or colleague, or even simply interacting with coworkers in a social [...]

National Leader in Building Materials Seeks Regional Manager

The Regional Manager will lead, develop and coach a sales team to manage and grow a strategic dealer network. This position is a high growth opportunity in two key markets that have historically performed at top levels. This opportunity is in the Southeast and requires between 60-75% travel. This opportunity offers a competitive base salary, [...]

Seeking Business Manager for Building Products Manufacturer!

This organization began with simple roots outside of the U.S. and touts a family-centric culture. This sales leader role is a hybrid position will function as a General Manager and a Product Manager. Specific responsibilities include full strategic responsibility for the business unit to include leading a team, P&L management, budgeting, inventory management, sales forecasting [...]

Interviews: Traditional or Transparent FINAL Post: Paint a Picture

Take a look at the “join us” section on your website; first, do you have one? If not, get going! If so, take a deeper look – does it do little more than list open positions, or does it tell a compelling story of your organization’s culture, your value proposition, and what others who have [...]

Interviews: Traditional or Transparent – Post 9: Pattern Interrupt (continued)

If trying to assess for personality fit, questions such as “one time my sense of humor helped me was…” or “my personal motto is…” One organization wants to assess how willing a candidate is to pitch in whenever asked, so the question posed in the interview is “the newest hire in our organization is tasked [...]

Now Hiring Executive Recruiter “The hardest job you will ever love”!

If you are looking for a rewarding challenge with six figure income potential, the autonomy to work from a home office, and the opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of others as well as your own, then call us today! This role is ever challenging and gives back in multiples. You never [...]

Interviews: Traditional or Transparent – Post 9: Pattern Interrupt

Disrupting the expected course of conversation can be an effective method to digging beyond the surface answers that a candidate has mentally prepared. Off-the-wall questions purely for the sake of jarring a candidate are unnecessary and may leave the individual feeling turned off from the opportunity, but questions designed to achieve a certain objective can [...]

Industrial Manufacturing Innovator Seeks Sales Executive

This sales role is highly influential and will own the relationship between our client and the customer. The day to day is spent in front of the customer, calling on business owners, contractors and engineers and partaking in industry trade organizations and professional associations. You will move from construction sites to lunch and learns throughout [...]

Interviews: Traditional or Transparent – Post 8: Get Creative

As generations evolve, so can the preferred means of communication. Organizations such as Zappos are keeping up with that evolution by eliminating job postings. Instead, candidates must create a profile on Zappos’ social media site, including a video cover letter designed to showcase their true colors. Pizza Hut has mirrored Twitter in their approach to [...]

Seeking Territory Sales Manager in Midwest – Building Materials

The person hired for this role will be responsible for calling on OEM customers to grow this critical base by developing customized, turn-key solutions. Critical to success in this role will be a high level of face to face engagement in this market. They will effectively communicate with internal and external customers, suppliers and vendors. [...]

Interviews: Traditional or Transparent – Post 7: Cultural Connections

Most candidates know to be friendly with everyone they meet the moment they walk in the door, but some organizations take it to the next level when interviewing out of town candidates. Sedan drivers are a part of the process, providing feedback to the hiring team as to how they were treated by the candidate, [...]

Territory Sales Manager – Building Materials

The person hired for this role will be responsible for calling on OEM customers to grow this critical base by developing customized, turn-key solutions. Critical to success in this role will be a high level of face to face engagement in this market. They will effectively communicate with internal and external customers, suppliers and vendors. [...]

Interviews: Traditional or Transparent – Post 6: Cultural Connections

Not ready for the group happy hour quite yet? Southwest prides itself on a culture that finds funny, outgoing people. Generally, the first interview is a group interview, so screeners can see how candidates interact with each other. Don’t limit yourself to thinking of just pilots and flight attendants when you think of Southwest; this [...]

Marketing Manager – Building Product Manufacturer

The Marketing Manager works with the General Managers and Sales Managers of multiple business units to identify opportunities with key customers to differentiate the brand from the competition and to provide value added services. The ideal candidate will be located in the South Central United States. Travel will come in waves and will range from [...]

Interviews: Traditional or Transparent – Post 5: Cultural Connections

After a successful first interview, digital music giant Spotify takes candidates out of the office and into…the bar? That’s right; this non-traditional setting allows candidates to mix and mingle with potential co-workers where guards are let down and the atmosphere is more relaxed. Alcohol is of course not required, but this environment allows managers to [...]

Product Engineer, Building Materials

This Product Engineer is a product steward from concept through commercialization. This position functions as a subject matter expert in the organization. Project development management includes engineering analysis, standards, specifications, testing, certification, statistical analysis, and manufacturing. This position is highly collaborative working with internal and external resources. This position is the technical interface between NPD [...]

Interviews: Traditional or Transparent – Post 4

When the right talent is working together as a team, miracles can happen – but assembling that talent is an ongoing challenge all leaders face. The truth is that hiring is hard. No organization has perfected the process as to how to exclusively hire the right people, but our posting series shares some of the [...]

Regional Sales – Building Products

This position has overall responsibility for driving revenue growth through growing distributor relationships, providing leadership for independent rep network, and educating A&E firms, clients, and partners on product performance. You will cultivate relationships by calling directly on distributors and specifiers, along with visiting job sites and facilitating educational presentations and meetings. The position is located [...]

Interviews: Traditional or Transparent – Post 3

"My greatest weaknesses? I work too hard. I sometimes care too much about the work I do. I don’t know when to quit; some have even told me my tendency to over-achieve makes others in the department second-guess their value on the team.” Sound like a familiar iteration of an answer you have heard before, [...]

Plant Manager – Global Manufacturer of Building Products

The Plant Manager in conjunction with the General Manager will lead the initiative to open this new plant and assume overall plant leadership in safety, quality, organizational structure and financial responsibility. There are 5 direct reports and 50 overall employees of the plant. Responsibilities include tending to plant operations, planning and administrative duties as well [...]

Interviews: Traditional or Transparent – Post 2

It is commonly known that all individuals should put their best foot forward throughout the interviewing process – both applicants and hiring managers alike. Offices are tidied up, everyone is polite with introductory small talk, and professional game faces are on. Contact us today!

Sales Executive – Commercial Industrial

Leading innovator in industrial manufacturing with a complete solution-oriented product line sold into at least 9 industries, including commercial buildings. This sales role is highly influential! The day to day is spent in front of the customer, calling on business owners, contractors and engineers and partaking in industry trade organizations and professional associations. You will [...]

New Series! Interviews: Traditional or Transparent

Within the interviewing process, does it sometimes feel like the system has become so routine, and so predictable, that you wonder if it truly has evolved into a hiring game and not an actual hiring process? Instead of screening for suitability, you are being given a set of canned answers and have a sinking suspicion [...]

Territory Sales Manager – Building Materials

The person hired for this role will be responsible for calling on OEM customers to grow this critical base by developing customized, turn-key solutions. Critical to success in this role will be a high level of face to face engagement in this market. They will effectively communicate with internal and external customers, suppliers and vendors. [...]

Congratulations Lisa!

We are so very proud of our very own Lisa Buxbaum for being one of the TOP 10 recruiters among the Sanford Rose family of recruiters in July!

Product Manager, Architectural Building Products

The successful hire for this role will have overall responsibility for product life-cycle of a well defined category, which totals $250M in revenue. Management of the product portfolio with the objective of maximizing the company’s competitive positioning relative to competition as well as the profitability of the company’s products. This opportunity is located in Atlanta, [...]

Now What? – Final Post

We have the freedom to choose our actions, our profession, our financial needs, and the path of our life. Each day is not about what we have to do. It’s about what we get to do. Contact us today!

Manager, New Product Development – Architectural Building Products

The New Product Development Design Manager will lead a segment referred to as the “growth engine of the company” with a team of Design, Drafting and Technical Literature professionals responsible for architectural product design, enhancements and maintenance from concept to manufacturing readiness. This individual will work cross functionally in the business to assure appropriate collaboration [...]

Now What? – Post 7

There are growth needs and basic needs; basic needs are external whereas growth needs are internal. That is part of what makes this journey so complicated! Take a moment to reflect on the following:  Who in my life do I care to impact the most? How specifically am I going to mentor and impact [...]

Marketing Manager – Global Building Products Manufacturer

This field based Marketing Manager works with the General Managers and Sales Managers of multiple business units to identify opportunities with key customers to differentiate the brand from the competition and to provide value added services. The ideal candidate will be located in the South Central United States. Travel will come in waves and will [...]

Now What? – Post 6: Maslow’s Needs: The Personal Journey

Reflect on the poem in Post 1 of this series. You have likely heard the cliché that life is a journey, not a destination, but how do we remember that in the busyness of life? How can we de-clutter and enjoy the moments instead of waiting for a magical “next chapter” to arrive? Evaluate, and [...]

90 Year Old Building Products Company Seeks Regional Manager

This position leads the commercial business segment in the Upper Midwest. In this role, the Regional Manager will lead a team of Architectural & Design Representatives and Territory Managers. Ideal candidate will mostly work in local markets with travel topping out at 30% overnight. Critical experience includes having leadership experience leading a team or direct [...]

Now What? – Post 5: Maslow’s Needs: Professional Fulfilment

“I forgot my worry about having to make a sale, and began to listen very deeply to what these prospective clients really wanted and needed. As I approached more clients this way, my meetings transformed. My success as a financial advisor grew exponentially.” As Gitterman reminds us, every appointment and meeting invites us to challenge [...]

Senior Product Engineer – Architectural Building Products

This Senior Product Engineer is a product steward from product concept through commercialization. This position functions as a subject matter expert in the organization. Project development management includes project management, engineering analysis, standards, specifications, testing, certification, statistical analysis, and manufacturing. This position is highly collaborative working with internal and external resources. This position is the [...]

Now What? – Post 4: Maslow’s Needs: Professional Fulfilment

In a recent article Gitterman published, he shared “My understanding of the power of giving came about many years ago, when I was just starting out as a financial advisor. One of the initial appointments that I’d have with any new prospective client is what we call in the industry a ‘fact-finding session.’ The idea [...]

Seeking Regional Leader for National Leader in Building Materials

The Regional Manager will lead, develop and coach a sales team to manage and grow a strategic dealer network. This position is a high growth opportunity in two key markets that have historically performed at top levels. This opportunity is in the Southeast and requires between 60-75% travel. This is an exciting opportunity to join [...]

Global Building Products Manufacturer Seeks Plant Manager

The Plant Manager in conjunction with the General Manager will lead the initiative to open this new plant and assume overall plant leadership in safety, quality, organizational structure and financial responsibility. There are 5 direct reports and 50 overall employees of the plant. Responsibilities include tending to plant operations, planning and administrative duties as well [...]

Now What? – Post 3: Maslow’s Needs: Professional Fulfilment

Once we’ve met the basic fundamentals of food, water, and shelter (or in a professional setting, career, advancement, professional success) the next level of self-actualization starts to emerge. This can be an intimidating, foreign and awkward space to settle in! Instead of focusing on “I would be happier if once I…” look instead to fulfillment [...]

Territory Sales Manager – South Central U.S.

The person hired for this role will be responsible for calling on OEM customers to grow this critical base by developing customized, turn-key solutions. Critical to success in this role will be a high level of face to face engagement in this market. They will effectively communicate with internal and external customers, suppliers and vendors. [...]

Now What? – Post 2

During the recession nearly a decade ago, most organizations and individuals were laser-focused on survival or sur-thrival. Coming out of that tumultuous time, most were intent on regaining their footing. Now that the foundation has been restored, a new evolutionary question remains – what happens next? Contact us today!

Senior Product Engineer – Architectural Building Products

This role is a product steward from product concept through commercialization. Functions as a subject matter expert in the organization. Project development management includes project management, engineering analysis, standards, specifications, testing, certification, statistical analysis, and manufacturing. Highly collaborative role working with internal and external resources. Technical interface between NPD and the manufacturing environment and presents [...]

New Series! Now What?

Take a moment to reflect on what has now been a long-circulating article via the internet and social media. Although it has a somber tone, it sets the stage for the purpose behind this series. First, I was dying to finish high school and start college. And then, I was dying to finish college and [...]

Seeking Leader for New Product Development – Architectural Building Products

The New Product Development Design Manager will lead the “growth engine of the company” with a team of Design, Drafting and Technical Literature professionals responsible for architectural product design, enhancements and maintenance from concept to manufacturing readiness. This individual will work cross-functionally in the business to assure appropriate collaboration and execution takes place to meet [...]

Small Lessons in Leadership – Final Post: Laugh

This doesn’t mean that you need to have the comedic skills of Jerry Seinfeld, but it is imperative for a leader to have a sense of humor both when things are going well and when things go wrong. A study by Bell Leadership Institute found that the two most desirable traits in leaders were a [...]

Territory Sales Manager – Building Materials

The person hired for this role will be responsible for calling on OEM customers to grow this critical base by developing customized, turn-key solutions. Critical to success in this role will be a high level of face to face engagement in this market. They will effectively communicate with internal and external customers, suppliers and vendors. [...]

Small Lessons in Leadership – Post 8: Transparency

Quarterly or semi-annual Town Hall meetings are a great place to move this from a concept to an actual manifestation. All employees are allowed to ask any question that is professionally relevant unless it is personal in nature, in which case they would be asked to go to the individual directly instead of asking in [...]

Small Lessons in Leadership – Post 7: Transparency

A transparent culture is one where employees are given meaningful insights that build trust with leadership. A transparent culture is one where an environment exists where people can give honest and direct feedback, knowing it will be heard and shared with the right people. A transparent culture is one where egos are removed, and ultimately [...]

Now Hiring Executive Recruiter – “The hardest job you will ever love”!

If you are looking for a rewarding challenge with six figure income potential, the autonomy to work from a home office, and the opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of others as well as your own, then call us today! This role is ever challenging and gives back in multiples. You never [...]

Regional Manager – National Leader in Premiere Building Materials

The Regional Manager will lead, develop and coach a sales team to manage and grow a strategic dealer network. This position is a high growth opportunity in two key markets that have historically performed at top levels. This opportunity is in the Southeast and requires between 60-75% travel. This is an exciting opportunity to join [...]

Small Lessons in Leadership – Post 5: Consistency

Simply put? If you say you are going to do something, do it. If you say you are going to be somewhere, be there. If you initiate a new business process or initiative, follow through. Stay consistent about being consistent. Why is this important? Every team needs a rock. Without consistency, it is impossible to [...]

Business Sales Product Manager – Building Products

This sales leader role is a hybrid position will function as a General Manager and a Product Manager. Specific responsibilities include full strategic responsibility for the business unit to include leading a team, P&L management, budgeting, inventory management, sales forecasting and overall growth. This highly autonomous position with executive level growth opportunities within the division [...]

Small Lessons in Leadership – Post 4: Vocabulary

“Employee” has a different connotation than “team member” or “key contributor,” and “I’m going to need you to” comes across differently than “are you open to some feedback.” Instead of “as your boss, it’s my job to make sure that you…” try replacing that with “I know you are trusting me to make sure you [...]

Small Lessons in Leadership – Post 3: Vocabulary

Simply put? Words matter. Consider the difference between “you have a face that makes time stand still” and “you have a face that could stop a clock.” Do not underestimate the importance that words have when either strengthening bonds or fracturing them. Regardless of whether the words are spoken or written in a casual interaction, [...]

Innovator Seeks Sales Executive in California for Commercial Industrial

This sales role is highly influential and will own the relationship between our client and the customer. The day to day is spent in front of the customer, calling on business owners, contractors and engineers and partaking in industry trade organizations and professional associations. You will move from construction sites to lunch and learns throughout [...]

Vice President of Operations – National Building Products Distribution Company (residential and commercial construction)

This position functions as the go-to executive role for all branch associates. The key responsibilities are to strategically maximize branch profits, standardize branch operations throughout the region, improve inventory turns and work cross functionally with other key executives and departments within the organization. Ideal candidate will enjoy traveling on a weekly basis (2-3 nights per [...]

Small Lessons in Leadership – Post 2

Within many industries, the success of a business relies more on the people you pay than the people who pay you. In other words, your people are your most important asset. In some industries, people are your only asset. As such, many of our posts have covered the topic of employee retention. Creating clear and [...]

Regional Sales Executive – Chicago or Indianapolis (Construction & Industrial Products)

This position has overall responsibility for driving revenue growth through growing distributor relationships, providing leadership for independent rep network, and educating A&E firms, clients, and partners on product performance. You will cultivate relationships by calling directly on distributors and specifiers, along with visiting job sites and facilitating educational presentations and meetings. This is an excellent [...]

New Posting Series! Small Lessons In Leadership

Google has topped Fortune magazine’s list of the 100 Best Companies to Work For. One of the reasons Google continues to top the list? They are hypersensitive to the fact that people don’t leave companies, they leave bosses. Google’s people analytics team researches qualities that make managers great at Google; they then build a training [...]

Seeking Senior Product Engineer

The successful hire for this role will be a product steward from product concept through commercialization. This position functions as a subject matter expert in the organization. Project development management includes project management, engineering analysis, standards, specifications, testing, certification, statistical analysis, and manufacturing. This position is highly collaborative working with internal and external resources. This [...]

Who Thanks Whom? – Final Post

Even if the candidate does not ask the direct question, you want to remain confident that you are articulating “why you” just as much as you are trying to determine “why them.” If, during the interview, a light bulb switches on and you have the revelation that this is the exact person you need to [...]

State-Of- The-Art Manufacturer Seeks New Product Developer!

The successful hire in this role will be afforded lots of challenge inside of this entrepreneurial climate! This position will own its product category from start to finish and is responsible for defining and driving the top line growth and profitability for the business segment. Growth is achieved through new product introductions, core product enhancements [...]

Who Thanks Whom? – Post #7: The Sell

Take some time to craft concrete answers or success stories around questions such as the following: • What are the primary reasons someone would join your organization instead of another firm? • What is the specific and measurable career path? • What in-house resources do you have that give people a competitive advantage? What external [...]

Exciting Opportunity for Product Manager to Join #1 Company Market

The Product Manager hired for this role will have overall responsibility for the North American product lifecycle of a specific product category, which totals $250M in revenue. Management of the product portfolio with the objective of maximizing the company’s competitive positioning relative to competition as well as the profitability of the company’s products. This opportunity [...]

Who Thanks Whom? – Post #6: It’s the Little Things

When the candidate arrives, give them bottled water without them having to ask or accept it. When the candidate leaves, consider an exit gift of some sort – a small item with your logo on it or something personalized based on what you know about their interests or background.

100-Year Old Building Products Manufacturer Seeks New Product Development Manager!

The successful hire for this role will lead a growth engine of the company with a team of Design, Drafting and Technical Literature professionals responsible for product design, enhancements and maintenance from concept to manufacturing readiness. This individual will work cross-functionally in the business to assure appropriate collaboration and execution takes place to meet major [...]

Who Thanks Whom? – Post #5: It’s the Little Things

Small things stand out, especially when candidates are in a thriving economy and may have the opportunity to interview with multiple organizations. Take a moment and look at your physical office space through a new lens. What does someone entering your space see and experience? Is your boardroom, interviewing space, or personal office dated and [...]

Who Thanks Whom? – Post #4: Start with Motivation

Secure more insights than exist on paper. Schedule time with your recruiter to go beyond more than “the individual is looking to take that next step in his career” and instead have a solid understanding of what the candidate does not have currently yet is looking to have within your organization. Know what is most [...]

Leader in Building Products Manufacturing Seeks Sales Exec

This sales role is responsible for supporting this organization’s distribution partnerships by working with contractors for a pull through sale. In addition, this position will have the opportunity to work with specifiers such as architects. This highly autonomous position with growth opportunities within the division and overall organization is based in the Mid-Atlantic and travel [...]

Who Thanks Whom? – Post #3

A few questions to consider: • How much time do you expect a candidate to prepare for the interview with you? How much time do you spend preparing for that same interview? • You likely have asked the question “so why should we hire you” without batting an eye – how receptive are you when [...]

Seeking Account Manager for Manufacturer of Hospital Equipment

The Account Manager is responsible for increasing penetration and profitability in existing accounts as well as increasing market share through prospecting, building relationships, post sales implementation and account maintenance. Focused on account penetration, revenue growth and customer satisfaction within assigned territory. Travel required for this role is 35-50%. Generous package includes a base salary and [...]

Who Thanks Whom? – Post #2

If we assume it is the candidate’s responsibility to pen the thank-you note, doesn’t that inherently mean that we also assume it’s the candidate’s responsibility to be thankful for being granted an interview to begin with? You may have this mindset and not even realize you have it. A few questions to consider: • How [...]

Innovator in Industrial Manufacturing Seeks Commercial Manager

This sales role is highly influential and will own the relationship between our client and the customer. The day to day is spent in front of the customer, calling on business owners, contractors and engineers and partaking in industry trade organizations and professional associations. You will move from construction sites to lunch and learns throughout [...]

New Posting Series: Who Thanks Whom?

A recent article penned for Inc by Suzanne Lucas made the bold statement: “Dear Hiring Manager, Perhaps You Should Write the Thank You Note.” She continues: “The traditional thank you note is from candidate to hiring manager. That's wrong… Just what are you exactly thanking the manager for? Taking the time to talk with you [...]

National Building Products Distributor Seeks Branch/General Manager

Branch Manager/GM to be responsible for a $30MM P/L and large team (70+). This person will spend the majority of their time in the day to day management of the branch and working with their three direct reports to plan, develop and execute organization objectives. Objectives such as customer service, cost reduction, cost controls and [...]

The Positivity Pledge: Final Post – Take the Challenge

Over the years, there have been many viral movements geared towards changing behavior for a set period of time, including putting an emphasis on things such as fitness, healthy eating, or finances. Several of those challenges include a commitment to stop complaining for several weeks; think your office is ready for such a challenge? This [...]

Seeking Healthcare Account Manager in NE or Mid-West!

The Account Manager is responsible for increasing penetration and profitability in existing accounts as well as increasing market share through prospecting, building relationships, post sales implementation and account maintenance. Focused on account penetration, revenue growth and customer satisfaction within assigned territory. Travel required for this role is 35-50%. Generous package includes a base salary and [...]

The Positivity Pledge – Post #8:Set the Example

We affect, and are affected by the people we meet, in one way or another. As a leader, maintaining a positive perspective and consistent way of being is essential; only the inner core of a team should be allowed to see you sweat. Negativity is sensed instinctively and on a subconscious level, through words, thoughts [...]

Seeking “Hunter” with proven track record of sales success that is interested in getting into healthcare sales!

3 Openings: - New York - San Diego - Dallas The Sales Executive is responsible for increasing penetration and profitability in existing accounts as well as increasing market share through cold calling, prospecting, building relationships, post sales implementation and account maintenance. Focused on account penetration, revenue growth and customer satisfaction within assigned territory. Generous package [...]

The Positivity Pledge – Post #7: Power

Help others understand that words have power; the way we say things matters. One could complain, “I am being bombarded with emails” or one could ask for suggestions for technology tools and effective time management. One is powerless. The other is proactive. One is letting an environment dictate your experience, while the other is choosing [...]

Seeking Building Products Sales Executive in Mid-Atlantic

This sales role is responsible for supporting this organization’s distribution partnerships by working with contractors for a pull through sale. In addition, this position will have the opportunity to work with specifiers such as architects. This highly autonomous position with growth opportunities within the division and overall organization is based in the Mid-Atlantic and travel [...]

The Positivity Pledge – Post #6: The Right Person Recognize Passive Requests

Often, individuals can use complaining as a passive way of asking for support or solutions. “I’m so busy” isn’t just a declarative statement; it might be a subtle indicator that the individual feels unprepared for the tasks at hand and is concerned they are on the brink of dropping the ball (or already has). Encourage [...]

Leader in building products manufacturing seeks Sales Leader!

This sales leader role is a hybrid position will function as a General Manager and a Product Manager. Specific responsibilities include full strategic responsibility for the business unit to include leading a team, P&L management, budgeting, inventory management, sales forecasting and overall growth. This highly autonomous position with executive level growth opportunities within the division [...]

Seeking Senior Level Product Leader in Midwest

The successful hire in this role will be afforded lots of challenge inside of this entrepreneurial climate! This position will own its product category from start to finish and is responsible for defining and driving the top line growth and profitability for the business segment. Growth is achieved through new product introductions, core product enhancements [...]

The Positivity Pledge – Post #4 – The Right Person

It takes courage to ask the members of your team at the office to help you with some of the extra workload you’ve been given – but only they can do something to help you. It takes courage to tell your team that you felt a certain way following a recent interaction or meeting, but [...]

One of the nations largest manufacturers of construction and industrial products seeks Chicago based Regional Sales Executive!

This position has overall responsibility for driving revenue growth through growing distributor relationships, providing leadership for independent rep network, and educating A&E firms, clients, and partners on product performance. You will cultivate relationships by calling directly on distributors and specifiers, along with visiting job sites and facilitating educational presentations and meetings. The position is requires [...]

The Positivity Pledge – Post # 3 – The Right Person

Encourage those on your team (or yourself at times) to go directly to the source of the frustration. Have you noticed that people almost always vent to the wrong crowd? They vent to individuals who cannot do anything to remedy the complaint; they go to work and complain about their spouse, or they go home [...]

Sales Executive – Building Products Manufacturing

* Family-Centric Culture * Global Consortium * Resource for Numerous Lines of Building Materials * Double Digit Growth * Fast-Paced Environment This sales role is responsible for supporting this organization’s distribution partnerships by working with contractors for a pull through sale. In addition, this position will have the opportunity to work with specifiers such as [...]

The Positivity Pledge – Post #2

The subject line of this article may already have you rolling your eyes; of course we all know the power of positivity. We recognize we should always look on the bright side, turn a frown upside down, and keep our chins up. But we all have bad days that just seem like it would have [...]

Seeking Solid Product Development Manager in Midwest

The successful hire in this role will be afforded lots of challenge inside of this entrepreneurial climate! This position will own its product category from start to finish and is responsible for defining and driving the top line growth and profitability for the business segment. Growth is achieved through new product introductions, core product enhancements [...]

New Posting Series – The Positivity Pledge

Reflect on you day so far; how many things have made you laugh, feel thankful, or experience a sense of appreciation? Second question; how many things have irked you, frustrated you, or annoyed you so far today? From the moment you walked in the office, are you bombarded by more positive interactions or more negative [...]

Seeking 2 Sales Executives in Building Materials (Central U.S. & East Coast)

The individuals hired for this role will be responsible for calling on OEM customers to grow this critical base by developing customized, turn-key solutions. Critical to success in this role will be a high level of face to face engagement in this market. They will effectively communicate with internal and external customers, suppliers and vendors. [...]

Leadership Assessment – FINAL Post – Play Chess, Not Checkers

• Do you seize learning opportunities and focus on immediate performance problems for your employees? • Do you observe the behavior of your direct reports? • Do you work with the employees you are coaching to generate alternative approaches or solutions that you can consider together? • Do you always follow up on a coaching [...]

Building Products Industry GIANT Seeks National Account Representative!

The person in this role will own and lead key relationships with builders in the assigned territory to generate new construction revenue. This highly autonomous position is ideally based in the western U.S. close to a major airport, covering west coast territory and traveling 50-60% of the time. Key responsibilities will include developing builder strategy, [...]

Leadership Assessment – Post #8 – Play Chess, Not Checkers

The role of a leader is to take one person’s particular talent and turn that talent into performance. In simple terms, a good leader plays checkers. In checkers, there’s some strategy required but essentially all the pieces look alike and move the same way on the board. Now, a great leader? A great leader plays [...]

Interested in getting into healthcare sales? Are you a sales “hunter” with a proven track record? If yes to both…check this out!

The Sales Executive is responsible for increasing penetration and profitability in existing accounts as well as increasing market share through cold calling, prospecting, building relationships, post sales implementation and account maintenance. Focused on account penetration, revenue growth and customer satisfaction within assigned territory. We are filling 4 openings in the below locations: - Dallas, TX [...]

Leadership Assessment – Post #7 – Emotional Intelligence

Simply put? Words matter. Do not underestimate the importance that words have when either strengthening bonds or fracturing them. “Employee” has a different connotation than “team member” or “key contributor,” and “I’m going to need you to” comes across differently than “are you open to some feedback.”  Do you separate observations from judgments or [...]

Innovator in Commercial Industrial Manufacturing Seeks Sales Exec!

This sales role is highly influential and will own the relationship between our client and the customer. The day to day is spent in front of the customer, calling on business owners, contractors and engineers and partaking in industry trade organizations and professional associations. You will move from construction sites to lunch and learns throughout [...]

Leadership Assessment – Post #6 – Emotional Intelligence

The language we use determines the strength of the conversations we have. The strength and the type of conversations we have determines whether an individual sees us as their trusted adviser or someone that that just tells them what to do. That relationship determines the outcome of our success together; it is classic cause and [...]

Leadership Assessment – Post #5 – Listening Skills

Although listening would be considered a soft skill, it is actually one of the hardest skills on to focus on. Humans have a tendency to hear more than they listen. Try to set your natural instincts aside and instead concentrate on the other person’s message and meaning. This requires listening without deciding or judging; the [...]

Leading Manufacturer in Hyper Growth Mode Seeks Senior Level Product Manager!

The successful hire in this role will be afforded lots of challenge inside of this entrepreneurial climate! This position will own its product category from start to finish and is responsible for defining and driving the top line growth and profitability for the business segment. Growth is achieved through new product introductions, core product enhancements [...]

Leadership Assessment – Post #4 – Listening Skills

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you’re listening to a colleague talk about something extremely important to them, and while they’re speaking, something comes to mind to you and you can’t wait for them to finish so that you can tell your story? This is the point where you can still hear [...]

Innovator in Industrial Manufacturing Seeks Sales Leader

This sales role is highly influential and will own the relationship between client and the customer. The day to day is spent in front of the customer, calling on business owners, contractors and engineers and partaking in industry trade organizations and professional associations. You will move from construction sites to lunch and learns throughout your [...]

Leadership Assessment – Post #3

Example, you may feel that by listening without adding topics to the conversation that you are perceived as being interested and thoughtful. Instead, you may come across as dull and self-involved. You may feel that by sharing more than others do, you are perceived as open and honest. Instead, you may come across as burdensome [...]

Seeking Sales Leader – Building Products Manufacturing

This sales leader role is a hybrid position will function as a General Manager and a Product Manager. Specific responsibilities include full strategic responsibility for the business unit to include leading a team, P&L management, budgeting, inventory management, sales forecasting and overall growth. This highly autonomous position with executive level growth opportunities within the division [...]

Leadership Assessment (continued)

As an example, you may feel that by listening without adding topics to the conversation that you are perceived as being interested and thoughtful. Instead, you may come across as dull and self-involved. You may feel that by sharing more than others do, you are perceived as open and honest. Instead, you may come across [...]

Seeking Sales “Hunter” for Construction Products in Midwest

Excellent opportunity for someone seeking to continue advancing their career in a smaller, entrepreneurial organization that is well established and offers a high degree of autonomy and access to leadership! This position has overall responsibility for driving revenue growth through growing distributor relationships, providing leadership for independent rep network, and educating A&E firms, clients, and [...]

New Posting Series! Leadership Assessment

Countless books and articles exist discussing the qualities of managers and leaders and whether the two differ, but little has been said about what happens in the thousands of daily interactions and decisions that allow leaders to get the best out of their people. Start with this premise: We do not see things as they [...]

Seeking Senior Level Product Manager!

The successful hire in this role will be afforded lots of challenge inside of this entrepreneurial climate! This position will own its product category from start to finish and is responsible for defining and driving the top line growth and profitability for the business segment. Growth is achieved through new product introductions, core product enhancements [...]

Is the Golden Rule Selfish? Final Post: The 2nd Universal Truth (cont.)

Instead of including employees only in “need-to-know” conversations and decisions, create opportunities for open discussion around initiatives and policies. In the absence of communication, employees fill the void with often-incorrect tidbits of information. Build trust by communicating as often and as openly as you can and allow people to have insight into the decision-making process.

Large Manufacturer of Stylish Building Products Seeks Sales Representative in Florida

The person hired for this role will be responsible for sales and marketing to manage accounts within the builder channel. Most of the responsibility within this role will be meeting with regional and national builders. The balance of the time in this role will be spent reviewing reports and data, scheduling customer meetings and other [...]

Is the Golden Rule Selfish? – Post #11: The 2nd Universal Truth

Valuing employees and creating reate open lines of communication is the second universal truth. Examine the world’s greatest leaders and you’ll find them all to be exceptional communicators. This does not mean they are great talkers; rather, they talk about their ideas but they do so in a way which speaks to your emotions and [...]

Seeking Sales Executives – Healthcare

The successful candidate hires for this role will be responsible for increasing penetration and profitability in existing accounts as well as increasing market share through cold calling, prospecting, building relationships, post sales implementation and account maintenance. Focused on account penetration, revenue growth and customer satisfaction within assigned territory. Territories Open: - New York, NY - [...]

Is the Golden Rule Selfish? Post #10: Universal Truths

Regardless of the appreciation language, there are fundamental needs every employee needs in order to stay with an organization. An opportunity for challenge and growth as well as strong lines of communication and are two of these fundamental needs. Be cognizant of offering growth opportunities to each individual. Every role comes with less-than-glamorous responsibilities, but [...]

Sales Leader – Building Products Manufacturing

This role is a hybrid position and will function as a General Manager and a Product Manager. Specific responsibilities include full strategic responsibility for the business unit to include leading a team, P&L management, budgeting, inventory management, sales forecasting and overall growth. This highly autonomous position with executive level growth opportunities within the division and [...]

Is the Golden Rule Selfish? Post #9: Perception versus Reality

A recent study by the Society for Human Resource Management discovered that although 51 percent of supervisors say they recognize employees who do a good job, only 17 percent of the employees at the same organizations report that their supervisors do well at recognizing them. The truth is that it is essential to learn to [...]

Seeking Sales Manager in Southeast – Building Materials

The person hired for this role will be responsible for calling on OEM customers to grow this critical base by developing customized, turn-key solutions. Critical to success in this role will be a high level of face to face engagement in this market. They will effectively communicate with internal and external customers, suppliers and vendors. [...]

Global Leader in Building Products Seeks Retail Channel Manager

This key position carries overall responsibility for driving revenue growth for a channel of this business which is made for retail. Success will be measured on achievement of managing existing sales and sales growth of key accounts. This person’s time will be spent making presentations, analyzing pricing and merchandising as well as preparing for key [...]

Seeking Mid-West Region Manager – Construction & Industrial Products

This position has overall responsibility for driving revenue growth through growing distributor relationships, providing leadership for independent rep network, and educating A&E firms, clients, and partners on product performance. You will cultivate relationships by calling directly on distributors and specifiers, along with visiting job sites and facilitating educational presentations and meetings. The position is located [...]

Seeking Sales Representative for Recognized Brand in Building Products

As a large building products manufacturer offering top quality, stylish products at various price points, our client sells through builders, dealers, distributors and big box. The company culture empowers team building and individual growth as well as strong work-life balance. This organization offers a strong career path in the different divisions. The person hired for [...]

Is the Golden Rule Selfish? – Post #4: Appreciation Languages

In The Five Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace, author Gary Chapman helps managers effectively communicate appreciation and encouragement to their employees, resulting in higher levels of job satisfaction, healthier relationships between managers and employees, and decreased cases of burnout.

Regional Sales Manager – Building Envelope

Well-established global company seeks Regional Sales Leader in the Southeast to lead a team of Territory Sales Managers. Experience calling on builders or contractors with a hunter mentality, strong record of success and enthusiasm to strategically develop an untapped market. This is an informal environment where the sales organization has a high degree of freedom [...]

Is the Golden Rule Selfish? – Post #3

As a leader, consider instead operating by the Platinum Rule: "Treat others the way they want to be treated." The Platinum Rule accommodates the desires of others, and shifts the focus from "this is what I would want, so I will treat everyone the same way" to "let me first understand what my employees want, [...]

Seeking Chicago Based Regional Sales Executive

This position has overall responsibility for driving revenue growth through growing distributor relationships, providing leadership for independent rep network, and educating A&E firms, clients, and partners on product performance. You will cultivate relationships by calling directly on distributors and specifiers, along with visiting job sites and facilitating educational presentations and meetings. The position is located [...]

Seeking Global Territory Managers

The position will be charged with driving sales growth in a key multi-million dollar international region. This person will assess assigned market to determine new business development opportunities and effective go-to-market strategy, and cultivate relationships with distributors, mechanical contractors, and specifying engineers to win new business. This is an area of growth within the organization [...]

NEW Posting Series – Is the Golden Rule Selfish?

Embracing the diverse needs and goals of each individual employee is a necessity for any successful leader, and being able to demonstrate appreciation of employees is essential for long-term retention. Whereas most would identify with The Golden Rule as being a universally acceptable code of conduct, it ignores the fact that employees are not simply [...]

Being Your Own Worst Critic – FINAL Post – Allocating Attention

Most of us are used to focusing on externally oriented attention. It is simpler and more straightforward to focus on something outside of ourselves, such as work, television, a significant other, children, or almost anything that engages our senses. Our internal world is far more complicated, with a varied landscape of emotions, feelings, and perceptions. [...]

Seeking Sales “Hunters” for Opportunity in Healthcare!

Seeking Sales "Hunters" for Opportunity in Healthcare! The Sales Executive is responsible for increasing market share through cold calling, prospecting, building relationships, post sales implementation and account maintenance. Focused on account penetration, revenue growth and customer satisfaction within assigned territory. We are actively recruiting talent in 4 locations! - Florida (Jacksonville) - Kentucky (Louisville) - [...]

Being Your Own Worst Critic – Post #5 – The Problem

The next question: What holds us back from taking action on the change needed to improve ourselves? In other words, why do 98% of New Year’s Resolutions fail? It’s simple: the rewards of these changes are in the future, when the discomfort and discipline are right here and right now. When there’s an absence of [...]

Seeking Southeast Region Sales Manager – Building Materials

The person hired for this role will be responsible for calling on OEM customers to grow this critical base by developing customized, turn-key solutions. Critical to success in this role will be a high level of face to face engagement in this market. They will effectively communicate with internal and external customers, suppliers and vendors. [...]

Being Your Own Worst Critic – Post #4 – Rationalizing Failure

Most would agree that the things worth having and achieving in life do not come easy. When the going gets tough, we have a tendency to rationalize why we are not succeeding in our pursuits: “I don’t have enough time.” “It just wasn’t in the cards.” “I decided it wasn’t really what I wanted.” “It [...]

Being Your Own Worst Critic - Post #3 The Questions: Enlightenment comes from taking the opportunity to think about what you experience – both personally and professionally. • What are the things I’m most passionate about? • What are my greatest accomplishments in life so far? • What am I most grateful for? • What [...]

Global Leader in Building Materials Seeks Director of Retail

This position carries responsibility for leading and guiding the execution of sales strategies and tactics for a team within the company’s retail business. This person will be charged with managing short and long term strategic planning, budgeting and sales forecasting. Growing this company’s sales into big box, co-op and independent chain distribution as well as [...]

Being Your Own Worst Critic – Post #2

Conduct a review of your own self. Most would say the cliché that they are their own worst critic, but consider putting a formal structure to this process. All individuals fall into one of two categories. The first has an incessant looming cloud of pressure creeping in from all angles, resulting in a never-ending feeling [...]

New Posting Seires! Being Your Own Worst Critic

The holiday season is a time of celebration – spending time with family and friends, reflecting on the past year, and setting goals for the future. Most have a list of to-do’s before the end of the year; you have checked it twice, and the only objective is to knock out all impending tasks so [...]

Seeking Regional Sales Leader in Building Products (Denver, Colorado)

This position has overall responsibility for driving revenue growth through growing distributor relationships, providing leadership for independent rep network, and educating A&E firms, clients, and partners on product performance. You will cultivate relationships by calling directly on distributors and specifiers, along with visiting job sites and facilitating educational presentations and meetings. The position is located [...]

Allocating Your Attention – Final Post

Just Say No Does it seem impossible to get it all done in a day? It is. You can no longer fit everything in, no matter how effectively you allocate your attention. The moment you embrace that truth, you instantly reduce your stress and feelings of inadequacy. Learn to say no; perhaps this is no [...]

Sales Manager – Building Materials

The person hired for this role will be responsible for calling on OEM customers to grow this critical base by developing customized, turn-key solutions. Critical to success in this role will be a high level of face to face engagement in this market. They will effectively communicate with internal and external customers, suppliers and vendors. [...]

Allocating Your Attention – Post #7

Value of Time How do we know which activities, initiatives, and emergencies are deserving of our attention? Know the value of your time, and train those within your team to think the same way. Take how much you will earn (or would like to earn) annually, and divide by the number of work hours in [...]

Seeking Global Territory Manager – Building Materials

The position will be charged with driving sales growth in a key multi-million dollar international region. This person will assess assigned market to determine new business development opportunities and effective go-to-market strategy, and cultivate relationships with distributors, mechanical contractors, and specifying engineers to win new business. This is an area of growth within the organization [...]

Allocating Your Attention – Post #6

Practice Being Fully Present In our “information overload” society, learning how to stay fully present can certainly be challenging! In fact, “nomophobia” is a term jokingly used by psychologists to refer to the 40% of the population now addicted to their smartphones. What is the habit you need to break in order to be more [...]

Seeking Sales Manager – Building Materials

The person hired for this role will be responsible for calling on OEM customers to grow this critical base by developing customized, turn-key solutions. Critical to success in this role will be a high level of face to face engagement in this market. They will effectively communicate with internal and external customers, suppliers and vendors. [...]

Allocating Your Attention – Post #5

Educate your Environment (continued) What can this look like? Consider closing out email with the exception of several pre-set times throughout the day or late evening. The team will learn at what times you are engaged in administrative activities, keeping other times sacred for forward-motion activities or primary responsibilities. A doctor does not check emails [...]

Seeking Sales Executive for Construction Products – North Carolina Based (Greensboro/Raleigh/Charlotte)

This position has overall responsibility for driving revenue growth through growing distributor relationships, providing leadership for independent rep network, and educating A&E firms, clients, and partners on product performance. You will cultivate relationships by calling directly on distributors and specifiers, along with visiting job sites and facilitating educational presentations and meetings. The position is covering [...]

Allocating Your Attention – Post #4

Educate your Environment One of the biggest challenges of being a parent is that whether you like it or not, there are eyes on you at all times! Children watch, process, and mimic the behaviors modeled to them regardless of if those behaviors are productive or damaging. Similarly, those on your team are constantly observing [...]

Seeking International Sales Leader

The position will be charged with driving sales growth in a key multi-million dollar international region. This person will assess assigned market to determine new business development opportunities and effective go-to-market strategy, and cultivate relationships with distributors, mechanical contractors, and specifying engineers to win new business. This is an area of growth within the organization [...]

Allocating Your Attention – Post #3

In a time when we are accessible every moment of every day, when organizations are lean yet expectations are high, we have largely failed to address a skill that must be developed – both within an effective leader and within those who are being managed. The skill? Attention allocation. Commonly, we focus on time management [...]

Are you a sales “hunter”? Would you like to get into healthcare?

We have just the opportunity for you! The Sales Executive is responsible for increasing market share through cold calling, prospecting, building relationships, post sales implementation and account maintenance. Focused on account penetration, revenue growth and customer satisfaction within assigned territory. We are actively recruiting talent in 6 locations! - Florida (Jacksonville) - Kentucky (Louisville) - [...]

Allocating Your Attention – Post #2

"I just find myself with too much time on my hands throughout the day!” Is it safe to assume that this statement has rarely, if ever, been muttered by leaders and managers in today’s professional environment? In fact, “being busy” is often worn as a prideful badge of honor. It is a popular statement in [...]

Global Leader In Building Products Seeks Sales Specialist in Southeast!

This key position carries overall responsibility for driving revenue growth for one of the fastest growing product segments in the industry. Success will be measured on achievement of product sales goals, margin, and market share targets within the region. This person’s time will be divided between calling on distributors as well as educating contractors on [...]

New Posting Series! Allocating Your Attention

Several years ago, DisneyWorld executives hired Emmy-winning journalist Kare Anderson to study what most captured the attention of young children at their theme parks and hotels. Was it the gift shops exploding at the seams with plush and colorful toys? What about the life-size costumed cast members? Maybe it was the colossal looping rides. Turns [...]

Seeking Retail Channel Manager for Well Respected Manufacturer of Building Products!

This key position carries overall responsibility for driving revenue growth for a channel of this business which is made for retail. Success will be measured on achievement of managing existing sales and sales growth of key accounts. This person’s time will be spent making presentations, analyzing pricing and merchandising as well as preparing for key [...]

Surviving the Slump – Final Post

Actively Learn In nature, plants either grow or decompose; they do not stay the same. People are the same way; in an organization, nourishment is supplied by learning. What are you doing to foster training, growth, and new perspectives for yourself on an ongoing basis? Consider this dilemma: a horticulturalist is stressed out because his [...]

Surviving the Slump – Post #5

Have a Plan Benjamin Franklin is credited with the phrase “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” Two hundred years later, that still rings true. Do not leave the office or go to bed at night without knowing exactly what your day is going to consist of tomorrow. Some adults view a [...]

Seeking Sales Engineer – Denver, Colorado

This position has overall responsibility for driving revenue growth. You will cultivate relationships by calling directly on distributors and specifiers, along with visiting job sites and facilitating educational presentations and meetings. This is an excellent opportunity for someone seeking to continue advancing their career in a smaller, entrepreneurial organization that is well established and offers [...]

Surviving the Slump – Post #4

Streamline Next, consider removing the unnecessary from the calendar. Focus on whatever those most important objectives are. If your mission is to generate new clients, then remove essentially everything else from your calendar that’s not related to developing new clients. If your key objective is to complete some projects that have been looming over your [...]

Leader in Construction Solutions Seeks General Manager (location is Las Vegas, Nevada)

This position has overall responsibility aligning sales and operations functions while generating revenue and controlling profitability. This person will provide leadership in the specified market and play a critical leadership role in the success of the branch. Individual must have strong critical thinking, problem solving and interpersonal communication skills. The position will require less than [...]

Seeking Sales “Hunters” for Opportunity in Healthcare!

The Sales Executive is responsible for increasing market share through cold calling, prospecting, building relationships, post sales implementation and account maintenance. Focused on account penetration, revenue growth and customer satisfaction within assigned territory. We are actively recruiting talent in 6 locations! - Florida (Jacksonville) - Kentucky (Louisville) - New York (Long Island or Manhattan or [...]

Surviving the Slump – Post #3

Commit to Change Pop quiz: Five frogs are sitting on a log. Four decide to jump off. How many are left? The answer is five. Why? Four decided to jump off, but that’s all they did. There’s a big difference between deciding and doing. Commit to just a couple of changes, and commit to how [...]

Seeking Strategic Sales Specialist – Southeast

This key position carries overall responsibility for driving revenue growth for one of the fastest growing product segments in the building and construction industry. Success will be measured on achievement of product sales goals, margin, and market share targets within the region. This person’s time will be divided between calling on distributors as well as [...]

Surviving the Slump – Post #2

Slump vs Burnout Before we jump in, recognize that there is a difference between a slump and being burned out. A slump requires re-engagement, whereas a burnout requires a comprehensive analysis of responsibilities and an analysis of future career path. A burnout can be solved by adding responsibilities to your plate, by building a team [...]

Seeking National Account Leader – Big Box Retail

This key position carries overall responsibility for driving revenue growth for a channel of this business which is made for retail. Success will be measured on achievement of managing existing sales and sales growth of key accounts. This person’s time will be spent making presentations, analyzing pricing and merchandising as well as preparing for key [...]

Surviving the Slump – New Posting Series!

How excited do you think Pat Sajak is to ask contestants to buy a vowel after all these years? Do you think Beyoncé is tired of singing “Single Ladies” yet? Which do you think Michael Jordan loved more – the championship rings or shooting practice free throws for well over two decades of his life? [...]

Global Leader in Manufacturing Seeking Director of Sales

Our client is a global leader in the manufacturing of building materials serving commercial, industrial, and institutional construction. This is a highly stable organization with more than a century of industry presence operated by multiple generations of family and employee ownership. They tout a culture of forward thinking, strategic growth, and progressive initiatives to keep [...]

Channel Management Leader, Midwest

This Channel Management Leader will drive overall sales growth for 4 key business segments. This person will lead a team of 6 direct reports and 20+ rep firms to increase sales through the segment channels. Additionally, this role will be tasked with strategic sales calls to high level executives, and success will be measured on [...]

Sales Manager (located in Houston or Dallas or San Antonio)

The Sales Manager is a strategic, individual contributor role charged with driving revenue growth in a large southern region. This market segment is critical to achieving aggressive growth within one of the newest and fastest growing divisions of the organization! Success in this role will be measured on achievement of product sales goals, margin, and [...]

Seeking Marketing & Sales Analyst – Atlanta

The person hired for this role will be responsible for gathering, interpreting, formatting and reporting data internal and customer teams. They will deliver detailed analysis that provide strategic direction and communication. These analytics will assist in driving profitable sales for both in-store and online assortments. This position will work with many cross-functional teams as it [...]

Cross-Functional Sales Leader

The successful candidate hired for this position will play a key role in driving pull-through business by developing relationships with specifying engineers, large contractors, and end users. This is a great opportunity for someone who enjoys autonomy and desires to flex their entrepreneurial spirit with the backing and support of an effective team. This is [...]

General Manager (Construction/Building Materials)

This position is located in Las Vegas and is responsible for providing sales and operational leadership and plays a critical leadership role in the success of this location. This is an excellent opportunity for someone seeking to continue advancing their career and motivated by professional and financial opportunity. Perks of this position include a competitive [...]

In honor of our Founder and late CEO…

Please support "Team Russ" as we walk to fight suicide in the Out of the Darkness Atlanta Walk . We are joining the community of nearly 250,000 people walking in hundreds of cities across the country in support of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention's mission to save lives and bring hope to those affected [...]

Seeking Senior Level Sales with Leadership!

The individual hired for this role will be leading a sales team of 7 to 10 people and responsible for driving sales objectives in the assigned region. This “player/coach” will be actively engaged in closing deals and spending the vast majority of their time in the field coaching and training sales executives while meeting with [...]

Global Sales Executive

The position will be charged with driving sales growth in a key multi-million dollar international region. This person will assess assigned market to determine new business development opportunities and effective go-to-market strategy, and cultivate relationships with distributors, mechanical contractors, and specifying engineers to win new business. This is an area of growth within the organization [...]

National Retail Accounts Leader – Building Products

Join this renowned and well respected company (as evidenced by its highest retail vendor rating)! This key position carries overall responsibility for driving revenue growth for the retail channel of this business. Success will be measured on achievement of managing existing sales and sales growth of key accounts. This person’s time will be spent making [...]

Seeking Channel Sales Manager & Leader in Building Products (Midwest based)

The successful candidate hired for this role will drive overall sales growth for 4 key business segments. This person will lead a team of 6 direct reports and 20+ rep firms to increase sales through the segment channels. Additionally, this role will be tasked with strategic sales calls to high level executives, and success will [...]

The Marshmallow Experiment – Post #7

Look Backwards It may sound counterproductive; if we are to focus on the future, why would we look back? Think of it this way – in commerce, people perceive that products and events are more valuable when others are waiting behind us to purchase as well. If you are running a race, it can be [...]

Seeking Sales Specialist with Quantifiable Track Record of Calling on Wholesale Distribution and Contractors

This forward thinking and stable organization with progressive growth initiatives is a global leader serving commercial, industrial, and institutional construction! This key position carries overall responsibility for driving revenue growth for one of the fastest growing product segments in the industry. Success will be measured on achievement of product sales goals, margin, and market share [...]

Regional Sales Manager (Denver, CO & Raleigh, NC)

Drive revenue growth through growing distributor relationships, providing leadership for independent rep network, and educating A&E firms, clients, and partners on product performance! Cultivate relationships by calling directly on distributors and specifiers, along with visiting job sites and facilitating educational presentations and meetings. Excellent for those seeking to continue advancing their career in a smaller, [...]

The Marshmallow Experiment – Post #6

Support System Peer groups with similar objectives do more than offer a sense of community and belonging – they can be one of the keys to personal achievement and professional success. If you are responsible for cultivating talent in others, identify opportunities for like-minded and similarly-goaled individuals to collaborate on a regularly scheduled basis. Motivational [...]

Join a Growing Global Brand as Marketing & Sales Analyst!

This well recognized brand owns 70% + of the U.S. market! In their respective category, they are the largest manufacturer in the world. The company culture is energetic, team oriented, and is composed of very knowledgeable and diverse individuals who truly want to “win” together. This highly profitable organization is change driven and results oriented. [...]

The Marshmallow Experiment – Post #5

Timing is Everything (continued) A definitive timeline to measure success can help avoid decisions made out of desperation. Ever hire someone who was not a bullseye fit, just because you thought you couldn’t afford to keep looking? Decisions can be made in a more objective manner when you have the reinforcement of a deadline; knowing [...]

Building Materials Manufacturer Seeks Proven Sales Success

Incredible opportunity for candidate with quantifiable record of relevant sales success to join this company culture of forward thinking, strategic growth, and progressive initiatives to keep employees inspired and engaged! This cross-functional sales leader will play a key role in driving pull-through business by developing relationships with specifying engineers, large contractors, and end users. This [...]

The Marshmallow Experiment – Post #4

Timing is Everything Create a definitive timeline to measure success, failure, or the need for an extension. Every goal becomes alive when you hit the deadline switch. Always wanted to learn how to play the piano? Taking lessons and practicing can certainly take steps to achievement, but schedule a private concert for family and friends [...]

Global Leader in Building Products Seeks Strategic Individual Contributor

Our client is a stable organization with more than a century of industry presence operated by multiple generations of family and employee ownership. Join a culture of forward thinking, strategic growth, and progressive initiatives to keep employees inspired and engaged! The person hired for this role will be charged with driving revenue growth in a [...]

The Marshmallow Experiment – Post #3

Stanford University’s Marshmallow Experiment from the 1960’s highlights why we should care about developing this skill in ourselves and in those we work with and lead. In Stanford’s study, children were given the choice between a marshmallow they could eat immediately, and a larger reward (such as several marshmallows) for which they would have to [...]

National Leader in Construction Solutions Seeks General Manager

This client has strong financial backing from a top private-equity firm and has a solid near 20-year history of serving builders and homeowners via a network of branch locations nationwide. This position has overall responsibility for one of the largest branches in the nation. Aligning sales and operations functions is a professional and financial opportunity [...]

The Marshmallow Experiment – Post #2

Countless articles have been written about how to combat procrastination, the relentless pursuit of effective time management, and techniques to stay focused throughout the day. The “Most Creative Award” would likely be awarded to internet entrepreneur and author Maneesh Sethi works in the digital world, who spent most of his days alone in front of [...]

The Marshmallow Experiment – Post #1

Inside each of us, a tumultuous war rages. One side offers immediate gratification, the exhilaration of living life in the present, and the excitement of spontaneous enjoyment. On the opposing side of the battlefield: patience to endure the uncertainty of the future, the cognitive ability to remain focused on a singular task or goal, and [...]

Introduction of New Series! The Marshmallow Experiment

Inside each of us, a tumultuous war rages. One side offers immediate gratification, the exhilaration of living life in the present, and the excitement of spontaneous enjoyment. On the opposing side of the battlefield: patience to endure the uncertainty of the future, the cognitive ability to remain focused on a singular task or goal, and [...]

National Leader in Construction Solutions Seeking General Manager

Our client is a national leader in construction solutions to builders. This client has strong financial backing from a top private-equity firm and has a solid near 20-year history of serving builders and homeowners via a network of branch locations nationwide. The company mission is a commitment to leading the industry as a trusted resource, [...]

Global Leader in Building Products Seeking Channel Management Leader

Our client is a global leader in the manufacturing of building products serving commercial, industrial, and institutional construction. This is a highly stable organization with more than a century of industry presence operated by multiple generations of family and employee ownership. They tout a culture of forward-thinking, strategic growth, and progressive initiatives to keep employees [...]

Winning The Game – Post 7

Rule # 3 The game is not over until you have an offer in your hand. Until you do there is still time for the competition to score enough points to beat you. How well do you follow through after you have performed well in the interview process? We have seen candidates come from behind [...]

Winning The Game – Post 6

Rule #2 (final continuation) How long has it been since you have interviewed for job? No time to practice. This is the playoffs and its single elimination. There is no tomorrow to make up for blown interviews. The web is full of resources to help you get game ready, we have has a lot of [...]

Winning The Game – Post 5

Rule #2 (continued) Now you are prepared for game day. Is your game day uniform ready to wear? It is amazing that some professionals still fall short in the interview processes because they minimize the importance of details in this area. Conservative, well fitting, dark suit; pressed shirt/blouse; stain free power tie; shined or new [...]

Winning The Game – Post 4

Rule #2 (continued) Specifically you need to understand the job you are interviewing for in as much detail as possible. Your recruiter should be able to help you here. Try to find someone else that is working for the company now that you can speak with. It’s always good to speak with one of their [...]

Winning The Game – Post 3

Rule # 2 70% of how well you do in the interview is based on how well you prepare for it. Preparing for an interview takes time, effort and purpose: Research the company; know the products and services they sell and into what markets. Know how they are structured financially. Public or private; private equity [...]

Leading Manufacturing Company Seeking Regional Sales Manager

Our client is one of the largest manufacturers in the United States of construction and industrial products.  Some of the worlds most respected companies have come to rely on this diverse product portfolio and its track record of 50+ years in the space.   The mission of this responsive, nimble company is to continue to deliver [...]

Winning the Game – Part 2

Rule #1 - 90% of the hiring decision is based on your actual performance in the interview / hiring process. This is why games are always played. Most analyst could easily tell you who’s got the better team and who should win the game. Yet it’s the team with the most points on the board [...]

Global Leader in Manufacturing Seeking Key Accounts Manager – Retail

Our client is a global leader in the manufacturing of building products serving commercial, industrial, and institutional construction. This is a highly stable organization with more than a century of industry presence operated by multiple generations of family and employee ownership. They tout a culture of forward thinking, strategic growth, and progressive initiatives to keep [...]

New Posting Series!

Winning the Game (written by our late Founder, Russell D Mountain) It’s often not the most qualified candidate that gets the job. It’s the one that plays the game the best. Most win by outplaying/interviewing their competition with decision makers. Like any other game there are rules as well as effective strategies and techniques that [...]

A Culture of Confidence – Final Post!

Keep in mind that confidence and competence are closely related. In nature, plants either grow or decompose; they do not stay the same. In an organization, nourishment is supplied by the broad term of training, but a more accurate term is learning. What is being done within your organization to foster learning, growth, and new [...]

A Culture of Confidence – Part 11

To see failure in a positive light, keep a running list of lessons learned along the way. Every time you make a mistake, write down what you learned and how you will avoid replicating the mistake in the future. Although this might seem counter-productive (who wants to see a checklist of what not to do), [...]

A Culture of Confidence – Part 10

“The responsibility of a leader is to provide cover from above for their people who are working below. When the people feel that they have the control to do what’s right, even if it sometimes means breaking the rules, then they will more likely do the right thing. Courage comes from above. Our confidence to [...]

A Culture of Confidence – Part 9

Focus on learning from failures. Believing in yourself is good; forgiving yourself is better. Even the most successful, competent people are constantly making mistakes – that's how we learn.

Global Company Seeking Marketing & Sales Analyst

Opportunity to join a growing global and well recognized brand that owns 70-75% of the U.S. market!  In their respective category, they are the largest manufacturer in the world.  The company culture is energetic, team oriented, and is composed of very knowledgeable and diverse individuals who truly want to “win” together.  This highly profitable organization [...]

A Culture of Confidence – Part 8

Consider retraining the brain on how to interpret fear of failure. When facing a daunting task that incites insecurity, replace negative thoughts of intimidation with positive ones relating to the opportunity at hand. Ask “I know this is a big project to tackle – what are you most excited about?” or “What are you most [...]

A Culture of Confidence – Part 7

Set reasonable expectations. Set the bar where it really is on an individual basis, as opposed to universal standards that may not be met. In other words, redefine what it means to be competent and highlight the small incremental gains needed to build a bridge from current achievement to future potential. Focus on small wins [...]

A Culture of Confidence – Part 5

Even for the most tenured of individuals, this applies. How do successful people wake up each morning with zest and enthusiasm to tackle another day? It’s not because they are reminding yourself of the mistakes they have made and the failures they have endured. On the contrary, it’s because they edit out those failures and [...]

A Culture of Confidence – Part 3

“This is the classic definition of self-efficacy, and it may be the most central belief driving individual success. People who believe they can succeed see opportunities, where others see threats. They are not afraid of uncertainty or ambiguity, they embrace it. They take more risks and achieve greater returns. Given the choice, they bet on [...]

A Culture of Confidence – Part 2

Confidence increases productivity and causes you to choose more challenging tasks, which make you stand out amongst your peers. You naturally create a more cohesive workplace environment; confident people celebrate the accomplishments of others as opposed to insecure individuals who try to steal the spotlight and criticize others in order to prove their worth. Speaking [...]

New Posting Series! A Culture of Confidence – Part 1

Turns out, there are benefits that come from being a cocky teenager. Although your parents might have been counting down the days until you flew the nest, that swagger means you’ll likely end up earning a higher salary than those of your more modest friends. According to the Journal of Economic Psychology, their “Self-Esteem and [...]

Refining Relocation – Part 8: The Recruiter

The steps covered in this blog series are just a few of dozens and dozens our recruiters take when preparing a candidate for the potential of relocation for your opportunity. We are connected with reputable companies who assist with the move itself, and we can set up visits introducing the family to the area, the [...]

Refining Relocation – Part 7: The Family (continued)

If the candidate is married, get to know that spouse. Is the spouse employed, what do they do, what is their income and will they continue to work in a similar capacity in the new city are all questions that must be answered early on in the recruiting process. Of course children need to be [...]

Refining Relocation – Part 6: The Family

Whereas housing and reimbursement decisions can seem relatively straightforward, there is one area of relocation that is nothing but – the family! Many important decisions are made by emotion and then rationalized by facts, and a candidate’s inner circle is going to have a big impact on that emotional decision.

Global Manufacturing Company Seeking Global Territory Manager

Our client is a global leader in the manufacturing of building products serving commercial, industrial, and institutional construction. This is a highly stable organization with more than a century of industry presence operated by multiple generations of family and employee ownership. They tout a culture of forward-thinking, strategic growth, and progressive initiatives to keep employees [...]

Refining Relocation – Part 5: Reimbursement (final considerations)

Will financial assistance be provided for double mortgage or double rent payments, or reimbursement for trips back home if the candidate is relocating prior to the spouse and children? The candidate will receive an economic benefit from many of the relocation costs; will your organization cover the tax liabilities associated with those benefits, or is [...]

Refining Relocation – Part 5: Reimbursement (continued)

For Consideration: Will you reimburse for interim housing if needed? What about home-hunting trips prior to the move? What is acceptable for incurred expense reimbursement (paying a deposit for a new cable bill, a maid service to clean the old house prior to selling, the cost of a rental car while theirs is being shipped)

Refining Relocation – Part 5: Reimbursement

One of the most ambiguous components of relocation comes down to reimbursable expenses. If there is not simply a set reimbursement based on the level of the hire, what (in addition to the expenses from the moving company) will be reimbursed? The easiest solution of course is to offer a fixed fee based on if [...]

Refining Relocation – Part 4: The House (continued)

• Compile information such as the monthly mortgage rate of the current home, how much equity/negative equity exists, any closing costs or realtor fees associated with the sale • Know the square footage of the home and any storage areas in order to accurately calculate the approximate cost of a pack, ship, and move • [...]

Global Manufacturing Leader Seeking Regional Sales Manager

Our client is a global leader in the manufacturing of building products serving commercial and industrial construction. This is a highly stable organization with more than a century of industry presence operated by multiple generations of family and employee ownership. Our client touts a culture of forward-thinking, strategic growth, and progressive initiatives to keep employees [...]

Global Leader in the Manufacturing of Building Products Seeking Sales Manager

Our client is a global leader in the manufacturing of building products serving commercial and industrial construction. This is a highly stable organization with more than a century of industry presence operated by multiple generations of family and employee ownership. Our client touts a culture of forward-thinking, strategic growth, and progressive initiatives to keep employees [...]

Refining Relocation – Part 4: The House

If your candidate owns a home and will be selling that home, this relocation just increased in complexity. Add the following to your checklist of must-do’s : • Contact a realtor to conduct a Comparative Market Analysis for the home, which will provide a more accurate picture of how the property will show and sell [...]

Refining Relocation – Part 3

For any hiring manager who has been involved with handling relocation, the nightmare stories are plentiful. The moving truck breaks down, high school children threaten emancipation, or the family cat is accidentally packed in a moving box (but survived) are all true stories of relocation fiascos. Assuredly, unexpected situations cannot always be avoided, but are [...]

Refining Relocation – Part 2

Hiring the best of the best? In many situations and for many roles, a commitment to employing the best candidates possible can sometimes involve relocation. Whether this a commonplace occurrence or one that is only approved under the most unique circumstances, there are copious and essential components of a successful relocation that can be refined [...]

New Posting Series! Refining the Relocation – Part 1

Moving boxes. Packaging Tape. Storage facilities. Styrofoam peanuts. Setting up new utilities. Is anyone excited by these things? Most are terrified, yet what can we do when they are exactly the things standing in the way of your best candidate saying “yes” to your opportunity? The thought of relocation is intimidating for nearly all candidates [...]

Global Leader Seeking Strategic Marketing Manager

Our client is a global leader in the manufacturing industry, serving commercial and residential construction. With 70 years of serving the building and construction segment, they bring a track record of stability, profitability, and a reputation for commitment to customers while delivering reliable, high quality products. If you are seeking to join a well-established organization [...]

Rainmakers – FINAL Post: How do I recruit and hire Rainmakers?

Have the recruiter pre-close the offer with the candidate. Any good recruiter will be doing this anyway early and often to uncover any potential deal killers as soon as possible. Emotions, anticipations, and anxiousness are at their highest point in the process for companies and candidates. A good recruiter will maintain the calm, and in [...]

Rainmakers – Part 20: How do I recruit and hire Rainmakers?

Let’s talk about the offer. A good recruiter will know what will be accepted by the candidate. Ask him or her and work on it. Get your monies worth for the fees you are paying to the recruiter. I recommend you let the recruiter extend the offer and get a verbal acceptance from the candidate [...]

Global Leader Seeking Distribution Manager

Our client is a privately-held global leader in providing custom engineered solutions to diverse end user markets including manufacturing, education, healthcare, and government. With a stable history of more than 80 years, their reputation is built on delivering the highest quality products and reliable service. There is no better time than the present to join [...]

Global Leader Seeking Territory Manager

Our client is a privately-held global leader in providing custom engineered solutions to diverse end user markets including manufacturing, education, healthcare, and government. With a stable history of more than 80 years, their reputation is built on delivering the highest quality products and reliable service. There is no better time than the present to join [...]

Rainmakers – Part 18: How do I recruit and hire Rainmakers?

Your thorough, well planned, and organized process has impressed them. But most importantly, so have the people you have had them meet with. They should be your brightest and best. Rainmakers want to be where other Rainmakers are. They know they can’t do it all by themselves. You’ve made a tremendous amount of TRUST deposits [...]

Rainmakers – Part 16: How do I recruit and hire Rainmakers?

Dr. Smart says your most powerful hiring tool is the CIDS Interview Guide. This is the Chronological In-Depth Structured Interview Guide he provides in his book, “Topgrading.” Mr. Welch writes in “Winning” that the most important question you can ask in an interview is to probe around the reasons a candidate left their two most [...]

Rainmakers – Part 15: How do I recruit and hire Rainmakers?

Having a detailed and very specific job description including the job responsibilities and expectations with education, experience, hard and soft skill requirements in “must haves” to “nice-to-haves” is also a good start. This enables you to further identify the core competencies and characteristics needed in doing the job well. This will enable you to determine [...]

Rainmakers – Part 14: How do I recruit and hire Rainmakers?

Aim at nothing and you hit it every time. You have to identify your target. You have to know what you want and be able to recognize it when you see and hear it. In today’s highly competitive market for talent, and with the shrinking talent pool, you must be prepared to act promptly in [...]

Rainmakers – Part 13: How do I recruit and hire Rainmakers?

It takes time and money in people, assessment tools, clearly defined processes, and external resources to generate the applicant flow and have an effective interview and selection process. Someone once said the best way to end right is to start right. Using a reputable professional recruiter you can trust raises the caliber of your selection [...]

Rainmakers – Part 12: How do I recruit and hire Rainmakers?

Dr. Brad Smart, author of the bestselling book, Topgrading, says you have to be disciplined from the very beginning and start at the top. You may have as much as 100 hours in each search. “That’s the price to play. You have to put a ton of time and energy into getting those first A [...]

Rainmakers – Part 10: How do I recruit and hire Rainmakers?

“Hiring good people is hard. Hiring great people (Rainmakers) is brutally hard. And yet nothing matters more in winning than getting the right people on the field. All the clever strategies and advanced technologies in the world are nowhere near as effective without great people to put them to work.” Jack Welch.

Rainmakers – Part 10: How do I connect with Rainmakers?

Dr. Smart, author of the bestselling book, Topgrading, recommends finding a good recruiting firm first, although he admits that is not always easy to do. Word of mouth references are best, he suggests. There are national and state associations of professional recruiters that have web sites that can be searched by specialty, industry and location. [...]

Rainmakers – Part 9: Where are they?

Rainmakers are leaders and yet they also run in packs. Birds of a feather indeed flock together. King Solomon wrote in the book of Proverbs “As iron sharpens iron so one man sharpens another.” Rainmakers are also very wise and surround themselves with other highly successful people they can learn from and model. They build [...]

Rainmakers – Part 8: Where are they?

They all started early somewhere on school campuses making rain in some form or fashion. Whether its athletics, grades, leadership roles, or self-funding their education, the evidence of the rain is there as far back as you can see. That’s where the pattern of behavior starts. They could still be in school leading and learning [...]

Global Leader in Manufacturing Seeking Strategic Sales Specialist

Responsibilities · Driving revenue growth for one of the fastest growing product segments in the industry. · Success will be measured on achievement of product sales goals, margin, and market share targets within the region. · Calling on distributors as well as educating contractors on product performance to increase pull-through sales. · This market segment [...]

Rainmakers – Part 7: Where are they?

It’s all relative to the industry. They are in every industry somewhere; most likely in the companies where the greatest opportunity to learn, lead and earn exist. They are too smart, too driven to succeed, and too much in demand to just exist somewhere. They are good decision makers and leaders; therefore, they will be [...]

Global Leader in Manufacturing Seeking Commercial Sales Manager

Responsibilities · Driving pull-through business by developing relationships with specifying engineers, large contractors, and end users. · Great opportunity for someone who enjoys autonomy and desires to flex their entrepreneurial spirit with the backing and support of an effective team. · Highly visible, revenue generating role poised for significant growth for a top performer. · Position [...]

Global Leader in Manufacturing Seeking Director of Sales

Our client is a global leader in the manufacturing of building materials serving commercial, industrial, and institutional construction. This is a highly stable organization with more than a century of industry presence operated by multiple generations of family and employee ownership. They tout a culture of forward thinking, strategic growth, and progressive initiatives to keep [...]

Part 5: Rainmakers – Who are they? Where are they? How do I recruit, and hire them?

Jack Welch attributes the unprecedented success GE experienced under his 20 years of leadership to their relentless pursuit and commitment to hiring, developing, and retaining Rainmakers. To make and maintain room for them ongoing in their businesses, GE embraced the concept of Topgrading. Topgrading is culling / eliminating the bottom 10% of their rankings annually [...]

Part 4: Rainmakers – Who are they? Where are they? How do I recruit, and hire them?

Former GE C.E.O., Jack Welch, implemented the best practice of forced ranking all GE employees in every one of their businesses utilizing their 9 block assessment on an annual basis. The highest ranking a person could receive was A1 (high performance, high potential). Those were GE’s Rainmakers. In his book titled “Winning”, Mr. Welch said [...]

Part 3: Rainmakers – Who are they? Where are they? How do I recruit, and hire them?

Repeated successful results across varying scenarios provide clear evidence of a pattern of over achievement and transferable skills and competencies that are always found in Rainmakers. They have the highest personal and professional integrity and values that others who have known them will be able to speak to. That is who they are, and it [...]

Part 2: Rainmakers – Who are they? Where are they? How do I recruit, and hire them?

They lead by example and exude the personal and professional character that others are willing to follow to achieve the highest goals. They have a historical successful track record that is easily verifiable and quantifiable. They know what they did and how. They can speak specifically to their impact and results. Their background is filled [...]

Leading Materials Manufacturer Seeking Sales Manager

Our client is a global leader in manufacturing of materials with a strong 27-year history of innovation in sports venues. Commitment and the ability to incorporate the latest technology into each project and state-of-the art facility make them an industry leader! We are seeking a Business Director to be at the helm of a division [...]

Leading Materials Manufacturer Seeking Business Director

Our client is a global leader in manufacturing of materials with a strong 27-year history of innovation in sports venues.  Commitment and the ability to incorporate the latest technology into each project and state-of-the art facility make them an industry leader!  We are seeking a Business Director to be at the helm of a division [...]

Part 1: Rainmakers – Who are they? Where are they? How do I recruit, and hire them?

Rainmakers are the real difference makers for any business. They have an early and ongoing impact that produces sustainable results long after they are gone. They raise the bar and set the company records and high standards that keep the entire organization reaching and challenged. They bring in and drive the highest revenues, acquire more [...]

Embracing The Entilted (the full article)

In today’s fiercely competitive marketplace, employers are rolling out the red carpet to create a unique and engaging workplace. On-site massage therapists, nap pods, and intra-office pet daycare are all real examples of perks in the workplace that can make even the most grounded individual lose sight of reality. But even without these outrageous perks, [...]

Global Leader Seeking Strategic Partnership Manager

Our client is a privately held global leader in providing custom engineered solutions to automotive, healthcare, and industrial manufacturing segments. With a stable history of more than 80 years, their reputation is built on delivering the highest quality products and reliable service that are key for the mission critical applications of their solutions. There is [...]

The Next Generation of Leadership – Part 7: Necessarily Nimble

We tend to categorize multi-tasking as the ability to juggle several activities simultaneously. Think beyond multi-tasking with activities, and instead look for those who can multi-task with responsibilities. Leaders need to be agile as they can at times be relied upon to light a fire within one group while simultaneously putting out a fire with [...]

The Next Generation of Leadership – Part 6: Rules of Engagement

The Next Generation of Leadership – Part 6: Rules of Engagement Be on the lookout for those employees who have a natural ability to make things happen. They gravitate towards making decisions rather than waiting to see what the status quo will be. Specifically, look for individuals who take action and can speak to how [...]

The Next Generation of Leadership – Part 5: Potential vs. Performance

Quite often, raises and promotions occur based on outstanding performance and the achievement of quotas or goals. Employee performance defines ability and expertise, which is important. However, place equal weight on an individual’s aptitude, desire to grow, and overall potential. In other words, just because an athlete is one of the best football players of [...]

The Next Generation of Leadership – Part 4

How does one start to identify the next generation of leadership within the firm? Instead of relying solely on tenure, keep in mind that your future leaders of your company may be hiding in plain sight. How do you bring them out into the open? Stay tuned for more!

The Next Generation of Leadership – Part 3

The success of any organization is largely reliant on the strength of the leadership; conveying a vision, formulating strategy, and ultimately driving the direction of a company is no small task. Thus, having a sustained and committed leadership development program can be a key differentiator in the trajectory of a firm. Although bringing in talent [...]

The Next Generation of Leadership – Part 2

The Next Generation of Leadership - Part 2 Identifying leadership potential requires conscious observation of behaviors. What characteristics can indicate one is capable and worthy of being groomed to be an emerging leader? Our new series of posts, The Next Generation of Leadership will help you recognize The Next Generation of Leadership within your organization [...]

The Next Generation of Leadership – Part 1

Many organizations in our industry right now are in heavy growth mode. Businesses are competing fiercely for the best available talent that will replace the retiring Boomer generation in the coming few years. Astute leaders are walking many steps ahead, recognizing that promoting from within is rarely possible if they wait until a seat is [...]

Leading Manufacturer Seeking Regional Manager

Our client is a privately held leading manufacturer of industrial and commercial construction products. With over 40 years in the industry, they offer a diverse product portfolio in addition to private labeling and contract manufacturing services. Our client’s mission is to continue to deliver quality substance and excellent customer service while expanding business across all [...]

Global Leader seeking Territory Manager

Our client is a privately held global leader in providing custom engineered solutions to automotive, healthcare, and industrial manufacturing segments. With a stable history of more than 80 years, their reputation is built on delivering the highest quality products and reliable service that are key for the mission critical applications of their solutions. There is [...]

Embracing the Entitled – Final Post

Perhaps even more important? Deep down, we all want to be involved with an important project that challenges us. When we give a tough objective and let an employee know it will take everything they’ve got, it communicates that we actually take them seriously and give them permission to take risks that result in growth [...]

Embracing the Entitled – Part 8

Entitled employees tend to stay within their comfort zones and take few risks. Set a stretch goal for those who feel they cannot fail, but do not chastise for shortfalls or lack of success. Instead, allow for the individual to embrace the mistakes made, the skills that are not yet developed, and the opportunities for [...]

Embracing the Entitled – Part 7 – Set Them Up to Fail

Gasp! Before you scramble for your Leadership 101 Handbook that says a great leader would never do such a thing, many would acknowledge that it was through their greatest struggles that their greatest achievements were born. More often than not, those who history best remembers were faced with numerous obstacles that forced them to work [...]

Embracing the Entitled – Part 6 – Great Expectations

Be exceptionally clear (and when at all possible, measurable) with any and all expectations. Consider going beyond “pass or fail” and instead communicate clearly what deficient (failure), competent (good enough to get by), and proficient (exceptional) behavior or results look like. Then, stick to them firmly. If you don’t, you can actually create a deepened [...]

Embracing the Entitled – Part 5

The “I” in Team To encourage self-absorbed individuals to look outside their lens of individuality, add some components to their set of responsibilities that require the success of others. This could be accomplished by tying a portion of compensation or bonus to the success of new hires, the team, or organization as a whole. Alternatively, [...]

Embracing the Entitled – Part 4

Special vs. Appreciated Words matter. Consider the difference between “you have a face that makes time stand still” and “you have a face that could stop a clock.” Entitled individuals believe themselves to be more special than others; frame your vocabulary to play against this notion. Instead of “you are the best hire we have [...]

Embracing the Entitled – Part 3

Memory Lane Although tales that start with “back in my day” typically fall on deaf ears (or are met with an eyeball roll), it may be meaningful to take a trip down memory lane at times. Newer employees may not know the sacrifices that their company was built upon; consider creating a milestone wall or [...]

Embracing the Entitled – Part 2

Be honest; when you read the title of our posting series, did it immediately conjure up an image of a selfie-taking, social media addicted, text-obsessed millennial? Before we go any further, let us first take a moment and apologize to the recent generation entering the workforce. Turns out, there may not be any increase at [...]

Embracing the Entitled – Part 1

In today’s fiercely competitive marketplace, employers are rolling out the red carpet to create a unique and engaging workplace. On-site massage therapists, nap pods, and intra-office pet daycare are all real examples of perks in the workplace that can make even the most grounded individual lose sight of reality. But even without these outrageous perks, [...]

Leading Industrial Supplier Seeking Regional Manager

Our client is a leading industrial supplier and manufacturer serving many industries across the country. With over 50 years in the industry, they offer a diverse product portfolio under their reputable brand in addition to private labeling. Our client’s mission is to continue to deliver quality substance and excellent customer service. They are seeking to [...]

Leading Manufacturer Seeking Regional Sales Manager

Responsibilities · Driving revenue growth by expanding the sales organization and strategies in various market sectors · Cultivate loyal relationships with dealers and end-users, and establish a sales team to drive growth and change throughout the industry · Educate, engage and establish the dealer network · The position requires 50-75% travel. Requirements · Great Mechanical [...]

Support Tricia Mountain in Suicide Prevention

Donate Dear Friends, I believe suicide can be prevented, and it starts with everyday heroes like us. That's why I am joining the community of 250,000 people walking in hundreds of cities across the country to fight suicide in an Out of the Darkness Walk. I would appreciate any support that you give me for [...]

Leading Global Manufacturer Seeking Business Manager

Our client is a global leader in equipment manufacturing with a strong history of over 25 years. They offer unique brands and total solutions to lead global innovation.  The company mission is to provide profitable growth through innovation, quality and commitment to its customers. They are seeking to grow their team with talent that will [...]

Leading Global Manufacturer Seeking Strategic Buyer

Our client is a global manufacturer in the agricultural industry. This company has a strong history of over 25 years and comes with unique brands and total solutions to lead global innovation. The company mission is to provide profitable growth through innovation, quality and commitment to its customers. They are seeking to grow their team [...]

Leading Industrial Manufacturer Seeking Business Development Specialist

Our client is a leading industrial manufacturer serving multiple industries including construction, mining, transportation and rail, in addition to providing private labeling and contract manufacturing services. With over 50 years in the industry, their products are some of the most recognized across North America.  Our client’s mission is to continue to deliver quality substance and [...]

Leading manufacturer Seeking Regional Sales Manager

This company is 100% employee-owned with a strong history of over 45 years in the industry. They have consistently proven to be an industry leader in innovative products.  Our client’s mission is to maintain their prominence in the market with the most engineered, durable, productive product line in the world. They are seeking to grow [...]

Global Manufacturer Seeking Field Sales Manager

Global manufacturer with a significant brand and a strong history of over 25 years in their space.  With a mission to provide profitable growth through innovation, quality and commitment to its customers, this company brings unique brands and total solutions making them an industry leader. We are seeking to help grow their team with talent [...]

Leading Industrial Supplier Seeking Regional Manager

Our client is a leading industrial supplier and manufacturer serving many industries across the country. With over 50 years in the industry, their products are some of the most recognized in all of North America.  Our client’s mission is to continue to deliver quality substance and excellent customer service. They are seeking to grow their [...]

Innovative Software Company Seeking Account Manager

Our client is an extremely innovative model-based software company dedicated to pushing the boundaries of technology.  Our client’s software is groundbreaking and will evolve the operation of the construction industry, from the structural design stage to the completion of the structure.  With this revolutionary software, our client is rapidly growing, with the potential to double [...]

Global Manufacturer Seeking Market Manager

Our client is a global manufacturer of specified products supplying to the energy sector, with a 130 year history of providing innovative solutions to a variety of industries, including utilities, automotive, construction and agriculture. With a commitment to exceeding customer expectations and sustainable manufacturing operations, our client has positioned themselves as a world leader in [...]

Global Manufacturer Seeking Sr. Marketing Specialist

Our client is a global manufacturer with a strong history of over 25 years in their space.  With a mission to provide profitable growth through innovation, quality and commitment to its customers, this company brings unique brands and total solutions making them a global leader. We are seeking to help grow their team with talent [...]

Global Manufacturer Seeking Territory Sales Manager

Our client is a global manufacturer with a strong history of over 25 years in their space.  With a mission to provide profitable growth through innovation, quality and commitment to its customers, this company brings unique brands and total solutions making them a global leader. We are seeking to help grow their team with talent [...]

Global manufacturer seeking Product Manager

Our client is a global manufacturer with a strong history of over 25 years in their space.  With a mission to provide profitable growth through innovation, quality and commitment to its customers, this company brings unique brands and total solutions making them a global leader. We are seeking to help grow their team with talent [...]

Global Manufacturer Seeking Marketing Manager

Our client is a global manufacturer in the agricultural industry. This company has a strong history of over 25 years and comes with unique brands and total solutions to lead global innovation. The company mission is to provide profitable growth through innovation, quality and commitment to its customers. They are seeking to grow their team [...]

Global Manufacturer Seeking Regional Sales Manager

Our client is a global manufacturer in the agricultural industry. This company has a strong history of over 25 years in the industry and comes with unique brands and total solutions to lead global innovation in this industry. Our client’s mission is to provide profitable growth through innovation, quality and commitment to its customers. They [...]

World Leading Manufacturer Seeking Regional Sales Managers

Our client is a world leading manufacturer in the concrete industry. This company is 100% employee-owned with a strong history of over 45 years in the industry. They have consistently proven to be an industry leader in innovative products. Our client’s mission is to maintain their prominence in the market with the most engineered, durable, [...]

Leading heavy building materials company seeking Sales Representative

Our client is a world-renowned manufacturer and supplier to the concrete industry. With a strong history of over 100 years in the industry, they have consistently proven to be an industry leader in innovative products. Our client’s mission is to maintain their prominence in the market as the supplier and employer of choice and they [...]

Leading Building Products Manufacturer seeking Product Manager

With a 35 year track record of growth, our client is a leading manufacturer in commercial building products. Backed by the strength of a global, diversified multibillion dollar corporation that manufactures a wide range of consumer and industrial goods, this company offers stability and very deep pockets. Acquiring talent and career development is a TOP [...]

Award Winning Industry Leader Seeking Regional Manager

This award winning industry leader is a manufacturer and distributor of high performance technology systems across multiple industries. This company has a reputation for superior products and support. If you have a strong entrepreneurial spirit and enjoy working autonomously, this is the company for you. Responsibilities Responsible for attaining sales and customer satisfaction objectives Build [...]

Leading Global Technology Organization Seeking Strategic Partner Executive

This stable well-funded start-up company sits within a multi-billion dollar global technology organization that hails an 80 year track record of optimizing productivity and business efficiencies through its leading edge sophisticated technology. This technology innovator carries a strong, reputable brand in over 90 countries. This challenging workplace is filled with thousands of gifted employees and [...]

Leading World-Renowned Cement Manufacturer seeking Director of Sales

Our client is a world-renowned cement manufacturer with a strong history of over 100 years in the industry. Throughout our client’s history they have been an industry leader in innovative products especially in the development of aggregates. Our client’s mission is to maintain their prominence in the market as the supplier and employer of choice [...]

World-wide Supplier of Building Materials Seeking National Account Manager

This company is a world-wide supplier of building materials and is an industry leading manufacturer with a product history of over 150 years. With a foundation comprised of hard work, commitment and loyalty, our client enjoys recurrent growth and is poised to move into the future with continual excellence in innovation, customer service, operational performance [...]

Global Provider of Commercial Construction Solutions Seeking Account Manager

A leader in product innovation, you can join this growing and profitable business where employees are encouraged to chart their own path for growth through performance. The leadership of this organization is tenured and passionate about what they do! As an employee of this respected organization, you can expect to be understood and appreciated while [...]

Leading Worldwide Supplier of Building Materials Seeking Regional Sales Representative

This aggressive company is a world-wide supplier of building materials and is an industry leading manufacturer with a product history of over 150 years. With a foundation comprised of hard work, commitment and loyalty, our client enjoys recurrent growth and is poised to move into the future with continual excellence in innovation, customer service, operational [...]

Leading Global Technology Leader seeking Business Development Manager

Global technology leader with an 80 year track record of optimizing productivity and business efficiencies through its technology. This technology innovator carries a strong, reputable brand in over 90 countries occupies 65%+ market-share. This challenging workplace is filled with over 3,000 gifted employees and top performing work teams committed to delivering results for customers. If [...]

Leading worldwide supplier of Building Materials seeking Sales Representative

This aggressive company is a world-wide supplier of building materials and is an industry leading manufacturer with a product history of over 150 years. With a foundation comprised of hard work, commitment and loyalty, our client enjoys recurrent growth and is poised to move into the future with continual excellence in innovation, customer service, operational [...]

Leading Building Materials Manufacturer seeking Sales Manager

Multi-billion dollar manufacturer and distributor of building materials and engineered systems is THE industry leader in their space! This international powerhouse has a 60+ year track record of selling to various markets with superior service. This reputation drives upward mobility and a clear path for growth for its valued employees. Due to a recent promotion, [...]

Leading Building Products Manufacturer seeking Director of Engineering

Our client is a leading company in commercial building products. Backed by the strength of a global, diversified multibillion dollar corporation that manufactures a wide range of consumer and industrial goods, this is a stable organization with deep pockets and significant room for growth. Acquiring talent and fostering career development is a top priority for [...]

Leading Building Products Manufacturer seeking Regional Manager

Our client is a leading company in commercial building products. Backed by the strength of a global, diversified multibillion dollar corporation that manufactures a wide range of consumer and industrial goods, this is a stable organization with deep pockets and significant room for growth. Acquiring talent and fostering career development is a top priority for [...]

Leading Manufacturer Utilities Sector Seeking Director R&D

Our client is a leading manufacturer in the utilities sector. With state of the art manufacturing facilities and a strong leadership team with a record of growth, this company provides customers with engineering, design, manufacturing, testing, and galvanizing for a wide range of custom engineered solutions. Responsibilities Lead multiple construction and testing crews and structural [...]

Leading Building Products Manufacturer seeking General Manager

This client is a global leader in manufacturing building product systems and solutions serving multiple client verticals. They produce transformative, multi-faceted improvements in industrial and consumer products and have a solid reputation as an industry leader offering stability, qualify products and customer-service, and strong company leadership with significant advancement opportunity. Responsibilities Lead all aspects of [...]

Leading Industrial Equipment Manufacturer seeking Associate Sales Manager

This client is an industry leader in the sales and manufacture of industrial equipment. They are established in North America and multiple locations worldwide. This organization values their employees, as reflected in their investment at corporate headquarters of amenities including on-site childcare, pharmacy, medical clinic, theater, fitness center, a customer-service oriented product show space, and [...]

Building Products Manufacturer Seeking General Manager

With a 35 year track record of growth, our client is a leading company in commercial building products. Backed by the strength of a global, diversified multibillion dollar corporation that manufactures a wide range of consumer and industrial goods with very deep pockets. Acquiring talent and career development is a TOP priority for this stable [...]

Global Technology Company Seeking Channel Marketing Manager

Our client is a global technology leader with over 70 years in the business. Their innovative products have a strong brand, and occupy 65% market-share in their industry. Channel Marketing Manager - Consulting Position - AV Industry Six Month Consulting project position to begin 5/1/15 Hourly Rate $62.50 - $85.00/Hr Significant opportunity for growth. Marketing plans [...]

Plastics Additives Manufacturer Seeking Regional Sales Manager

Our client is an innovative manufacturer of high quality additives into the thermoplastic industry across multiple verticals.  For over 30 years they have prided themselves on their superior customer service and providing more than just excellent products. Due to growth they are currently searching for an experienced salesperson to grow and develop their non-automotive market [...]

Industrial Manufacturer Seeking Application Engineer

Our client is a family-owned manufacturer of industrial equipment providing custom climate solutions to commercial and industrial markets. With a focus on customer satisfaction and commitment to quality, our client has been able to excel for their clients over their 30+ year tenure. Responsibilities Initial designing and engineering of custom solutions for clients Working with [...]

Global Leader in Building Cladding Seeking Associate Marcom Manager

Client Overview Our client is a world leading manufacturer in building cladding and coating products for over 70+ years. With a wide range of products and applications, our client has been at the forefront of development and customer service within the construction and restoration industries. Responsibilities Assist in implementing customer-focused product and branding strategies for [...]

Leading Utilities Manufacturer Seeking Product Manager

Our client is a leading manufacturer in the utilities sector. With manufacturing locations spread out across the country, this company provides customers with engineering, design, manufacturing, testing, and galvanizing for a wide range of products within the utilities market. Responsibilities Leading and managing product line profitability Defining industry needs, market opportunities, competitive analysis and overall [...]

Leading Provider to Packaging Industry Seeking Process Engineer

Client Overview Our client is a leader in the packaging industry providing a variety of paper and film pressure sensitive and activated adhesives for retail and industrial use.  With multiple locations throughout the United States and Europe, our client is stable and growing while assembling the largest range of products in the industry. Responsibilites The [...]

Custom Hardware Manufacturer Seeking Product Manager

Our client is a manufacturer of residential and commercial construction hardware focused on providing custom client solutions.  With over 50 years of operations, they are currently growing as they strive to continuously improve their product lines. Responsibilities Take over the ownership of the company’s product categories throughout the lifecycle from creating the product vision through [...]

Construction Products Manufacturer Seeking Territory Sales Representative

Our client is the industry leader in commercial and residential entry construction products, and a preferred supplier to contractors. Providing a variety of materials, styles, and options, our client caters to every customer on an individual basis.  They are currently seeking a Territory Sales Representative to join their award winning team of experienced professionals dedicated [...]

Packaging Solutions Company Seeking Director of National Accounts

Our client is a 100+ year old, family owned manufacturer of plastic packaging and containers serving a variety of industrial and consumer based industries.  With an emphasis on creativity and sustainability they go above and beyond to provide high quality products safe for use and the environment. Growing worldwide has positioned our client as an [...]

Happy Anniversary Jeremy!

The Anniversaries continue today, with the 1-Year marker for our Search Executive Jeremy.  We asked him the same question as we did Wes yesterday, to describe his tenure in one word.  Jeremy chose the word "daily," as a testament to how this job changes, and the need to take things day-by-day, and also as a [...]

Happy Anniversary Wes!

Today, our Vice President, Wes Washington celebrates 6 years with Rowland Mountain.  When asked to sum up his tenure in one word, he chose, "growth." Congrats on 6 years of growing your desk, and we look forward to all of your future success!!! Happy Anniversary Wes! And Many Happy Returns!

Russ Mountain

The team at Rowland Mountain Associates is saddened to announce the sudden passing of our founder, Russ Mountain, on Monday July 28th.  Each of us not only grieves the loss of a tremendous individual but also for the loss suffered by his wife Tricia, son Wes, and the entire team at RMA.  Russ founded Rowland [...]

Happy Fourth of July

From everyone here at Rowland Mountain, we wish you a very Happy and Safe 4th of July Holiday!

Leading Utilities Manufacturer Seeking Director of Lean

Our client is a leading manufacturer in the utilities sector. With manufacturing locations spread out across the country, our client provides customers with engineering, design, manufacturing, testing, and galvanizing for a wide range of products within the utilities market. Responsibilities Direct lean manufacturing initiatives company wide, including implementation, training, performance measurement and hosting periodic kaizen [...]

Custom Engineered Product Manufacturer Seeking Sr. Engineer

Our client is a global leader in providing sealing solutions to the upstream oil and gas industry.  Backed by a family-owned entity, our client is able to provide customer-focused service and consistently aims to be the number one technology provider in their market committed to innovation and value. Responsibilities Ownership of the product and tool [...]

Welcome David!

This week has had a lot to celebrate, David Garrett joined the ranks of RMA as a Search Associate! We are glad you are hear, and cannot wait to see what the future holds! WELCOME!

Happy Birthday David!

The Week long celebration continues today as we celebrate David's Birthday! Here at Rowland Mountain, we never miss an opportunity to spread the love and eat some cake! Happy Birthday David, and Many Happy Returns!

Happy 2-Year Anniversary Lindsay!!!

The anniversary celebrations continue as Lindsay celebrates 2 years here at Rowland Mountain.  To celebrate both Kent and Lindsay, we took some time out of the day to enjoy some delicious red-velvet cake! Congrats Lindsay, Happy Anniversary and many happy returns!

Happy Anniversary Kent!

Today marks the 1-year anniversary of Kent Brown here at Rowland Mountain! We are so proud of all your accomplishments this first year and thank you for your hard-work and dedication to this organization! Congrats! You certainly are a trailblazer and we are so happy you are here! Continue the great work!

Industrial Automation Distributor Seeking Customer Service Manager

Our client is a leading distributor for the industrial automation industry in the Midwest. For over 50 years, our client has committed to superior customer service and satisfaction within this expanding field, allowing them to become a household name. Responsibilities Manage the daily operations of the department Order entry, sourcing Product quotations Order follow-up Reviewing/resolving customer concerns [...]

Worldwide Industrial Software Provider Seeking Account Manager

Our client is an extremely innovative model-based software company dedicated to pushing the boundaries of technology to enhance our everyday surroundings.  Our client’s software is groundbreaking and has the potential to evolve the operation of the construction industry, from the structural design stage to the completion of the structure.  With this revolutionary software, our client [...]

Welcome Emily and Richard!

This week, we welcomed some new faces to team, Emily Brannon and Richard Obiora. Emily is a rising Senior at Kansas State Univeristy, and will be with us for the summer as an intern. Richard is a recent grad from Emory University learning the ropes at recruiting and research. Welcome to the RMA family!

Casual Summer

This summer, Rowland Mountain has decided to get comfy and give back! From this past Memorial Day until Labor day, we all have the option to pay $1 per day to wear casual clothes.  At the end of the summer, the company will match employee donations and all the money collected will be donated to [...]

Process Equipment Manufacturer Seeking Director of Marketing

Our client is a worldwide, multi-million dollar manufacturer of engineered to order capital process equipment.  In its 70+ years of service they have become a household name, widely recognized and respected in their industry. Stable and growing, the organization strives to provide lasting solutions for all manufacturing needs across a variety of industries. Responsibilities Develop [...]

Happy Memorial Day

Everyone here at Rowland Mountain got to enjoy a nice Holiday Weekend with our friends and family, enjoying an extra day off.  What we didn't do is forget those men and women who made it possible for us to celebrate this time together.  We want to say a special thank you to our Service members [...]

Worldwide Industrial Software Provider Seeking Marketing Program Manager

Our client is an extremely innovative model-based software company dedicated to pushing the boundaries of technology to enhance our everyday surroundings.  Our client’s software is groundbreaking and has the potential to evolve the operation of the construction industry, from the structural design stage to the completion of the structure.  With this revolutionary software, our client [...]

Building Materials Provider Seeking Technical Field Representative

Our Client is a world-wide supplier of building materials and industry leader in Exterior Finishing and coatings manufacturing, with a combined product history of over 150 years.  With a foundation comprised of hard work, commitment, and loyalty, our client enjoys recurrent growth and is poised to move into the future with continual excellence in innovation, [...]

Industrial Engineering Solutions Provider Seeking Sales Engineer

Our client is an engineering company providing renewal and replacement solutions for industrial equipment to OEM’s spanning a variety of industries. Over their 15+ year history, our client has positioned themselves as a world class partner for their customers by emphasizing integrity and service excellence. Responsibilities Promote process improvement solutions in the automotive industry, specifically, [...]

Leading Building Product Supplier Seeking Quality Manager

Our client has been in business for over a century, and is the leading source in their industry. They are committed to quality products, which has led them to be the largest supplier in the world for their specific product. They are notorious for being the most innovative company in their field with extremely high [...]

Chemical Manufacturing Company Seeking Global Sales Manager

Our client is a global manufacturer of specialty chemical and plastic additives into various industrial markets. Over the past 50+ years of service our client has earned the reputation of offering superior products and continuous innovation.  Due to recent growth, they are currently seeking to add a Global Strategic Sales Manager to manage the sales [...]

Happy Birthday Juliette!

Rowland Mountain would like to wish Juliette a Very Happy Birthday! We celebrated with some delicious cheesecake! Happy Birthday! And Many Happy Returns!

Thank You SRA!

Rowland Mountain got to enjoy some delicious and lovely fruit this morning, thanks to Sanford Rose Associates.  We are so excited to be joining forces with your team!

Exterior Finishing Manufacturer Seeking Technical Field Representative

Our Client is a world-wide supplier of building materials and industry leader in Exterior Finishing and coatings manufacturing, with a combined product history of over 150 years.  With a foundation comprised of hard work, commitment, and loyalty, our client enjoys recurrent growth and is poised to move into the future with continual excellence in innovation, [...]

Get Your Employees to Care About Their Jobs

Rule number 1 on how to get your employees to care about their jobs is simply, to care about them.  The article, "10 Reasons Employees Really Care About Their Jobs," by Jeff Haden lists how to show employees you care about them, giving their jobs more meaning. 1. Provide freedom and flexibility 2. Set realistic [...]

Chemical Provider to Oil and Gas Seeking Quality Control Manager

Our client is a top ranked chemical provider to the oil/gas petrochemical industries.  With over 50 years of services they have been able to grow their product line and revenue significantly becoming a multi-million dollar organization supplying to top companies in the industry. Responsibilities Create the QA/QC program and oversee its execution Testing new materials [...]

Discover Yourself

When you sit back and really ask yourself the hard questions, you could discover things you didn't realize until you really thought about them.  The article, "31 Things All Leaders Need to Know About Themselves," by Les McKeown provides questions to improve your self-awareness. Below are the 31 questions listed in the article (link above). [...]

Sharpen Your Memory

A keen memory is important for everyday activities, in the workplace and at home. And just like our muscles, we can exercise our mind to help us remember better.  The article, 'Seven Ways to Sharpen Your Memory," by Annie Murphy Paul lists strategies derived from cognitive science to train our brains. 1. Be aware of [...]

Boost Your Brain Power

Your lunch break is precious time, but how can you get your down time working for you?  One way is to eat super foods in hopes of boosting your productivity, or maybe going for a jog to release any pent up stress.  One thing you may not have consider is, yoga.  The article, "A 20-Minute [...]

Hardscape Products Manufacturer Seeking Market Manager

Our Client is notorious for superior customer care and constant innovation in outdoor landscape beautification. With their diverse customer base and growing market share they have developed in their long tenure in this business, their reputation as a top provider will only continue to flourish and ensure the endurance of this company. Responsibilities Market research, [...]

March Madness

Today marks the day where most employers start to cringe, thinking about lost productivity as employees shift their attention from their work to college basketball.  March Madness incites numerous articles of lost time and money due to the tournament, as well as, employers blocking urls on computers and channels on break room TVs.  But what [...]

Specialty Chemical Manufacturer Seeking Regional Sales Manager

Our client is a global manufacturer of specialty chemical and plastic additives into various industrial markets. Over the past 50+ years of service our client has earned the reputation of offering superior products and continuous innovation.  Due to recent growth, they are currently seeking to add a Regional Sales Manager covering the North-Eastern United States [...]

Words To Stop Using on LinkedIN

LinkedIn can be a integral part of getting noticed for potential new job opportunities.  So how do you stand out among the crowd? Using the right words it just as important as leaving out the mundane and unnecessary words.  The article, "Quit Using These 10 Words to Describe Yourself on LinkedIn," by Jeff Haden lists [...]

Construction Hardware Manufacturer Seeking Product Manager

Our client is a manufacturer of residential and commercial construction hardware focused on providing custom client solutions.  With over 50 years of operations, they are currently growing as they strive to continuously improve their product lines. Responsibilities Take over the ownership of the company’s product categories throughout the lifecycle from creating the product vision through [...]

Capital Process Equipment Manufacturer Seeking Business Development Manager

Our client is a worldwide, multi-million dollar manufacturer of engineered to order capital process equipment.  In its 70+ years of service they have become a household name, widely recognized and respected in their industry. Stable and growing, the organization strives to provide lasting solutions for all manufacturing needs across a variety of industries. Responsibilities Provide [...]

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Rowland Mountain would like to wish everyone a Happy St. Patrick's Day! May your pockets be havy and your heart be light May good luck pursue you each day and night Hope everyone is wearing green today to avoid the inevitable pinch!

Getting Done What You Don’t Like Doing

On a laundry list of tasks to get done, there is, without a doubt, at least a few that you are not particularly excited about getting to.  Those are the ones that linger on and stack up.  The article, "Our Favorite Way to Get Our Least Favorite Work Done," by Erin Greenawald offers up a [...]

Spring Forward

Daylight Savings was this past weekend, and as we are all catching up from losing an hour of sleep, we can think of how we can "Spring Forward" in your career. Spring is looking and The Daily Muse wants to help you get ahead!  The article, "25 Ways to Spring Your Career Forward This Week," [...]

Happy Anniversary Juliette!

Yesterday, we took time out of our day to celebrate Juliette's 4-Year Anniversary with us here at Rowland Mountain.  We are so thankful for everything you do to keep this place running smoothly! Happy Anniversary!

Bouncing Back

As hard as we try not to, sometimes we fail, it is a part of our everyday life.  So what do you do when this happens, how do you bounce back?  The article, "How to Recover From an Epic Fail," by Geoffrey James offers a formula to get back up and keep going after a [...]

Global Communications Company Seeking Sales Engineer

Our client is a global communications company, specializing in terrestrial and satellite networks servicing carriers, government and other mobile network operations within the World’s most remote and challenging locations.  Operating in over 100 countries, their service and customer satisfaction is unparalleled. Focusing on value-added services, their customers enjoy premier communications services of the highest quality. [...]

Success Before Breakfast

The beginning of your day can be the most important time; it sets the tone for your waking hours before the day is done.  It is the time you can spend on your TOP priorities, things that need to get done right away.  The article, "12 Things Successful People Do Before Breakfast," by Jenna Goudreau [...]

Global Communications Company Seeking Sr. Program Manager

Our client is a global communications company, specializing in terrestrial and satellite networks servicing carriers, government and other mobile network operations within the World’s most remote and challenging locations.  Operating in over 100 countries, their service and customer satisfaction is unparalleled. Focusing on value-added services, their customers enjoy premier communications services of the highest quality. [...]

Cut It Short

The most effective communication is short and concise; doesn't contain a lot of clutter.  Getting to the point quickly and effectively is a skill not all have mastered.  The article, "Are Your Emails Too Long? (Hint: Probably)," by Elliott Bell points out that the Gettysburg address was only 271 words long, as opposed to a [...]

Helping Employees Go the Extra Mile

Managers play an integral role in helping employees perform to their fullest potential.  They have the opportunity to bring out the best in people if they know how.  The article, "8 Leadership Attributes That Make Employees Go the Extra Mile,"  by Drew Greenblatt outlines particular traits leaders can utilize to help get employees more engaged. [...]

Happy Birthday Jennifer!

Our week of birthday celebrations continue as we take some time out today to wish Jennifer Happy Birthday! And no Rowland Mountain party would be complete without plenty of Chocolate Cake! Happy Birthday Jennifer! And Many Happy Returns!!!

Happy Birthday Tricia Mountain!

Today was say Happy (belated) Birthday to our Vice President Tricia Mountain! Birthday party was complete with Strawberry cake, candles, cards, and singing!!! Happy Birthday Tricia and Many Happy Returns!

Specialty Chemical Manufacturer Seeking Midwest Regional Sales Manager

Our client is a global manufacturer of specialty chemical and plastic additives into various industrial markets. Over the past 50+ years of service our client has earned the reputation of offering superior products and continuous innovation.  Due to recent growth, they are currently seeking to add a Regional Sales Manager covering the Midwestern United States [...]

Getting Organized

in a fast-paced corporate environment, it is easy to get unorganized: your calendar gets out of control, priorities out of whack, and clutter accumulates in, on, and around your desk.  Peter Economy is here to help, with the article, "6 Keys to Getting Organized."  Peter provides a quick list of tips on how to take [...]

MRO Solutions Provider Seeking Texas Branch Manager

Our client is privately held global manufacturing company providing MRO solutions to a variety of industries.  With close to 200 locations world-wide this company has earned a reputation of providing quality products with superior technical expertise and customer service.  Fostering a true entrepreneurial spirit for over 70 years, employees are positioned for success in all [...]

Plastic Manufacturing Company Seeking Site Manager

Over the past three decades, our client has poised themselves as a leading supplier of high temperature plastic compounds, with facilities worldwide. Specializing in providing world-class customer service, product solution, and innovation, our client enjoys consistent growth and expansion in their market.  They are currently seeking Site Manager to take over Manufacturing and Safety Leadership [...]

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Today we celebrate MLK Jr. and all the steps he took towards human rights and equality.  In remembrance, take some time out of your day to do something for others.  We leave you with this... "If you can't fly, then run, if you can't run, then walk, if you can't walk, then crawl, but whatever [...]

Transform Your Day Into Something Great

We all have days where nothing seems to go your way from the second you hear your alarm in the morning.  So how do you get on track?  The article, "9 Ways to Turn a Frustrating Day Into a Great One," by Kevin Daum offers tips on turning your day around when it's headed in [...]

Lighten Up

Laughing is one of the best things you can do, but did you know it can improve your leadership skills as well? When things get serious, remember to lighten up!  The article, "8 Ways Using Humor Will Make You a Better Leader," By Kevin Daum lists simple ideas on how you can use humor and [...]

“If Only…”

We all have an idea in our minds that, "if only______ would happen, things would be so much better!" especially when it comes to our professional lives.  But what if that sort of thinking is a trap? The article, "5 Things That Won't (Necessarily) Make Your Job Better," by Rebecca Webber goes through common wants [...]

Hug a Recruiter

As a recruiting firm, this article spoke to us and the work that we do for our clients everyday, we well as providing a good laugh.  The article, "10 Reasons Hiring Managers Should Hug Their Recruiters," by Lou Adler, outlines what great recruiters are to their clients and why everyone here at RMA could us [...]

Construction Hardware Manufacturer Seeking North American Product Manager

Our client is a manufacturer of residential and commercial construction hardware focused on providing custom client solutions.  With over 50 years of operations, they are currently growing as they strive to continuously improve their product lines. Responsibilities Ownership of the company’s product categories throughout the lifecycle Creating the product vision through planning, development, and execution [...]

Life Changing List

Admit it, you have one: a list of things you would like to do by the time you are (insert age here).  Then as we approach that age, we look back and think of all the things we wanted to do that never quite got around to.  Well, let's change that! In the wake of [...]

Industrial Equipment Manufacturer Seeking Business Development Manager

Our client is a worldwide, multi-million dollar manufacturer of engineered to order capital process equipment.  In its 70+ years of service they have become a household name, widely recognized and respected in their industry. Stable and growing, the organization strives to provide lasting solutions for all manufacturing needs across a variety of industries. Responsibilities Promote [...]

Commercial Roofing Leader Seeking Regional Sales Representative

Our client is a national leader in commercial and industrial roofing. For almost fifty years, our client has been dedicated to providing their customers top of the line solutions to all their industrial, commercial & retail needs. This is a terrific opportunity to work for one of the largest, most well-established companies in their field [...]

Steel Products OEM Seeking Director of Safety

Our client is a privately held manufacturer of steel products used in concrete reinforcement.  With multiple manufacturing locations throughout the United States, our client is looking to add a Director of Safety to provide uniform leadership to all manufacturing procedures. Responsibilities Oversee the safe operation for all company manufacturing plants. Insure compliance with all procedures [...]

Big Goal for 2014? Set Yourself Up for Success!

It's no secret that most resolutions fail, and generally by the end of January, just a few short weeks into the New Year.  So why not try a different approach?  The article, "Big Goal for 2014? What Works (and What Really Doesn't)," by Lea McLeod outlines the top reasons out resolutions fall flat, and what [...]

New Year’s Resolutions

It's that time of year again, where we all vow to do one thing or another to better ourselves for the new year.  For example, you  might vow to get to the gym more often or kick the caffeine habit, but these promises are usually harder to keep than expected.  If you do falter, you [...]

Happy New Year!

Rowland Mountain would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year as we welcome 2014! Here is a breakdown of what happened in business in 2013 according to Google-Search trends. Among the most topics were... The Government Shutdown Black Friday Business Books: Lean In, and Strengths Based Leadership: great Leaders, teams and Why People Follow Visit the [...]

Happy Birthday Russ!

Today we want to wish our fearless leader, Russ Mountain, a VERY Happy Birthday!!!!!!

Social Media Mistakes For Older Job Seekers

Social media, being a younger interface can leave older job seekers at a disadvantage: and with social media being an increasingly large piece of a hiring decision, you want to avoid anything that could hurt your chances of landing the job.  The article,  "Seven Social Media Mistakes For Older Job Hunters," By Kerry Hannon intends [...]

Happy Anniversary Tricia!!!

Our Vice President Tricia Mountain celebrates 15 years with Rowland Mountain and Associates! We are so proud of you and thankful for all you do to keep this place smiling and running smoothly! Not to mention that we all got to indulge in cake this afternoon! Congrats Tricia! And Many Happy Returns!

Firing a Problem Employee

The worst part of a Managers job is usually having to let people go.  Some "problems" can be coached or fixed, but there is an eventual breaking point that is undeniable.  Ashley Faus in her article, "5 Signs it's Time to Fire Your Problem Employee,"provides a short and sweet list to give you notice for [...]

Holiday Contest Winners!

Rowland Mountain competed in our building's door decorated contest, sporting a 3D fireplace complete with mantle, stockings, and a warm fire (pretend of course!) Today judging was held, and RMA took home the gold!!!! Congrats team!

ALWAYS Keep Your Resume Up-to-Date

After being happily employed for a few years, resumes tend to gather dust, which is seemingly OK when not debating starting a job search. up-to-date resume can be one of the most valuable things you have in a professional career.  The article, "6 Good Reasons to (Always!) Keep  Your Resume Updated, " by Erin [...]

Global Industrial Technologies Manufacturer Seeking Product Line Manager

Client Overview This multi-million dollar company specializes in industrial manufacturing technologies used in a wide variety of vertical markets including Aerospace, Automotive, Wireless and Life Sciences. Today, they enjoy a majority market share in North America and are expanding rapidly on a global scale. Unlike other organizations that are expecting modest growth this year, this [...]

What to Look For When Making Your FIRST Hires

In a start-up, one of the most important decisions you are going to make is who to hire.  These people are going to build the foundation of your business.  The article, "7 Things to Look for in Your First Hire," by Ilya Pozin provides a list of what can make an ideal start-up hire; including: [...]

Impress Your Boss From the Start

The first day of a new job can be a little intimidating: you want to make a great first impression.  The key is to bring your A-game to the table though you are still trying to figure everything out.  The article, "15 Ways to Impress Your Boss on Day 1," by Young Entrepreneur Council polled [...]

Manage Your Day Better

One of the biggest issues we have is there just isn't enough time in the day! Luckily there are some tips and tricks you can utilize to maximize the time you DO have and get more out of your day.  The article, "7 Ways to Better Manage Your Day," posted on P&G Everyday website, lists [...]

“No” Versus “Not Now”

Have you ever gotten through to the last round of interviews for a dream job, only to lose out to another candidate? The feeling of rejection is definitely real, but what does it really tell you, and how can you bounce back?  From a reader response, LinkedIn author, J.T. O'Donnell, writes, "Didn't Get the Job? [...]

Happy Birthday Kent!

Rowland Mountain would like to extend a VERY Happy Birthday to our Search Associate Kent Brown! Though his actual birthday was over the weekend, we needed another excuse for cake! We took time out of our day today to celebrate and talk about football, bigfoot, and Hollywood while indulging in some sweets! Happy Birthday Kent! [...]

High Performance Chemical Company Seeking National Account Manager

Our client, founded over 30 years ago, offers advanced technology in transforming plastics into high performance materials.  With over a dozen locations worldwide, this company has positioned themselves to best service customers all across the United States.  Priding themselves on customer satisfaction, each solution is custom tailored to meet specific needs of clients.   Due to [...]

Happy Thanksgiving!

Rowland Mountain would like to wish everyone a safe, happy, and healthy Thanksgiving! We would also like to say "Thank You!" to all of our vendors and suppliers that allow us to do our jobs every day, we are thankful for you! We are also VERY thankful for our friends, families, parents, and children during [...]

Make Your Resume Recruiter Friendly

You spend hours (maybe days) putting together your resume to distribute to recruiters, companies, and hiring managers alike.  The ugly truth is a decision will be made in about 6 seconds about an initial "fit": all that time spent making it just perfect, comes down to just 6 seconds.  So how do insure the important [...]

De-Stress at Work

When your work gets stressful, it can de-rail your entire day and productivity.  Karsten Strauss wants to help, with his article, "10 Weird Ways to Destroy Stress At Work," offers unique ways you can keep your cool at work. 1. Self- Hypnosis- work yourself into a calm state.  Your mind is a powerful thing 2. [...]

Being Productive Even When You’re Busy

There is only so much time in the day, and when it gets eaten up by endless meetings, emails, and phone calls, it is difficult to feel like you have actually gotten any work done. The Daily Muse wants to help! They recently posted "45 Productivity Tips foo Extremely Busy People," to help with everything [...]

What Super-Successful People Do Differently

People who are super-successful do things a little differently to give them an extra edge or advantage.  The article, "8 Things Super-Successful people Do (and Why They Work)," by Scott Dockweiler complies, in an infographic, the rules successful people hold themselves to.  They are... 1. Plan and don't have a back up plan- focus that [...]

Creating a Stress Free Work Environment

Work can be stressful enough without your work space adding fuel to the fire. recently posted, "9 Ways To Creat A Stree-Free Work Environment," with helpful tips from Jenny Foss, Sherry Burton Ways, and Susan Kousek. Including... 1. Personalize your space with photos, artwork or decorations 2. Keep your space organized and free of [...]

Top Chemical Provider to Oil and Gas Seeking Area Manager

Our client is a top ranked chemical provider to the oil/gas petrochemical industries.  With over 50 years of services they have been able to grow their product line and revenue significantly becoming a multi-million dollar organization supplying to top companies in the industry. They are currently seeking an Area Manager to expand their territory further [...]

Take a Holiday Without Taking Vacation

Most of us do not have the luxury of taking vacation whenever we would like to, but there is always the option of a mental vacation for a quick refresher.  The article, "10 Ways to Take a Holiday at Your Desk," by Kevin Daum lists how you can take a vacation without leaving. 1. Meditate [...]

Rarely Used LinkedIn Strategies

LinkedIn is a very powerful social tool used in the business world, but most people aren't using it to its maximum potential.  The majority of people use it for research, reconnecting, and building purposes to strengthen their network and business relationships, which is great, but it can be taken one step further.  The article, "Five [...]

Power Brand in Building Products Seeking Business Analyst

This is a 60 year old, well-established company. Their brand is huge, making up 70-75% of the market share in the U.S. In their respective category, they are the largest manufacturer in the world. The company culture is team oriented, and is composed of very knowledgeable and diverse individuals who truly want to “win” together. [...]

Happy Veteran’s Day!

Today, Veterans day, we want to thank all of our troops who have served and who continue to serve our great country.  Thank you for protecting out families and our freedom! Everyone at Rowland Mountain would also like to extend a special Thank You to Juliette Lovell, a Veteran here in our office! Thank You [...]

Rowland Mountain Is Looking For a Search Associate

About Rowland Mountain Matching Proven Rainmakers with Prestigious Companies Rainmakers are the real difference makers for any business. They have an early and ongoing impact that produces sustainable results long after they are gone. Our motto, “A Search for Excellence,” exemplifies our commitment to total client satisfaction and continuous improvement. Since 1987, Rowland Mountain has [...]

Resume Tips

If it has been awhile since you dusted off your resume, it might be time for a refresher, you never know when you might need it! But where do you start? Thankfully, The Daily Muse compiled a list of "43 Resume Tips Your Need to Know," to get you started on updating and compiling past [...]

Increase Your Odds of Getting a Job

When starting a job search, the obvious steps are to bolster your resume, tweak your Linkedin profile, update job experiences and build your network.  But there is something else you could be doing to improve your chances. According Dr. Chris Spera's research, people who are active in volunteering are 27% more likely to land the [...]

Become a Better You

You are never perfect, and there is always a better you still to come; a you that doesn't quite exist yet, but is waiting to emerge.  the article, "3 Steps to Becoming a Better Version of Yourself," by Erin Greenawald aims to help you on your journey of continual self-improvement by providing a few strategies [...]

Happy Halloween!

Rowland Mountain would like to wish everyone a Safe and Happy Halloween!!!! We also took time out to Celebrate Zack's Birthday Happy Birthday Zack!!!!!

Global Building Products Manufacturer Seeking Technical Manager For Single Ply Roofing

As part of a large global corporation that manufactures a wide range of consumer and industrial goods, our client is a global leader in the commercial roofing space. They are committed to quality products. Notorious for being the most innovative company in their field, this division is a younger player in the overall organization, and [...]

Halloween Dress Code for Work

Tomorrow is Halloween, the day of the year to dress up, plays some tricks, and indulge in treats! Some companies get into the spirit and allow or encourage employees to come in costume, but in a world full of risque options at costume shops, how do you go about appropriately choosing your best option?  Danielle [...]

Managing “Average” Employees

It can be easy to manage top performers and lower level performers by simply encouraging the good work or identifying what the problem is and drafting a solution.  But what about the people in the middle who are just coasting along and doing ok? The article, "How to Manage an 'Average' Employee," by Steve Errey [...]

First Step to Career Goals: Make Them Attainable

The first step to career management is setting goals; and most of us were taught the importance of setting S-M-A-R-T Goals. S: Specific M: Measurable A: Attainable R: Realistic T: Time-Defined The article, “First Make Career Goals Attainable,” by Mary Nestor-Harper outlines the goal setting process when dealing with a new job search and how [...]

Do You Have a Job or a Career?

Recent graduates are likely to take the first job that gets thrown their way with a quip of, “Well I’m lucky to even have a job!” A few months later, you might find yourself questioning if you made the right career choice.  So what is the difference between a job and a career? The article, [...]

Rewarding Employees

Recognizing a job well done is an important part of any managers job, and the real secret is, it doesn't require anything particularly lavish.  The article, "5 Secrets for Rewarding Employees," by Peter Economy outlines the most effective ways to reward top performers in the work place.  The real trick is to make it personal; [...]

Applying for a Job You’re Not Quite Qualified For

Most times your perfect, dream job requires more/different job experience than you have on your resume; which breeds the question, "Should I even apply?" The article, "Should You Apply for a Job You're Not Qualified For?," by Kari Reston outlines how to answer this question and when it is ok to go for it, and [...]

The Cutest Day At the Office

Did our CEO dare to bring in puppies to the office?!? He sure did! Needless to say this has been the best Friday Rowland Mountain has seen in awhile.  Smiles all around as Rusty and Girly brightened up the office with their puppy antics and sweet faces. Rusty even tried to help out!

Building a Better Team

The success of a company, depends largely on the success of the team behind it: the better the team, the better results.  The article, "5 Ways to Build a Better Team," by Peter Economy shares 5 tips for molding a team into a winning entity.  They are... 1. Hire the right people (not always the [...]

National Boss Day

Today, all around the country, National Boss Day is celebrated to recognize and thank bosses for their kindness throughout the year.  Be sure to tell your boss thank you today!

Global Brand in Building Products Seeking Product Manager

Our client has been in business for over a century, and is the leading source in their industry. They are committed to quality products, which has led them to be the largest supplier in the world for their specific product. They are notorious for being the most innovative company in their field with extremely high [...]

Global Building Products Manufacturer Seeking National Sales Manager

As part of a large global corporation that manufactures a wide range of consumer and industrial goods, our client is a global leader in the commercial roofing space. They are committed to quality products. Notorious for being the most innovative company in their field, this division is a younger player in the overall organization, and [...]

Columbus Day!

A popular rhyme from  an anonymous author is frequently used to remember the exploration of Christopher Columbus; "In fourteen hundred ninety-two/ Columbus sailed the ocean blue." Columbus Day is a funny holiday seeing as it is often celebrated for Columbus discovering the America's when he wasn't in fact the first European to reach its shores: [...]

5 Steps to Landing That Promotion

Sometimes you can feel stuck at your current level, though you know you are ready for that next step.  The key here is to be proactive with your manager and put together a plan to make it happen.  The article, "Get Unstuck! 5 Steps to Landing That Promotion," lays out the process step by step. [...]

Global Specialty Chemical Manufacturer Seeking Global Sales Manager

Our client is a global manufacturer of specialty chemical and plastic additives into various industrial markets. Over the past 50+ years of service our client has earned the reputation of offering superior products and continuous innovation.  Due to recent growth, they are currently seeking to add a Global Strategic Sales Manager to manage the sales [...]

Your Someday Job Search

So you are currently employed at a job you LOVE, but that might not always be the case; and when that day does come for you to start your search again, you will want to be prepared.  The article, "4 Easy Ways to Prepare for Your Someday Job Search," by Katie Douthwaite helps you be [...]

Recovering After Losing a Star Employee

There will come a certain time where your "indispensable" employees with move on to another job: they key is how to bounce back when that time comes.  The article, "What To Do When You Lose a Rockstar Employee," by Eric V. Holtzclaw lists 5 things to keep in mind when dealing with this transition.  They [...]

What You Must Do For Your Career This Fall

The weather is getting cooler and vacations are over: fall is here, but what does that mean for your career?  Adrian Granzella Larssen puts together a list of 'to-dos' for this season in the article, "4 Must-Dos for Your Career This Fall;" whether you are looking to change jobs or just get ahead! They are... [...]

Industrial Manufacturer Seeking Technical Manager for Publishing

Our Client As part of a large global corporation that manufactures a wide range of consumer and industrial goods, our client is a global leader in the commercial roofing space. They are committed to quality products. Notorious for being the most innovative company in their field, this division is a younger player in the overall [...]

Turning Down Candidates You Don’t Hire

In an interview process, normally there are options in which you have to choose from, and turning down the candidates you decided to pass on might not be the easiest thing, nor the highlight of your day.  Conquering this skill is as important as learning how to conduct successful interviews.  The article, "What to Say [...]

How Much Does a Bad Hire Cost You?

The hiring process can be long and difficult on both sides of the desk, and can sometimes lead to a "less than ideal" hire at a moment of desperation.  But the consequence of that decision can be large and lasting on your organization.  The article, "The Staggering Cost of a Bad Hire," posted on The [...]

Happy Anniversary Rowland Mountain- 26 years!

Rowland Mountain has been in business for 26 years this October.  Our founder and CEO Russ Mountain, has been leading the company through multiple recessions and tough economic times to built a company around service, community, and integrity.  Our mission is and always has been to L-E-A-D. Today we celebrated Rowland Mountain and Associates inc.'s [...]

Team Building- RMA Goes Western!

This past Friday, Rowland Mountain headed up to Copperhill Tennessee to spend the day outside of the office and in the great outdoors.  Once we got there, we quickly figured out we would be riding horses!  The staff at Blanche Manor got us saddled up and taught us the basics of Pole Bending, ending with [...]

Industrial Manufacturer Seeking Business Unit Manager for Asphalt

As part of a large global corporation that manufactures a wide range of consumer and industrial goods, our client is a global leader in the commercial roofing space. They are committed to quality products. Notorious for being the most innovative company in their field, this division is a younger player in the overall organization, and [...]

Survive a Recession as a Small Business

Recession is a word of worry in the business world, and especially scary to those who own a small business.  The article, "6 Essential Recession Survival Tips for Small Business," by Gail Ellis offers tips to surviving a recession and coming out stronger on the other end.  They are... 1. Staying positive A positive attitude [...]

Mistakes to Avoid at Your First Job

For recent grads, the search is on to find that job that you worked hard to get the degree for.  And once you sign that offer letter, the real work begins, making your mark and setting yourself up for future success.  What you want to avoid is making "rookie mistakes." The article, "3 (Surprising) Mistakes [...]

Things You Should Do at the End of the Day

Part two continuing from last Friday, this week we are covering what you should be doing at the close of your work day.  Jacquelyn Smith lays it out in her article, "16 Things You Should Do At The End Of Every Work Day." They are... 1.  Go over your to-do list 2. Review your calendar [...]

Dealing With Emails on Vacation

It's always a little tricky taking time off from work; business doesn't suddenly stop when you leave the office, it's fluid and easy to get behind.  So how do you take time off and avoid that looming feeling you are going to return to a bombardment of emails leading to you working on your so-called [...]

Industrial Manufacturer Seeking Experienced Plant Manager

Our client is a world-wide industry leader in glass manufacturing providing commercial, residential, and consumer solutions.  Throughout the years they have continued to grow and provide quality glass products spanning multiple industries. Responsibilities Execute and oversee all manufacturing/production processes and direction of the facility. Ensuring all deadlines are met and customers are provided with high [...]

Tips for Leading a Team

Leading a team can be difficult, and sometimes hard to figure out just where to start.  The article, "10 Tips for Leading a Team," by PJ Stevens breaks down how to do the right way, providing tips for success. Including... Understand what needs to be done and clearly communicate that with your team Believe in your [...]

What Interviewers Want You to Know

During an interview, you have limited time to prove to a hiring manager that you have what it takes to not only get the job done, but fit in with the organization.  Prepping for an interview is the best way to accomplish this, and the article, "What Interviewers Wish They Could Tell Every Job Candidate," [...]

Flow Control Components Manufacturer Seeking Outside Sales Engineer

Our client is a world leader in meeting severe service and control needs of their customers through excellence of product and services provided by a team of highly motivated severe service experts.  A leading expert in engineered, performance enhancing solutions, our client takes their responsibility to the environment and the communities in which they operate [...]

Start Off Your Work Day

Today launches a 2-part post, with the second part coming a week from now.  Starting your day can sometimes be the most difficult part of the day, but article, "16 Things You Should Do At the Start of Every Work Day," by Jacquelyn Smith posted on lists out helpful tips to start out on [...]

Happy Birthday Lindsay!

Here at Rowland Mountain we love a Birthday celebration, and we took time out to enjoy some Red Velvet cake and sing Happy Birthday to Lindsay Schaaf, our Research Associate. Happy Birthday Lindsay! and Many Happy Returns!!!

Engineered Polymers Company Seeking Business Manager in Defense

Our client is an innovative world leader in engineered polymer solutions. A Swedish based company, our client employs over 16,000 people in over 40 countries with the majority of employees living in the United States. This company prides itself on manufacturing and selling quality products in the United States. Responsibilities Managing the military market and [...]

9/11- Patriot Day

Twelves years ago this morning, attacks were launched against the United States causing thousands of Americans to lose their lives.  Every year on this day we pause to remember all the victims and first responders of these attacks.  Rowland Mountain would also like to say thank you to all of our military men and women [...]

Global Distributor of Electrical Equipment Seeking Sourcing Manager

Our client is a publicly traded multi-billion dollar Fortune 500 global distributor of electrical, industrial, communications, maintenance-repair-operating (MRO) and OEM equipment and supplies, construction materials, and advanced supply chain management and services. They are a large company with over 5,000 employees and over 100,000 customers worldwide. Our client operates eight fully automated distribution centers and [...]

Promoting Team Members

Part of the responsibility of being a manager is the career advancement of your direct reports, and you should always be on the lookout for signs they might be ready for the next step; though that can be easier said than done.  The article, "Who Should Get Promoted? The Ultimate Guide for Managers," by Avery [...]

Industrial Manufacturer Seeking Experience Production Manager

Our client is a world-wide industry leader in glass manufacturing providing commercial, residential, and consumer solutions.  Throughout the years they have continued to grow and provide quality glass products spanning multiple industries.  Our client is currently seeking an experienced and driven Production Manager to take over operations of their Pennsylvania plant. Responsibilities Execute and oversee [...]

Avoid Crashing and Burning at a New Job

The article, "How Not to Crash and Burn at a New Job," by Lea McLeod sites a study from the Society for Human Resources reveals an alarmingly high resignation rate of new hires, as many as 50% within the first 18 months.  The remainder of the article focus's on how to avoid becoming part of [...]

Industrial Automation Supplier Seeking Outside Sales Representative

Our client is a leading distributor for the industrial automation industry in the Midwest.  Within Michigan, Industrial Automation Manufacturing and Distribution Company is recognized by name and is currently expanding its market share.  As such, they are looking for an aggressive, self-motivated, and driven Account Manager to hunt new business while maintaining existing accounts selling [...]

Prove You’re Ready for Management

A fairly natural progression within any organization is from individual contributor into a leadership role, but without having the experience under your belt already, it may be hard to prove you are ready for the next step.  The article, "4 Ways to Show You're Ready for Management," by Heather Schlichting offers advice to show the [...]

Building Product Manufacturer Seeking Product Manager

  Our client is an industry leader in the doors and windows industry. Our client is a manufacturer of engineered materials and components for building products sold to OEMs. This publicly held business is growing tremendously and has acquired 4 divisions the past 5 years. Their mission is to maintain their reputation as best-in-class and [...]

Engineered Polymers Company Seeking Regional Business Manager

Our client is an innovative world leader in engineered polymer solutions. A Swedish based company, our client employs over 16,000 people in over 40 countries with the majority of employees living in the United States. This company prides itself on manufacturing and selling quality products in the United States. Responsibilities Overall sales management, market analysis [...]

Labor Day “Holiday”

Most Americans across the nation enjoyed a three-day weekend in celebration of Labor Day, but how many people actually took a day off from the usual grind?  The article, "Labor Day Blues: Americans Work Off The Clock,"by Dan Mangan, cites studies and surveys revealing a strong decline in work/life balance as more people are doing [...]

Leading Plastic Material Manufacturer Seeking Account Manager in California

Over the past three decades, our client has poised themselves as a leading supplier of high temperature plastic compounds, with facilities worldwide. Specializing in providing world-class customer service, product solution, and innovation, our client enjoys consistent growth and expansion in their market.  They are currently seeking an Account Manager to expand their team to continue [...]

Stay Completely Focused on What’s Important

Everyday distractions are inevitable, and your focus gets shifted to what might be lesser important tasks.  According to the article, "How to Stay Totally Focused on What Matters Most," by Dave Kerpen, your calendar should be a representation of your priorities with the most important activities taking up the majority of your time.  He also [...]

The Next Big Skill

The upcoming most important skill to have in the next few years is going to be storytelling.  This is largely due to social media as the way people get their news or hear about new campaigns and products.  But the art of storytelling goes deeper; it is a way to make a connection or impression, [...]

Happy Birthday Wes!

Rowland Mountain never misses an opportunity to celebrate and indulge in some cake.  Today we took some time out to say, "Happy Birthday," to Wes Washington complete with a song and lots of laughs. Happy Birthday Wes! May this next year bring only the best for you!

Leadership is Love

Some of the most important leaders in our country come from our nation's military; groomed out of high school at West Point, or other Military Academy's. The lessons learned also apply to life outside of the military and in business as well. The article, "Lessons From West Point: Leadership is Love," by Bill Murphy Jr. [...]

How to Fix Common Resume Flaws

Your resume is your business autobiography, telling a story of where you have been and what you have done.  When job hunting, it is your most important tool and conversation starter: it also doesn't lie and might reveal some gaps that could prevent you from getting the job you want.  The article, "6 Major Resume [...]

Keep Your Brain Innovative

Innovation is a key aspect of forward progress: what's the next BIG thing? Our brains can get clogged up in the mundane and become stuck in the everyday grind, which is when most people lose their creativity.  But how do we train our brains to retain clarity and innovation? Geil Browning, author or "8 Ways [...]

Steel Utilities Manufacturer Seeking Product Manager

Our client is a global leader in the steel utilities industry. They have been in business for more than 60 years continuously operating under the same innovative and progressive mind-frame as they do today.  Now they operate over 50 manufacturing plants located on five continents and sell their products in more than 200 countries.  Responsibilties [...]

The Double Life of Meetings

Meetings sometimes get a bad wrap for being dysfunctional and unproductive, but there may be another reason for calling an office meeting outside of actual productivity or updates.  Meetings add to the social structure of the organization; a common "must have" ingrained in the culture of a company, and it can be a hard habit [...]

Kick Start Your Job Search

You might find yourself conducting a job search for a number of reasons: recent layoff, recent grad, or simply looking for the next step in your career.  For whatever reason you are searching, often the most difficult part of figuring out where to start.  The article, "5 Ways to Kick Start Your Job Search," by [...]

What Drives Hard Work?

There is an age old assumption that people who are passionate about the work that they do, don't care as much about the money.  But recent studies have shown that people who are engaged in their work have greater productivity, and then in-turn are earning more as a result of increased output.  The article, "What [...]

Rules of Goal Setting

Most people have a 5 year plan, or at least a goal/list they want to complete by the time 5 years is up.  In order to be successful at completing said goal, you first need to define the task at hand, and define what success will look like.  But setting goals is more difficult than [...]

Happy Birthday Becca!

Today we took some time out of our days to celebrate Becca's Birthday! We all gathered in the conference room to indulge in some laughs and cupcakes! Wishing her all the best in this next year! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BECCA!!!

Waking Up Earlier

There are many benefits to waking up early, though it is generally met with the assumption of less sleep and a grumpy attitude. The article, "Why I Wake Up Early and 3 Reasons You Should Too," written by CNBC Correspondent Julia Boorstin, shares the benefits in tacking on a few extra hours in the morning [...]

Rowland Mountain Welcomes Jeremy!

We added another member to our team this week, Jeremy Vince! Jeremy has joined Rowland Mountain as a Search Executive for the Dream Team.  Coming from a background in recruiting he is jumping right in with little delay and is re-adjusting to Atlanta life after spending some time in North Carolina.  We are so happy [...]

Interview Questions You Should NEVER Ask

If you find yourself in a position where you are the one doing the interviewing for new hires, it is best to have a game plan.  You don't want to be that person that asks the same cookie-cutter questions that don't really qualify if the person is the right fit or not.  The article, "3 [...]

Happy Anniversary Wes!

Today marks the 5th Anniversary of Wes as a part of the Rowland Mountain team!  Today we also recognized him as crossing the Million Dollar Billing mark as a recruiter. We gathered to celebrate with cake and praise for this amazing accomplishment! Congratulations Wes on a job well done! We wish you the best in [...]

Why You Might Consider Making a Career Change

How do you know when the right time is to consider making a career change? People do it everyday, but when is the timing right?  The article, "5 Reasons to Consider Changing Careers," by Michael Peggs reveals reasons why making a change could make sense. They are... 1. Your current career happened almost by mistake [...]

Global Utilities Leader Seeking Territory Accounts Manager

Our client is global leader in the steel utilities industry operating in over 50 manufacturing plants, with their products reaching over 200 countries.  Over the past 60 years they have branded themselves as an innovative and progressive corporation with a passion for improving lives worldwide. They are currently seeking a Territory Accounts Manager to take [...]

Connect With Your Interviewer With 3 Simple Steps

It is always a good idea to prepare for an interview before hand, but what you can't prep for is how your personality will mesh with that of the hiring manager.  Chemistry and connection with a hiring manager is a key component in landing the job.  You want to avoid sounding robotic and rehearsed, and [...]

Getting Started on Your Job Search

The first thought when debating starting a new job search might be, "how hard can it be?,"  But finding a job can prove to be a full-time job in itself, and can be more complicated than you originally thought.   The article, "Job Search 101: How to Get Started on Your Hunt," by Katie Douthwaite [...]

Global Water Solutions Leader Seeking Regional Sales Manager

Our client is a global leader in water solutions and technical products. They have been in business for more than 40 years, continuously improving and providing innovative products and systems used worldwide.  Around the globe, they have more than 10,000 employees within their five different business units. They are known in the industry to continuously [...]

Potential Dangers of Social Media to Your Career

Social media has a great deal of benefits that it can provide in the workplace, but it can have the opposite effect as well; causing you to lose out of a potential new job, or even get fired from a current one.  The article, "Can Social Media Get You Fired?," by Elizabeth Garone outlines the [...]

Global Building Product Manufacturer Seeking General Manager

Part of a large global corporation that manufactures a wide range of consumer and industrial goods, our client manufactures building products.  Our client is known for having a great employee retention rate due to their focus on work/life balance for its employees.  In addition, this company offers a tremendous opportunity for professional growth and has [...]

Congratulations Kent!

Yesterday marked Kent's first placement as a member of our team here at Rowland Mountain.  It was a great accomplishment as Kent has only been an Associate for 6 weeks! This morning we celebrated over a bagel breakfast and gave him our congratulations on this first milestone in the recruiting business. CONGRATS KENT!!!! We are [...]

Helping a Friend Out With a Job Search

We all have at least one friend who is in the market for a new job, and your first inclination will be to lend a helping hand and any support you possibly can.  But how exactly do you go about REALLY helping them land the perfect match.  Job hunts can be stressful enough for the [...]

How Successful People Think

The article, "How Successful People Think," by Dave Kerpen starts with a puzzle to give a simple representation of how successful people think. and simply says "THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX." A concept that seems so easy, but when put to the test, how did you do? When it comes to solving a problem, the answer [...]

Saying “NO”

It is definitely ok to want to help and take on new projects, but there comes a point when you have to say no, even if it is accompanied by a sense of guilt.  It isn't always easy to say no, but it is a valuable word when it comes to your mounting extracurricular task [...]

Industrial Manufacturer Seeking Continuous Improvement Engineer

Our client is a world-wide industry leader in glass manufacturing.  Throughout the years they have continued to grow and provide quality glass products spanning multiple industries.  Due to a desire to standardize all process among production plants, they are currently seeking a Continuous Improvement Engineer to take over process management in a New England plant. [...]

Coaching Difficult Employees

Part of being a manager means mentoring and coaching an employee to cecome successful at their job; whether that means keeping them on track or getting them back on track after they have de-railed. But some employees aren't always open to being "helped".  The article, "Four Tips for Coaching Difficult Employees," by Jodi Beuder offers [...]

Helping Others at Work

Someone at the office might ask for you help accomplishing a task for a variety of reasons: it is important to be seen as a team player, without being deemed a pushover that will take on any miscellaneous task.  The article, "That's Your Job! When You're Asked to do Someone Else's Work," by Allison Stadd, [...]

Get On Your Co-workers Good Side

Having a great relationship with your co-workers has multiple benefits; it makes work a more enjoyable place, and leads to better quality of work done.  This could pose as a challenge for someone who is shy, or prefers to work more autonomously, but having the support of a team behind you is critical for success. [...]

Power Brand Manufacturing Company Seeking Commercial Marketing Manager

Our Client is a 60 year old, well-established company.  Their brand is huge, making up 70-75% of the market share in the U.S.  In their respective category, they are the largest manufacturer in the world.  The company culture is team oriented, and is composed of very knowledgeable and diverse individuals who truly want to “win” [...]

Effective Ways to Train Interns

Internships are a great way for recent grads or entry-level candidates to transition into a new position or gain relevant skills and experience before launching a long-term career.  But how do you go about providing this training without relying solely on handbooks or turning them into coffee runners?  The article, "3 Effective Ways to Train [...]

Be Your Own Advocate at Work

When taking a new opportunity, it can be daunting and you might find yourself on the bottom of the totem pole or feeling like an outsider: but instead of cracking under the pressure or cutting your losses, you should confront the issues head on and become your own advocate in your career.  The article, "Feeling [...]

Global MRO equipment Distributor seeks Global Account Manager in Oil and Gas

Our client is a multi-billion dollar global distributor of electrical MRO equipment and supplies. They have been in business for over 80 years and have been a leader in their field throughout their history. They are dedicated to serving the customer’s needs while maintaining consumer friendly aspects such as Green Initiatives. Our client is projected [...]

Social Media Sabotage

Today, in the world of social media, nothing we do is private; hiring companies and managers are now privy to most aspects of your personal life, just by typing your name into a search bar.  Social Media outlets have made it even easier to dig up some dirt or potential red flags in your communication [...]

Making Friends at Work

When starting a new job, you aren't always sure where everything is or have your bearings straight for awhile, so it is a good idea to make 'friends' to will be able to help you get adjusted and then utilize as a resource for years to come.  The article, "The 7 People You Should Befriend [...]

Happy Birthday Keleigh!

Today we took some time off the phones to celebrate Keleigh Porter's Birthday with some chocolate cake!  We never miss an opportunity to celebrate here at Rowland Mountain and Birthday's are among the best. Happy Birthday Keleigh! Wishing you the best in this next year!

Sr. Project Engineer Needed for Specialty Chemical Manufacturer

Specialty Chemical Company with over 60 years of development and manufacturing experience is seeking a highly skilled Project Engineer.  Our client is a 300 million dollar company that produces a very specialized product line.  They are currently growing through a very aggressive financial investor investing heavily in technology and people to increase productivity.  Through this [...]

Specialty Chemical Manufacturer Seeking National/International Sales Manager

Our Client is Specialty Chemical Company with over 60 years of development and manufacturing experience is seeking a Sales Manager covering a National territory with some international scope as well.  Our client is a 300 million dollar company that produces a very specialized product line.  They are currently growing through a very aggressive financial investor [...]

Global Distributor of OEM Equipment Seeks Integrated Supply Sourcing Director

Our client is a publicly traded multi-billion dollar Fortune 500 global distributor of electrical, industrial, communications, maintenance-repair-operating (MRO) and OEM equipment and supplies, construction materials, and advanced supply chain management and services. They are a large company with over 5,000 employees and over 100,000 customers worldwide. They are seeking an Integrated Supply Sourcing Director for [...]

How to Be Successful and Happy

People search for the key to success, and plan on that bringing them happiness and fulfillment in life.  But sometimes when you stop searching for something, that is when you find it.  The article, "6 Unique Ways to Be Successful and Happy," by Steve Tobak, provides out-of-the-box tips that no one normally thinks of as [...]

Welcome Kent!

This week, we welcomed a new team member, Kent Brown.  Kent comes to us from the west coast, and is quickly learning the ropes as our newest Search Associate.  We are happy you are here! WELCOME KENT!!!!

Keep Your Cool Under Stress

Stress can build a cycle not easily broken, and learning how to function within that cycle is just as hard.  The article, "Poise in Panic: How to Seem Clam When You're Super-Stressed," by Caroline McMillan aims to help you overcome this negative emotion in order to impress your boss and coworkers under times of pressure. [...]

Happy Anniversary Lindsay!

Today marks the 1- year Anniversary of Lindsay Schaaf as a team member here at Rowland Mountain.  Lindsay started as an intern, and has progressed into a Research Associate, and continues to add responsibilities to her role.  We will take time out of our schedules today to celebrate and eat cake while reminiscing over the [...]

Going Above and Beyond

No matter what environment you are in- whether it be social, school, or office- there is always one person who is coined the 'overachiever'.  This is someone that everyone should be in a work environment, but a balance between overachieving and being a 'show off' should be maintained.  The article, "4 Ways to Go Above [...]

Tips to Get More Done

Time is a limiting factor in all of our lives, and getting more out of our time can be difficult.  The article, "14 Simple Ways to Get Considerably More Done," by Jeff Haden lists everyday decisions and changes we can make to be more productive.  They are... 1. Don't take on ego-charged tasks 2. Surround [...]

What’s Your Working Style?

Everyone is unique and has an individual style of how they work best.  It is important to understand your working style as well as the style of others to insure a collaborative environment.  The article, "4 Unique Working Styles: What's Yours?," by Shelley Prevost outlines a few basic styles that you and your co-workers might [...]

Premier Communications Provider Seeking Social Media Marketing Manager

Our client is a premier communications provider.  This company is rapidly growing and committed to building and maintaining excellent coverage, delivering extremely high speed coverage, continuously developing the product experience, and intimately understanding the unique needs of their customers. Responsibilities Monitoring and analyzing all marketing efforts on social media platforms Strengthening company presence on new [...]

YOUR Business Foundation

Every business needs a strong foundation to be built upon in order to be successful.  The article, "The Four Vital Pillars for Your Business," by Jordan Guernsey outlines four 'pillars' to build your business upon to ensure your company will not collapse.  They are... 1. Accountability 2. Integrity 3. Honesty 4. Communication With these four [...]

Industrial Distributor Seeking District Sales Manager

Our client is a subsidiary of a publicly traded multi-billion dollar Fortune 500 global distributor of electrical, industrial, communications, maintenance-repair-operating (MRO) and OEM equipment and supplies, construction materials, and advanced supply chain management and services. They are a large company with over 5,000 employees and over 100,000 customers worldwide. They are seeking a District Sales [...]

Talk to Your Boss About More Than Deadlines and Projects

Getting called into your boss's office can mean praise or criticism, but when was the last time you visit your managers office without being summoned first?  The article, "5 Things You Should be Talking to Your Boss About," by Katie Douthwaite, addresses topics you can be checking in with your boss about periodically that can [...]

Industrial Manufacturer Seeking Customer Service Manager

Our client is a leading globally diversified industrial company. They have been in business for more than 40 years, continuously improving and providing innovative products and systems used worldwide. Around the globe, our client has more than 10,000 employees within their five different business units. They are known in the industry to continuously evaluate and [...]

Get More Out of LinkedIn

LinkedIn is growing rapidly, and can serve as a great business resource or job search avenue.  The article, "LinkedIn and 14 Tips to Get More Out of it," by Rachel Brushfield lists tips to getting LinkedIn working for you.  They are... 1. Raise your awareness and recognition to others 2. Use it with a set [...]

Wireless Software Company Seeking Account Manager in Atlanta

Client Overview Our client sells groundbreaking software to the wireless industry.  This company has doubled their revenue every year the past 3 years with much more growth to come! Considering it is a private company, now is a prudent time to join the ride with this company to the top! Responsibilities Monitoring trends in stores [...]

What NOT to do Every Day

A lot of business focused articles out there concentrate on tasks you should be doing every day, but rarely is the switch flipped.  The article, "8 Things You Should Not Do Every Day," by Jeff Haden does just that; offers up things to cut out of your daily activities that can lead to a more [...]

Time Management Tips That Work!

Time management and organization is a hot topic in the business world: everyone likes to get more out of each hour of the day, but it gets confusing trying to figure out just who's advice to listen to.  The article, "10 Time Management Tips That Work," by Joe Mathews, Don Debolt, and Deb Percival offer [...]

Team Transition

Recently we brought on some new team members, and unfortunately that means saying farewell to others.  Rowland Mountain wants to say a huge thank you to Jessica and Akshat and wish them the best of luck on their new ventures! Jessica will still be working with us while attending graduate courses, but we will miss [...]

Building Products Power Brand Seeking Channel Marketing Manager

Client Overview This is a 60 year old, well-established company.  Their brand is huge, making up 70-75% of the market share in the U.S.  In their respective category, they are the largest manufacturer in the world.  The company culture is team oriented, and is composed of very knowledgeable and diverse individuals who truly want to [...]

Running a Social Media Program

With social media gaining popularity, many companies have started turning to the outlet as a way to spread the word and generate revenue. Social media advertising is also an easy way smaller companies can compete with larger organizations with greater resources.  The article, "How to Run an Effective Social Media Program," by Steve McKee offers [...]

Happy Memorial Day

Enjoying a three-day weekend is always nice, but it can be easy to forget the reason we are celebrating.  Rowland Mountain is proud to support our troops currently defending our freedom oversees, and would like to say thank you to all past service men and women who gave their lives doing just that.  Because of [...]

Welcome Becca!

This week, Rowland Mountain welcomed our newest Jr. Search Associate, Becca! Becca is quickly learning the ropes and we are so happy to have her on board!!! WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!!!!

Rules For Today’s Workplace

With a changing economy, comes a changing workplace, and the "rules" that once applied to our careers have transformed as well.  Finding and keeping a steady job after college is no guarantee, even with the right credentials, work ethic, and attitude.  In order to be successful today, you must change along with the norm.  The [...]

Moving? How to Stay Productive at Work

There are quite a few people in Rowland Mountain making a move to a new residence within the next couple of weeks and staying productive during this transition is a top priority.  An article, " On the Move: How to Stay Productive at Work While Moving," by Sara McCord provides helpful 'dos' and 'don'ts' to [...]

Running Your Own Business

Having a successful small business requires a lot of work to achieve and maintain.  The article, "Seven Ways to Run a Successful Business," by Chris Joseph aims to provide some simple procedures and best practices to help you on your way! They are... 1. Have a Plan 2. Limit how much money you borrow 3. [...]

Why You Should Go To That Interview

Often times when looking for a new opportunity, you will apply for multiple jobs, including those you might not be over the moon about.  What happens when you get called back for one of those jobs, but aren't exactly thrilled about taking the time out to go on the interview? The answer is, GO ANYWAY! [...]

Global Supply Chain Solution Provider Seeks Business Development Manager

Our client is a multi-billion dollar global provider of turnkey supply chain solutions. They have been in business for over 80 years and have been a leader in their field throughout their history. They are dedicated to serving the customer’s needs while maintaining consumer friendly aspects such as Green Initiatives. Our client is aggressively growing [...]

Win Over Any Interviewer

There are multiple different types of interviews, and well as interviewers and their styles; so how can you make sure your prepared for any or all of them when your chance to interview comes?  The article, "How to Win Any Interviewer Over," posted on The Daily Muse posts "Job Interviewing 101" to provide helpful tips [...]

Organize Your Work Life

With summer coming into play, your spring cleaning should be complete; but in case you aren't, we want to help! You spend so much of your time at the office, that it is bound to get cluttered and need some TLC every once and awhile.  The article, "Five Tips to Get Organized at Work," by [...]

Rowland Mountain Wishes Matt Good Luck!

It is a bittersweet day at Rowland Mountain today as we wish our intern Matt Jones, good luck as he pursues a new opportunity.  Though we are sad to see him go, we cannot wait to see what success he has in the future! Good Luck Matt! We Will Miss You!

Things You Can Do TODAY To Be a Better Manager

Becoming a better manager involves constant growth and learning, but there are simple things you can include in your daily activities to jump-start that process.  The article, "Ten Things To Do Today To Be A Better Manager," by F. John Reh lists 10 things to help you on your way to becoming a manager.  They [...]

Simply Lead

This past Friday, Rowland Mountain and Associates got the opportunity to attend the Chic-fil-a Leadercast leadership event consisting of 9 phenomenal speakers all centered around the theme, "Simply Lead." The all-day event forced us to take a deeper look into our persons, our leadership style, and how to lead when you take out all complications [...]

Regional Government Specialist in Global Supply Chain Needed

Our client is a multi-billion dollar global provider of turnkey supply chain solutions. They have been in business for over 80 years and have been a leader in their field throughout their history.  They are dedicated to serving the customer’s needs while maintaining consumer friendly aspects such as Green Initiatives. Our client is aggressively growing [...]

Welcome Keleigh!

This week Rowland Mountain welcomed a new team member, Keleigh! Keleigh comes to us from North Georgia College and State University and is quickly learning the tricks of the trade.  We are thrilled to have her and wish her the best of luck and success. WELCOME KELEIGH!!!

How to Survive an All-Day Interview

Many times when you get engaged in an interview process, a potential employer will want to 'knock-out' all interviews with important decision makers in one day.  For you, this means back-to-back meetings with little down time.  The article, "4 Survival Tips for an All-Day Interview," by Sara McCord wants to help you conquer the all-day [...]

Get to Know Your Employees

In order to motivate your employees, you first need to know how to, and what tactics would work best. The article, "4 Questions You Should be Asking Your Employees," by Katie Douthwaite, outlines important questions managers should be asking to determine how to most effectively motivate and manage your team. They are... 1. "How Do [...]

When NOT to Apply for a Job

When looking for a new opportunity, you might find yourself desperate; applying for anything and everything, but that isn't always the best method.  The article, "4 Signs You Shouldn't Bother Applying to a Job," wants you to love your next job and offers tips to identifying opportunities that are most likely going to be a [...]

How to Stop Procrastinating at Work

Procrastination is part of an average work day, and something that can't always be avoided.  BUT there is a way to stop it from being an interference with your work-load.  The article, "7 Ways to Stop Procrastinating at Work and Get More Done," By Judy Bijou of Brazen Life provides tips to nip this problem in the [...]

Be Indespensable

The best thing you can be as an employee is valued and indispensable, but what exactly does that entail? The article, "8 Qualities The Best Employees Have," by Miriam Salpeter outlines the traits that can put you on that level and poise yourself to be considered and outstanding co-worker/employee. They are... 1. Showing initiative 2. [...]

Industrial Focused Marketing Manager Opportunity

Our Client is notorious for superior customer care and constant innovation in outdoor landscape beautification. With their diverse customer base and growing market share they have developed in their long tenure in this business, their reputation as a top provider will only continue to flourish and ensure the endurance of this company. Responsibilities Market research, [...]

Plastic Materials Provider Seeking Market Development Manager in Oil and Gas

Over the past three decades, our client has poised themselves as a leading supplier of high temperature plastic compounds, with facilities worldwide. Specializing in providing world-class customer service, product solution, and innovation, our client enjoys consistent growth and expansion in their market.  They are currently seeking a Market Development Manager to expand their team to [...]

The Keys to Becoming a Great Boss

The article, "5 Keys to Becoming a Great Boss," by Beth Braccio Hering wants to help you make the jump from good boss, to GREAT boss.  She offers up 5 areas to focus on.  Including... 1. Lead by example 2. Effective communication 3. Demonstrate concern 4. Show appreciation 5. Set a good tone The article [...]

Enjoy Work More

With work consuming 40 hours of your week, it is important to feel happy at your workplace.  The article, "17 Ways to Be Happier at Work," by Geoffrey James outlines his take on 'rules for a happier life' that apply to the professional world.  They are... 1. Stop comparing yourself to others 2. Don't obsess [...]

Be Happy, It’s Friday!!!

Make the choice to be happy TODAY! The article, "Be Happier: 10 Things to Stop Doing Right Now," by Jeff Haden provides examples of habits to quite to make for a happier you! They are... 1. Blaming others 2. Trying to Impress other with superficial things 3. Clinging to what's comfortable 4. Interrupting 5. Whining [...]

Words That Can Hurt Your Resume

Your resume serves as a vessel to get your foot in the door at a potential employers, so choose your words carefully.  One phrase or slew of words can make or break your chances of getting an interview.  The article, "Words that Hurt: 10 Overused Terms to Remove from your Resume," by Robert Half aims to [...]

Happy Birthday, Juliette!!

Today Rowland Mountain is taking some time off during the work day to celebrate our Business Manager, Juliette's birthday with some home-made banana pudding. We want to wish her all the best on her special day, and health and happiness for years to come! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!

Lead With Your Values

Work decisions don't always coincide with your personal beliefs which typically results in short-term success, but can ultimately hurt a business overall.  The article, "4 Ways to Lead With Your Values," by Alina Dizik pulls advice from the book "From Values to Action" by Harry Kraemer to outline how to be an effective leader while remembering and [...]

Global Distributor Seeks South Carolina Branch Manager

Our client is a publicly traded multi-billion dollar Fortune 500 global distributor of electrical, industrial, communications, maintenance-repair-operating (MRO) and OEM equipment and supplies, construction materials, and advanced supply chain management and services. They are a large company with over 5,000 employees and over 100,000 customers worldwide. They are seeking a Branch Operations Manager for their [...]

You Can’t Learn to Lead on Your Own

The phrase "born leader" gets thrown around quite often, but what most people don't know, is that the ability to be a leader is a skill that must be developed, studied, and perfected consistently.  The article, "7 Reasons You Can't Learn Leadership on Your Own," by Brian Evje  outlines why this is a skill that [...]

Time for Spring Cleaning!

It's that time of year again! Out with the old and in with the new, but it doesn't have to stop at your closet and your home: your cubicle could most likely use some attention as well. The article, "Spring Clean Your Cubicle!," by Katie Douthwaite offers 5 easy ways to clean your cubicle without [...]

Interview Follow Up Etiquette

After an interview, it is always a good idea to send some sort of follow-up message to the individuals you met with, but it isn't always clear what the best way to go about that is.  The article, "Follow Up After an Interview Without Being a Pest," by Anthony Balderrama offers three methods of handling this step [...]

International Chemical Company Seeks Global Strategic Sales Manager

Our client is a global manufacturer of specialty chemical and plastic additives into various industrial markets. Over the past 50+ years of service our client has earned the reputation of offering superior products and continuous innovation.  Due to recent growth, they are currently seeking to add a Global Strategic Sales Manager to manage the sales [...]

Specialty Chemicals Manufacturer Seeking Regional Sales Manager

Our client is a global manufacturer of specialty chemical and plastic additives into various industrial markets. Over the past 50+ years of service our client has earned the reputation of offering superior products and continuous innovation.  Due to recent growth, they are currently seeking to add a Regional Sales Manager covering the South-Eastern United States [...]

How to Motivate Your Team

One guaranteed motivator for employees is offering incentives, but it is not the only way to get better results from your team.  An easy way is also by offering affirmations of a job well done; and there are multiple ways of doing so, as outlined in the article, "The Secret to Motivating Your Team," by [...]

Find a Job Without Using a Job Board

When looking for a new position, job boards are an easy go-to, but not your only option.  The article, "5 Ways to Find Jobs Without Using a Job Board," by Katie Douthwaite offers up alternative hunting grounds for your job search.  Instead of rifling through hundreds of postings, try these options including... 1. Social media [...]

Take Control

If your 'to-do' list at work gets out of overloaded, you may find yourself feeling discouraged and overwhelmed by the amount of work piling up. The article, "Feeling Overwhelmed? 6 Ways to Take Control of Your Workload," by Christine Reedy wants to help you get control back, offering steps to take to get back on track.  They [...]

Juggling Multiple Interviews

When job hunting actively in the market,  you may find yourself in a situation where you have landed multiple interviews with different companies; which puts you in a great position for drawing an offer, but on the flip side, leaves plenty of room to slip up.  The last thing you want to do is mix [...]

Rowland Mountain is HIRING- Jr. Search Associate

We are looking to add a new Jr. Search Associate to our team! Responsibilities Spearhead research aspect of recruiting involving candidate identification and research potential clients Evaluate candidate experience and performance relative to search assignment specifications. Prepare accurate and detailed candidate profiles. Conduct reference checks Requirements Bachelor's Degree Strong Social Media Knowledge Great Communication Skills [...]

Global Utilities Company Seeking Strategic Accounts Manager

Our client is a global leader in the steel utilities industry. They have been in business for more than 60 years continuously operating under the same innovative and progressive mind-frame as they do today. Now they operate over 50 manufacturing plants located on five continents and sell their products in more than 200 countries. Responsibilities [...]

How to Attract Top Talent

In today's market, candidates have more options than ever before when it comes to potential employers, and companies are having to fight for top talents.  So how do you make sure your company is able to attract and obtain the best possible employees out there?  The article, "6 Ways to Attract Top Talent," by Paul [...]

Avoiding Interruptions

Distractions can be unavoidable during the work day, but being proactive before starting a major task can minimize these unwanted interruptions to make for a more productive you. The article, "6 Secrets for Avoiding Interruptions at Work," by Sara McCord offers simple approaches to follow to make sure your work gets done on time.  They are... [...]

What To Leave OFF Your Resume

When polishing off your resume, it is not always black and white as to what is important to include, and what can be safely left off.  The resume serves as a hook to get into an interview process with potential employers, and first impressions on paper can make or break your chances.  The article, "5 [...]

March Madness

With the NCAA Final Four tournament taking place this weekend, tension is high in office's nationwide as we will soon have a winner in our bracket pools.  A recent CareerBuilder survey revealed approximately 25% of professionals participate in workplace March Madness challenges, but how does this affect productivity during the duration of the tournament spanning [...]

Director of Engineering Rainmaker

This Rainmaker is currently a Director of Engineering seeking a new challenge with larger geographic responsibility.  Possessing a unique blend of business and technical acumen, his leadership drives high performing teams in New Product Development, Research and Development, and Process Engineering. This Rainmaker was recruited off campus with an advanced degree in Chemical Engineering and promoted [...]

Turbocharge Q2

With the first quarter closing, the second quarter is just ramping up: so how do you learn from mistakes made, duplicate successes and breathe new life into stalled projects to make this quarter better than the last? The article, "31 Questions to Turbocharge Q2," by Les McKeown breaks down each of these sections and gives [...]

Why You Didn’t Get the Job

When interviewing for new positions, there is most likely other candidates in the race, and sometimes you don't land the job: where did you go wrong? The article, "7 Reasons You Didn't Get the Job," by Lindsay Cross, offers insight into reasons why another candidate might have drawn the offer.  They are... 1. You Didn't [...]

What’s Cooking?

Last Friday, Rowland Mountain took the afternoon off to spend some time together outside of the office to test our culinary skills in a healthy competition.  After a delicious lunch prepared by the instructor chef, we donned our aprons to try out hands in the kitchen, best dish wins! The food of choice, risotto.  At [...]

Interview Question- To Ask? Or Not to Ask?

Upon closing during an interview, a potential employer will most likely ask, "Do you have any questions for me?" to which you should always have a few prepared.  The article, "10 Interview Questions You Should Never Ask (and 5 You Always Should)," suggests questions to avoid and ones to consider when asked this closing statement. [...]

Global Technology Leader Seeking Press and PR Specialist

Our client is a global technology leader with over 70 years in the business.  Their innovative products have a strong brand, and occupy 65% market-share in their industry.  This company is expanding and this visible position provides growth. Responsibilities Have a strategic understanding of the business as well as understanding the dynamics of the market [...]

The Best Advice

Most successful people have relied on a mentor for advice at one point in their lives or another.  Recently LinkedIn polled over 50 top professionals from a variety of industries asking, "what is the best advice you've ever received?" and listed them all on one page to share the knowledge wealth.  Visit the article, "70+ [...]

Steel Utility Company Seeks Strategic Account Manager

Our client is a global leader in the steel utilities industry. They have been in business for more than 60 years continuously operating under the same innovative and progressive mind-frame as they do today.  Now they operate over 50 manufacturing plants located on five continents and sell their products in more than 200 countries. Responsibilities [...]

High-End Art Distributor Seeks a Marketing and Communications Coordinator

Client Overview This trendy, contemporary originator of fine art has found extreme success in its unique market. Working in close contact with the most unique and fresh international and national artists of today, products are sold by way of trend, medium and influence. The art fabricator is Atlanta-based, and holds a large portion of its [...]

Extraordinary Bosses

Great bosses have the ability to bring out the extraordinary in those around them, but how do they do it?  The article, "13 Habits of Extraordinary Bosses," by Geoffrey James pulls out characteristic commonalities of great business leaders as outlined by Sylvia Lafair in her book, Don't Bring It to Work: Breaking the Family Patterns [...]

Top Global Industrial Distributor Seeking Program Manager

Our client is a multi-billion dollar global distributor of electrical MRO equipment and supplies.  They have been in business for over 80 years and have been a leader in their field throughout their history.  They are dedicated to serving the customer’s needs while maintaining consumer friendly aspects such as Green Initiatives. This company is projected [...]

What Recruiters Want to See on Your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn is a valuable job search tool, and widely used by recruiters when scoping for new talent; but how do you tailor your page to stand out from the rest to give yourself the best possible chance of being noticed? The article, "What Recruiters Really Want to See on Your LinkedIn Profile," by Jaime Petkanics [...]

Fortune 500 Distributor Seeks Sales Director of Utilities

Our Client Our client is a multi-billion dollar global distributor of electrical MRO equipment and supplies.  They have been in business for over 80 years and have been a leader in their field throughout their history.  They are dedicated to serving the customer’s needs while maintaining consumer friendly aspects such as Green Initiatives. This company [...]

Happy Friday! What Will You Do This Weekend?

Success doesn't always take a weekend off, but you don't have to be working to continue your success.  The article, "14 Things Successful People Do On Weekends," by Jacquelyn Smith lists the things smart people do on their time off to make them more successful on-the-clock.  They are... 1. Spend time with friends and family [...]

Global MRO Distributor Seeks Sales Director Calling into Higher Education/Government

Our client is a multi-billion dollar global distributor of electrical MRO equipment and supplies. They have been in business for over 80 years and have been a leader in their field throughout their history. They are dedicated to serving the customer’s needs while maintaining consumer friendly aspects such as Green Initiatives. Our client is projected [...]

Tough Interview Questions

There are a handful of questions that you can probably guess will be asked during an interview, such as questions surrounding your resume or geared towards personality, that you can prepare for.  But what about when you are thrown a curve ball? The article, "10 Interview Questions that Trip up Interviewees," posted on covers [...]

Linking In

LinkedIn is a great tool for networking with people in your industry or workplace, but is still considered a professional, business environment: asking someone to Link-In with you, is not quite the same as sending a friend request via Facebook.    The article, "5 Rules for Asking Your LinkedIn Connections for Help," by Carrie Mantha outlines how you [...]

RMA Welcomes Matt Jones!

Rowland Mountain is happy to announce our newest team member, Matt Jones! Matt has joined as a Research Associate for the "Big Deal" team a little over a month ago and continues to learn the ins-and-outs every day.  Matt hails from the University of Florida and is adjusting well to an office of multiple SEC [...]

Why Your Productivity is Hurting

Efficient time management is something that most people find themselves struggling with; there just isn't enough time in the day to get everything done! Author of "3 Biggest Things Hurting Your Productivity," Les McKeown, aims to provide insight (and help) as to why you aren't managing your time as efficiently as you could be, by [...]

What Successful People Do On Social Media

Social media can bring huge success to you and your organization if done correctly, but can also have the potential to harm you.  The article, "19 Things Successful People Do On Social Media," by TJ McCue offers tips on how to go about social media representation for yourself, including... 1. Believe in the value you [...]

Tips for Achieving Your Goals

We all have experienced the fall off of New Year's  resolutions at least once in our lives.  In reality over half of our goals are never met; why is that? It is mostly because there is no emotional driver behind goals made on the premise of something you should do or accomplish rather than something [...]

Ask Great Questions During a Job Interview

During an interview process, the candidate is usually the one answering questions, while the potential employer does the majority of the asking: but it is important to flip the script and voice any questions or concerns to the hiring manager that may have come up during the conversation. The article, "5 Questions Great Job Candidates [...]

Time Management Secrets from Billionaires

People who have reached the 'billionaire' status, must have done something right during their career to reach such financial success. The author of the article, "The Top 7 Time Management Secrets of Billionaires," Carolyn Anderson, compiles a list of tips from various billionaire biographies and articles to provide insight into the day-to-day business life of our worlds [...]

Networking Tips for Job Seekers

Networking is a powerful tool in today's market; it is all about who you know.  But how do you get to know the right people? The article, 4 Simple Networking Tips for Job Seekers," by Shala Marks focuses on ways to meet people to network with.  They are... 1. Volunteer 2. Join profession related organizations [...]

Fine Art Wholesaler Seeks Director of Communication

This trendy, contemporary originator of fine art has found extreme success in its unique market. Working in close contact with the most unique and fresh international and national artists of today, products are sold by way of trend, medium and influence. The art fabricator is Atlanta-based, and holds a large portion of its market share, [...]

Train Your Brain

We all struggle to see the glass half-full sometimes, especially when it can be so much easier to see it half-empty.  Instead of waiting to feel optimistic about certain situations, create it for yourself, and train your brain to see the opportunities in life instead of wallowing. The article, "Train Your Brain to Be Optimistic," by Geoffrey [...]

Practice Makes Perfect

When going into an interview, it is always a good idea to practice before meeting with any potential employers.  Its important to take the necessary preparatory steps including a rehearsal to best position yourself for  a successful interview.  The article, "Practice Makes Perfect: How to Rehearse for Your Next Job Interview," by Caroline M.L. Potter, offers 10 tips from [...]

Fortune 500 Global Distributor Seeks Global Account Manager Calling into Retail

Our client is a multi-billion dollar global distributor of electrical MRO equipment and supplies. They have been in business for over 80 years and have been a leader in their field throughout their history. They are dedicated to serving the customer’s needs while maintaining consumer friendly aspects such as Green Initiatives. Our client is projected [...]

Does Your Business Need an App?

With a smart phone in just about everyone's hand, there seems to be an app for everything. Apps are a great way to reach a large amount of people, and to keep customers involved on-the-go, but how do you decide whether or not it will be beneficial to your brand and your company?  The article, [...]

Leading Thermoset Company Seeks Field Technical Service Engineer

Over the past three decades, our client has poised themselves as a leading supplier of thermoset compounds, with facilities worldwide. Specializing in providing world-class customer service, product solution, and innovation, our client enjoys consistent growth and expansion in their market.  They are currently seeking a Field Technical Service Engineer to expand their team to continue [...]

Be Happier at Work

With work consuming 40+ hours a week of your life, it is important you spend those hours being happy.  According to the article, "15 Ways to Be Happier at Work," by Geoffrey James, the key to being happy at work greatly depends on your ability to manage your emotions.  The author also provides tips on [...]

Performance Review Myths

Annual performance reviews have become a necessary evil in the workplace, and often times are dreaded.  The article, "Five Myths About Performance Reviews," by Larry Buhl aims to debunk common misconceptions of this corporate routine.  Including... 1. They are a waste of time 2. They will have huge surprises (not all good) 3. They determine your next [...]

Good or Bad Job Search Advice?

Getting the right advice when searching for a job is pertinent; taking bad advice just might cost you the job.  The article, "Job Search Advice: Fact or Fiction?," posted on Total Career Success, lists examples of fictitious information that could hurt your search for new opportunities. They are... For higher level jobs, a search takes 10-15 months [...]

Injection Molding Company Seeks Tooling Manager

Our client is the leading manufacturer of plastic and paper packaging products for a variety of industries. Over the past 50 plus years of providing services, they have been able to enjoy significant growth and their products have become a staple for numerous applications. They are currently seeking a Tooling Manager to take over leadership [...]

4 Powerful Words to Impact Your Employees

Of the many things you can say to make a positive impact on your employees, sometimes the simpler the better.  The article, "4 Powerful Words Employees Need to Hear," by Jeff Haden, reveals a simple phrase that can make all the difference.  It is... "Can you help me?" Why? By asking rather than directing, people instinctively want [...]

Petrochemical Provider Seeks Technical Service Engineer

Our client is a top ranked chemical provider to the oil/gas petrochemical industries.  With over 50 years of services they have been able to grow their product line and revenue significantly becoming a multi-million dollar organization supplying to top companies in the industry. They are currently seeking a Technical Service Engineer to expand their territory [...]

Presidential Wisdom

Today, as we celebrate our nation's past and present leaders, we remember the wisdom they left behind after they left office.  The article, "10 Presidents' Day Leadership Lessons,"  posted on lists leadership advice given to us by some of our leaders.  They are... 1. Never doubt your own authority- George Washington 2. Build a [...]

Warranty Sales Company in Building Products Seeks Territory Manager

Our client is an industry leader that sells warranty programs to local and regional residential home builders. This privately held business is the only one of its kind backed by a national 3rd party insurance organization. After running a lean organization through the last 4 years, this company is in growth mode and is eager [...]

Be Extraordinary

It's the little things in life that make the biggest difference: the article, "10 Things Extraordinary People Say every Day," by Jeff Haden lists simple words and phrases you should say every day to the people you interact with to make a difference in their lives.  They are... 1.  "Here's what I'm thinking" 2. "I [...]

Happy Valentines Day from RMA

We would like to wish everyone a very Happy Valentines Day!!!! Here at Rowland Mountain we love our co-workers and office culture along with the ability to positively impact the success of candidates and companies every day!

Manufacturer of Metal Components Seeks District Sales Manager

Our client is a manufacturer and distributor of high quality metal building components, for various industrial markets. Providing services for 50+ years, our client has earned the reputation of a top competitor within their space. They are currently seeking a District Sales Manager to expand their territory presence. Responsibilites expand the company’s territory exposure throughout [...]

Global Custom Molder Seeking Thermoset Sales Engineer

Our client is a global leader in custom molding technologies. They are stable, privately held and have sustained continued, planned growth over the past 10+ years. The company caters to individual customer needs by delivering custom solutions and services to order. Responsibilities Identifying and developing engineering intensive, commercial/sales activities within targeted thermoset accounts. Work collaboratively [...]

Happy 204th Birthday Lincoln

Today marks the 204th Birthday of our 16th President Abraham Lincoln; a man who left our nation with lessons to learn and examples that can be applied to today's business leaders.  The article, "Lincoln's Birthday Special: Management Advice From Honest Abe," by Jon Wiener compiles quotes and segments from various other business publications to list the lessons [...]

LinkedIn Mistakes

LinkedIn is becoming a staple in the business world when it comes to professional networking and hiring. You have to have the right amount of information on your profile, join groups with the right type of people, connect and get recommendations; but what about the things you are doing wrong? The article "9 Mistakes You're [...]

Prepare Your Resume for a Head-Hunter

The difference between 'typical' HR process and the hiring process with a recruiter differs from the very beginning starting with your resume.  Recruiters are looking for goal-oriented, specifically detailed resumes instead of a jack-of-all-trades.  The article, "Prepare Your Resume for a Recruiter," by Robert Krzak provides tips and steps to make your resume Recruiter-Ready.  Three major points [...]

Get More Done

Sometimes it feels as though there is just not enough time in the day to get through your task list, but that doesn't have to be true.  The article, "Stealing Time: How Highly Productive People Get More Done," by Eric Sherman encourages you to change how you think of task timelines and get back precious [...]

Global Technology Company Seeks Press and PR Specialist

Company Our client is a global technology leader with over 70 years in the business. Their innovative products have a strong brand, and occupy 65% market-share in their industry. Due to expansion they are currently seeking a Press and PR specialist. Press and PR Specialist This position has responsibility for having a strategic understanding of [...]

RMA Rainmaker: Industrial Distribution Executive Leader

This rainmaker has over a decade of sales and operational leadership experience with a top industrial distributor resulting in double digit sales growth, cost reductions, and unprecedented customer satisfaction. His list of accomplishments includes taking a metro market from the bottom 5% of sales the the TOP 5% as well as achieving 250% over quota and 9% [...]

Top 5 Leadership Skills

Our world is changing with the introduction of new technology almost every day, but there are still tried and true core competencies that set leaders apart.  The article, "Top 5 Skills Every Leader Must Have," by Steve Tobak outlines 5 key skills every leader should have to successfully run a company in today's society. They [...]

Successfully Negotiate Your Salary

Congratulations! You got the job! Now you have to go through the finer details such as the daunting task of negotiating your new salary.  Author Leslie Zaikis of "9 Failproof Salary Negotiation tricks from Kate White," wants to help you navigate this tricky conversation to get the best offer possible.  They are... 1. Do your research 2. [...]

Achieve Your Dreams

Now that February has officially started, most people have given up on their New Years resolutions.  You can avoid this slump by having an execution plan to follow in order to accomplish your goals.  The article, "Achieve Your Dreams: 6 Steps to Accomplish Your Goals and Resolutions," by Susan M. Heathfield, offers 6 easy steps [...]

Happy Birthday Tricia Mountain!

The birthday celebrations continued this week as we celebrate Tricia Mountain's birthday!!! We indulged ourselves on carrot cake on Tuesday to give the birthday girl our best wishes for the next year; we would never miss an opportunity to tell our VP how much she means to us. WISHING YOU A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRICIA!

Fortune 500 Global Distributor Seeks Global Account Manager (Oil & Gas)

Our client is a multi-billion dollar global distributor of electrical MRO equipment and supplies. They have been in business for over 80 years and have been a leader in their field throughout their history. They are dedicated to serving the customer’s needs while maintaining consumer friendly aspects such as Green Initiatives. Our client is projected [...]

Gulf Coast Telecommunications Provider Seeks Business Account Executives

Client Overview Our client is a premier communications provider.  This company is rapidly growing and committed to building and maintaining excellent coverage, delivering extremely high speed coverage, continuously developing the product experience, and intimately understanding the unique needs of their customers.  Due to a ramp-up in coverage, they are currently seeking  Account Executives to expand [...]

Packaging Company Seeks Technical Support Project Manager

Our client is a leading manufacturer of paper and plastic packaging products marketing to a variety of industries. Over the past 50 plus years of providing services, our client has been able to enjoy significant growth and their products have become a staple for numerous applications. They are seeking a Technical Support Project Manager to [...]

Unusual Great Boss Gestures

Being a great leader isn't always about being a top performer or a strict and stern manager who demands perfection.  We are ALL human and sometimes make mistakes; an effective leader is one who can adapt to what a situation needs.  The article, "7 Unusual Things Great Bosses Do," by Jeff Haden, details a few unconventional [...]

Tips For a Successful Phone Interview

More often than not, your first interaction with a potential employer will be over the phone, so it is important to make the best first impression possible to land a follow-up interview in person.  The article, "Top 10 Tips for a Successful Telephone Interview," by Jez Styles provides easy steps to follow to give yourself [...]

Happy Birthday Katie!!

Our Search Associate Katie Owens will be celebrating a birthday this weekend!  Next week we will all take some time out of our day to indulge in some cake and birthday wishes! HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATIE!!!!!!!

5 Things Really Smart People Do

Learning is a lifelong task that we will never complete, and an important one in our ever-changing society. So how do we go about keeping an open mind to new ideas and experiences? The article, "5 Things Really Smart People Do," by Kevin Daum offers tips to employ in your everyday life and conversations to [...]

World-Wide Manufacturing Company Seeks Product Line Manager

Our client is a multi-million dollar company specializing in developing tools and technology used in manufacturing across a wide variety of markets.  They are currently seeking a Product Line Manager to develop and oversee new product marketing strategies to grow their market share. Requirements Bachelor's Degree 3+ Years' Sales/Marketing Experience Exceptional Communication Skills Responsibilities Lead overall product strategy, [...]

The Key to Hiring and Keeping Top Employees

A great organization starts with hiring great people.  All employees play a part in driving the success of your business regardless of the size of their impact.  And once you get top talent, it's important you be able to keep it.  The article, "Ten Tips to Hiring and Keeping Top Employees," compiled by Heather Brighton [...]

Customize Your Resume

It is perfectly OK to customize and tailor your resume to  a job you are applying for as long as it is honest.  Lying on your resume can land you in a whole world of trouble, and can even result in termination of your employment.  The article, "Fake It and They'll Know It: How to Customize a [...]

Top 10 Desirable Candidate Skills

Of the most in-demand jobs for this upcoming year, there is a clear need for a specific skill set that spans across the majority of the roles.  The article, "The 10 Skills That Will Get You Hired In 2013," by Meghan Casserly posted on, lists the top 10 job skills that can land you [...]

Become a Time Management Master

Changing or creating new habits can prove to be a difficult task; but being active and committed to making a change will surely result in a better, and more productive you.  The article, "12 Time Management Habits to Master in 2013," by Pat Brans utilizes logic outlined by Benjamin Franklin to suggest ways to change [...]

Retention Marketing Manager Needed

Our client is a leading global fortune company well known as a trend-setter in their industry, and has even won awards for being an ethical and great company to work for.  They are currently seeking a leader to develop, test, and implement an effective customer retention program for both client and consumer accounts.  This would be a [...]

3 Things You Need To Know Before You Hire an Intern

Establishing an internship program provides benefits to both your business and interns by providing an affordable solution to increase productivity and real-world experience for potential applicants.  Although it is generally a win-win situation, there are things to consider when hiring an intern to join your staff part-time.  The article, "3 Things You Need To Know [...]

Important Qualities in a Job Candidate

When applying for a job, you want to make sure that you will be considered a legitimate candidate.  So how do you go about making sure you are taken seriously, and poised as a top player? The article, "The 4 Most Important Qualities in a Job Candidate," by Jennifer Merritt provides 4 ways you can [...]

Help Us Help You!

Here is your opportunity to tell us how the workplace treated you in 2012! RMA wants to know! Market Research Survey Take our survey!

New Year’s Resolutions for your Business

If you haven't made any New Year's resolutions, it's not too late to set some goals for your business to have the best year yet.  The article, "5 New Year's Resolutions for your Business," posted on, lends ideas that you can resolve to accomplish in your business during 2013. Some ideas include... 1. Save [...]

Utilize Social Media in Your Job Search

It seems as though everything and everyone is involved in Social Media these days, and it is becoming more and more common in the workplace. It can even be a valuable tool in searching for a new career.  The article, "10 Smart Ways to Use Social Media in Your Job Search," by Alexis Grant, helps [...]

Out-of-the-Box Time Management

It seems as though there is never enough time in the day to get through our "to-do" list, despite the fact there are 100's of apps promising top-notch organization available with the wave of a finger.  What if we looked outside the box instead of to our phones to get more organized?  The article, "9 [...]

Plastic Manufacturing Company Seeks Production Supervisor

Our client is the leading manufacturer of plastic and paper packaging products for a variety of industries. Over the past 50 plus years of providing services, they have been able to enjoy significant growth and their products have become a staple for numerous applications. Due to recent promotions and growth they are currently seeking an [...]

You’re Smart! Don’t Blow It!

When searching for a new job, the most important part can be the actual interview; and in a tight market, you have to make the most of what could be a rare opportunity.  Unfortunately, many very intelligent people don't put their best foot forward during this crucial step in the process, and find themselves out [...]

12 Skills to Help You Thrive!

While dark clouds continue to surround our nations economy and job market, you can still set yourself apart from other candidates by brandishing a unique and complete skill set.  The article, "12 Skills That Will Help You Thrive in 2013," posted on by Joe MecKendrick,  offers a list of skills that can help open [...]

Getting Back to Work After the Holidays

After time spent celebrating the holiday season with loved ones, it can be hard to get back into 'work-mode' once vacation has ended.  The article, "5 Steps to get Back into the Work Mindset," by Shala Marks, provides steps in which you can follow to ease yourself back into a 9-to-5 routine, despite how daunting [...]

5 Ways to Make Your Business Better This Year

The article posted on, "5 Ways to Make Your Business Better in 2013," by Vanessa Merit Nornberg aims to bring your business to the next level in the New Year by lending her 'tricks of the trade' learned from her past experiences as an entrepreneur.  These 5 tips are... 1. Smart Spending 2. Adjust [...]

Saying Goodbye to 2012, and Welcoming the New Year

The New Year can bring about many new questions and resolutions.  Many might be thinking about making a career change, and if you find yourself in the market the article "Get Hired: Hot Jobs in 2013," by Donna Fuscaldo, posted on Fox Business, aims to provide insight into the three fields that expect a ramp [...]

Global Market Manager Needed

Our client is a globally recognized, manufacturer of cutting-edge polymers.  Over the past 5 decades, they have been able to build their brand through superior customer service, and high quality products.  They are currently seeking a Global Market Manager to continue driving their growth by identifying new opportunities, and ultimately expanding their market share. Requirements [...]

Happy Birthday, Jessica Brown!

Happy Birthday to RMA's Search Associate Jessica Brown! With the office being a little thinned out in light of the holidays, we have a celebration planned for after the New Year;  BUT we would never miss a chance to give her our well wishes, and birthday salutations on her big day! Happy Birthday Jess! and [...]

Fortune 500 Industrial Distributor Seeks Site Manager

Our client is a Fortune 500 global distributor of electrical, industrial, communications, MRO, OEM equipment and supplies.  Rapidly growing world-wide, our client is currently seeking a Site Manager for their location in Canada. Responsibilities include… Customer support, purchasing, cost saving, and other supply chain process improvements at the manufacturing site. Supervise branch staff: verify attendance, [...]

10 Life-changing Quotes

Last month, World War II veteran, successful sales person, and motivational speaker Zig Ziglar passed at the age of 86; leaving behind a multitude of wisdom and inspiration.  From his over two dozen books, the article "Zig Ziglar: 10 Quotes That Can Change Your Life," written by Kevin Kruse, posted on, pulls 10 quotes, [...]

Plastic Parts Manufacturer Seeks Director of Quality

Our client is a world-class manufacturer of quality thermoplastic parts for the automotive and commercial industries for over 40 years; providing top-notch operations and products.  They are rapidly growing and currently seeking a Director or Quality to take over management of the organizations strategic quality plan. Responsibilities include... Develop, implement, and maintain a quality management [...]

Career Tips for the Holiday Season

The holiday season traditionally tempts vacation and time for relaxation: it also provides a great opportunity to boost your career.  Taking advantage of the spirit and occasions surrounding the season can mean all the difference for your career in the New Year.  The article “5 Career Tips for the Holidays,” by Sally Kane, outlines helpful [...]

New Marketing Positions Available

Client Overview This mid-sized company specializes in developing and selling equipment used in manufacturing  for a wide variety of vertical markets including Aerospace, Automotive, Wireless and Life Sciences. Today, they enjoy a majority market share in North America and are expanding rapidly on a global scale. Unlike other organizations that are expecting modest growth this year, this [...]

Happy Birthday, Russ Mountain!

Today, RMA took some time and celebrated Russ Mountain's birthday with chocolate ice cream cake and some good laughs. We are truly lucky to have a CEO who doesn't forget to take the time to laugh a little every day. Have a great day, Russ!

Plant Manager Position Available

Our client is a global leader in custom molding technologies. They are stable, privately held and have sustained continued, planned growth over the past 10+ years. The company caters to individual customer needs by delivering custom solutions and services to order. This incumbent Plant Manager will be responsible for the oversight of P&L, safety, quality, [...]

Positive Reinforcement

In the hopes of avoiding punishing their children for unacceptable behavior, parents provide children with positive reinforcement to ensure good behavior is rewarded with a "warm fuzzy" feeling that kids strive for. The same goes for the work place: having something positive to strive for in the form of praise or incentives, breads increased productivity [...]

Vice President, Tricia Mountain Celebrates 15 Years with RMA Today

Today marks the 15th anniversary of Tricia Mountain working for Rowland, Mountain and Associates. With over 15 years spent in the recruiting industry, one can say that Tricia Mountain is an expert. As a fashionable woman, Tricia has her staples that she dons daily: a smile and optimism. She grew up in the Midwest, Kansas, [...]

RMA Christmas Party

Last Friday, the RMA staff was extremely lucky to celebrate the holiday season with a night on the town! Owners, Russ and Tricia Mountain treated the RMA associates to a fantastic dinner at Strip at Atlantic Station, followed by tickets to see Cirque du Soleil, Totem. The night was a perfect end to a productive [...]

It’s the most Wonderful Time of the Year…To Job Hunt

As the holiday season begins just after thanksgiving, many job hunters put their search on the back burner until January. However, according to Forbes writer, Megan Casserly, the best time to conduct a job search and network is over the holiday season. It seems as though some forget that the holiday season spans around six [...]

Global Technology Leader Seeks an Inside Sales Representative

Who: Our client is a global technology leader with over 70 years in business. This particular position lies within our client’s healthcare business unit, which is the fastest growing division. This is an exciting time to join this innovative company, and make a visible difference by leading our client’s newest business development efforts. Job Description: This Entry Level Sales Representative [...]

Rowland Mountain and Associates is Looking for Our Next Sales Intern!

Rowland, Mountain & Associates is searching for our next Sales Intern! The RMA Sales intern will gain a well-rounded range of responsibilities, focusing on recruiting sales, marketing and social media upkeep. In addition, the next Sales Intern will be involved in multiple aspects of improving Rowland Mountain’s recruiting search process and results. The Marketing Intern [...]

Saying “No” to Unrealistic Demands and “Yes I can” to Difficult Demands

With the holidays here, it is simple to misconstrue an unrealistic demand with a difficult one. Yes, finishing T.P.S. reports with the proper cover letter can be extremely difficult during the holidays as outside tasks such as holiday shopping, cookie making, and general home decoration maintenance gets under way. However, for some, the tasks actually are unrealistic. [...]

What is REALLY on Your Employee’s Wish Lists

Before you go out and buy moderately priced chocolates and Starbucks gift cards, consider the suggestions listed in a recent Forbes article, What Employees Want Most This Holiday. The top three wishes include: Salary Increase Cash Bonuses More Paid Vacation Time

Area Sales Manager Needed

Our Client is a privately-held, premier communications provider. This company is rapidly growing and committed to building and maintaining excellent coverage, delivering extremely high speed coverage by continuously developing the product experience, and intimately understanding the unique needs of their customers. Due to a ramp-up in coverage, they are currently seeking an Area Sales Manager to expand their presence further east. The [...]

No “Big Deal”

As a smaller scale executive staffing firm, we would like to take the time this holiday season to introduce ourselves by teams at Rowland Mountain and Associates. This week, team Big Deal is featured, with Katie Owens representing via a short questionaire. Enjoy getting to know our own Rainmaker! 1) Proudest moment at RMA: Hmm. [...]

Why you Should Search for the Next Rainmaker this Holiday Season

What could be a better way to start the New Year than with a sharp staff, ready for the next best year? According to Forbes journalist, Roberta Matuson, the best time to prepare for this kind of successful year is to hire the best talent during the holidays. Since the holiday season is the time [...]

Goal Stating 101

We all have that friend or family member who tends to leave voice messages that are 4 minutes too long, and never seem to reach a point! In a recent LinkedIn article, Peter Gruber explains the benefits in being straight-forward with goals, specifically in the workplace. Instead of waiting until the end of a meeting [...]

How to Ease into a New Management Position

In an exciting new role as a manager, it is important to ease your way into a position to gain respect and cooperation from your staff. Here are the top 10 ways to achieve this, for a successful experience as a new manager! 1. Set specific goals. 2. set boundaries for what you employees should [...]

Packaging Manufacturer Seeks a Sales Engineer

Founded in the 1940’s, this North American company boasts leadership in custom molding technologies of advanced materials. Being established against competition, this company is able to put great focus in the career advancement and growth of its staff members. Having a background or knowledge in working with plastics molding technologies will be an extremely marketable [...]

How to Deal with a Difficult Boss

In an ideal world, all bosses would mesh perfectly with all employees; however there are far too many personality types that are bound to collide, causing friction in the workplace.  In a recent article from, Randall S. Hansen, Ph.D., outlines the basics behind dealing with a difficult boss. Mainly, it is key to remain calm, [...]

Are you Selfish or Self-Satisfying? A New Psychological Insight on Your Career

According to J.T. O'Donnel, engineering psychologist, you should always strive to be self-satisfying. O'Donnel wrote in a recent article that  the age-old self-satisfying psychology of the average child should remain through adulthood, pertaining to careers.  I was personally impressed with the fact that J.T. strayed away from the cliche of "you only have one life [...]

How to Attend a Career Fair

When I went to my first career fair, what I remember the most was being intimidated. I felt as though I was applying for as many jobs that I had applications for that day (25 to be exact). My palms were sweaty, and I was at a loss for words from the time I walked [...]

Tips for Job Hunters

Bouncing back after a job loss can be difficult, especially if it comes as a shock.  The article, "Job Search Tips," posted on aims to arm you with the best tips for landing a great next job!  Follow these guidelines as a path to success. Be Positive! Have a Plan Know That You Have Options [...]

Top Dos and Don’ts of Social Media

Seeing that social media is still relatively new in relation to its business capabilities, it is great to see  articles on social media etiquette catered to different professions. Do you have personal "Do's and Don'ts" of social media for your career? "25 Social Media Tips" by Jason Buss

Tips on How to be More Productive Today

As the weekend gets closer, I feel my motivation dwindling. Its a phenomenon that reoccurs every week. I get tired of logging into LinkedIn, my creative juices have been maxed out, and I'm craving 5:30 PM on Friday to finally feel like I'm free! What I forget most of the time is that if I keep [...]

Managing Stress to do Your Best

Feeling the pressure of stress at work is extremely common. What some may fail to realize is that learning to manage stress in the workplace is an essential piece of knowledge in successfully avoiding it at home. recently published an article on various actions and mindsets that you can follow to avoid stress in [...]

Northeast Technical Sales Engineer Needed for a Chemical Solution Provider

Our client is a family driven and focused Chemical Solution provider with over 15 years experience supplying to the household, industrial, and institutional Markets. By taking a unique approach to sales focused on their clients, they have enjoyed stability and continuous growth throughout their history. Due to a recent promotion and expansion, they are currently seeking a Technical Sales Engineer [...]

How to Communicate Efficiently in the Workplace

As I am sitting in my cubicle with extreme writers block, I decide to possibly look up another article to use, aside from the one mentioned in the title. While I am a fan of Twitter, I realized that my skills may be a little rusty, so I Googled tips on Tweeting for a business. [...]

Director of Manufacturing Position Available

Our Client is a privately held, growing chemical manufacturer, seeking to add a Director of Manufacturing to bring the company strongly into the future. Through a strong relationship with customers, our client is able to provide innovate and cutting edge products to an industrial market. The objective of this role is to serve as a liaison between manufacturing and other departments [...]

Job Searching While Employed

In an ideal world, everyone would gladly stay at their companies for years, happily working, loving their careers, all while making plenty of money. However, as humans, we sometimes tire from routine, and seek change. in the article, How to Keep Your Job Search Secret , Amy Gallo explains how to job search while still employed. [...]

Become a Time-Managing Machine

As a recent college graduate, I thought that I have mostly mastered the art of time management. However, every now and then I slip up...and end up wasting time that is part of a deadline instead of what is truly on my priority list...Much to my dismay, it does not include Googling photos of puppies, [...]

Plant Manager Needed for Global Agricultural Chemical Supplier.

Our client is a publicly held, global supplier of diverse agricultural chemicals seeks a Plant Manager to take over operations of their production facility in Southern, California.  Throughout their long history, Our client has had quality enhancement and environmental protection at the forefront of their constitution. Key Requirements for this position are Bachelors Degree in Chemical Engineering [...]

The Industry Swap Option

The article, "Change your Industry, Change your Luck, by Kevin Fogarty disproves the idea behind avoiding the application for a position due to lacking experience in a particular field. Fogarty writes that the lack of experience in particular field  is not going to ruin chances of making a refreshing career change. It is never too [...]

Global Distributor of OEM Seeks a Branch Operations Manager

Our client is a publicly traded multi-billion dollar Fortune 500 global distributor of electrical, industrial, communications, maintenance-repair-operating (MRO) and OEM equipment and supplies, construction materials, and advanced supply chain management and services. They are a large company with over 5,000 employees and over 100,000 customers worldwide. They are seeking a Branch Operations Manager for their [...]

Chemical Manufacturer needed in Ohio

Our Client is a privately held, growing chemical manufacturer, seeking to add a Director of Manufacturing to bring the company strongly into the future. Through a strong relationship with customers, our client is able to provide innovate and cutting edge products to an industrial market. Requirements for this position are 10+ Years Experience in Chemical Manufacturing Environment 5+ Years [...]

Global Chemical Supplier Seeks a Plant Manager!

Our client is a publicly held, global supplier of diverse agricultural chemicals seeks a Plant Manager to take over operations of their production facility in Southern California.  Throughout their history, our client has had quality enhancement and environmental protection at the forefront of their constitution. Key Requirements for this position are: Bachelors Degree in Chemical Engineering (Masters [...]

Sales Director Position in Atlanta

This trendy, contemporary originator of fine art has found extreme success in its unique market. Working in close contact with the most unique and fresh international and national artists of today, products are sold by way of trend, medium and influence. The fine art wholesaler is Atlanta-based, and holds a large portion of its market [...]

A Spooky Day at R.M.A. !

Recruiter log: Oct. 31, 2012: Kaylee Turner reporting creepy occurances at RMA. In the tune of a poem: To recruit on all hallows eve seemed the most out of wack, I set foot in the office, and saw recruiters, Akshat and Zack... "Such infants cannot possibly source!" I shout, Then, from around the corner, peers [...]

Resourceful Rewarding: Giving Back to Your Employees in a Tough Economy

Over the past recession-infused decade, companies have focused more of their priorities in avoiding layoffs. While the lucky remaining employees are grateful for being able to keep their jobs, morale may be lower as a result companies' inability to repay them for their hard work. According to Nancy Mann Jackson, journalist for, a great [...]

Are You in Need of a Post-Interview Intervention?

Chances are high that if you’ve found yourself in the dating scene, you’ve also probably experienced a similar phenomenon associated with the job interview. Like dating, sometimes you find yourself in the office of an interviewer, trying to make eye contact; but not too much eye contact, as you don’t want to creep the interviewer [...]

The Danger of Accepting a Counter Offer

After landing your dream job, the next step is to resign from your current position. It is common for a counter-offer to be presented to you and they almost always appear extremely attractive on the outside, but there are dangers to accepting. The article, "The Danger of Accepting Counter Offers," posted on outlines some [...]

Global Chemical Supplier Seeking Plant Manager

Our client is a publicly held, global supplier of diverse agricultural chemicals seeks a Plant Manager to take over operations of their production facility in Southern, California.  Throughout their long history, Our client has had quality enhancement and environmental protection at the forefront of their constitution. Key Requirements for this position are Bachelors Degree in Chemical Engineering [...]

Global Distributor of OEM Equipment Seeks Integrated Supply Sourcing Director

Our client is a publicly traded multi-billion dollar Fortune 500 global distributor of electrical, industrial, communications, maintenance-repair-operating (MRO) and OEM equipment and supplies, construction materials, and advanced supply chain management and services. They are a large company with over 5,000 employees and over 100,000 customers worldwide. They are seeking an Integrated Supply Sourcing Director for [...]

How to Fire an Employee Smoothly

Having to fire an employee is a necessary aspect of any HR professionals job.  The article, "How to Fire an Employee- Some Ways to Get it Done Smoothly!," posted on aim to ease some of the tension that might come with this uncomfortable and often dreaded task. Some suggestions are... Don't Let Employee Firings [...]

Global MRO & OEM Provider Seeks Business Development Manager

Our client is a publicly traded multi-billion dollar Fortune 500 global distributor of electrical, industrial, communications, maintenance-repair-operating (MRO) and OEM equipment and supplies, construction materials, and advanced supply chain management and services. They are a large company with over 5,000 employees and over 100,000 customers worldwide. They are seeking a Business Development Manager. This is [...]

Best Places to Hunt for a Job

When deciding to look for a new job, knowing where to look is just as important as knowing what to look for.  With more resources violable to the active seeker than ever, it can be quite daunting.  The article "Six of the Best Places to Search for a Great Job," posted on provides six places to [...]

Global Distributor of OEM Equipment Seeks Product Manager

Our client is a publicly traded multi-billion dollar Fortune 500 global distributor of electrical, industrial, communications, maintenance-repair-operating (MRO) and OEM equipment and supplies, construction materials, and advanced supply chain management and services. They are a large company with over 5,000 employees and over 100,000 customers worldwide. They are seeking a Program Manager for the Utah [...]

Ohio Chemical Manufacturer Seeking Director of Manufacturing

Our Client is a privately held, growing chemical manufacturer, seeking to add a Director of Manufacturing to bring the company strongly into the future. Through a strong relationship with customers, our client is able to provide innovate and cutting edge products to an industrial market. Requirements for this position are 10+ Years Experience in Chemical Manufacturing Environment 5+ Years [...]

RMA Gets Crafty!

Last week, Rowland Mountain left work early to get in touch with our artistic side.  We went to Sips n Strokes, and enjoyed spending time together outside of the office. See the pictures below for a peek into our outing!

Innovative Plastics Company Seeking Account Manager

Our Client is An innovative metal and plastic part manufacturer serving the automotive industry is currently seeking to add an experienced Account Manager due to a recent expansion. With a strong focus on customer satisfaction and engineered solutions, the company has been able to grow and thrive for over 30 years, earning some of the industry’s [...]

Career Change Do’s and Don’ts

Making a career change is an important and sometimes daunting decision to make.  A career takes constant effort and dedication, and deciding to make a change will require much thought and planning.  The article, "Career Change Do's and Don'ts" posted on aims to arm job seekers with some advice to consider before taking the [...]

Industrial Distributor Seeking Branch Manager

A national industrial distributor is looking for an ethical and driven leader to take over its Mid-Atlantic branch. This is a very autonomous role, akin to owning your own business, and requires someone who can drive and motivate a sales and administrative team. Key Requirements Bachelors Degree (Master's Preferred) 5+ Years Management Experience Full P&L [...]

Tips for Writing Employee Performance Reviews

Employee performance reviews are an important aspect of a manager's job: they provide employees insight into their strengths within their responsibilities.  The article, "5 Tips for Writing Employee Performance Reviews,"  gives advice for writing reviews that are effective and pertinent. Some "Dont's" include... Don't Focus on Just One Aspect Don't Make Comparisons Don't Contradict Yourself Don't Give Out [...]

Are you E-Hireable?

With social media and networking becoming more of a go-to tool for recruiters and hiring managers, it is important to build a positive online presence.  The article, "How E-Hirable are You?," describes the importance of marketing yourself online, and how to create your own personal brand.  Some things to consider implementing include... Create a [...]

6 Tips to a Better Resume

Resumes are an important part of any job hiring process. Rarely has someone landed a job without first having to submit a resume: it is the initial glance into your job history and career objectives.  In Ryan Brittain's article, "Six Simple Tips for a Better Resume," he provides 6 things that can bring your resume [...]

Energy Storage Leader Seeks Regional Sales Manager

Our client is a unique energy storage technology leader with over a decade of experience in the business. Our client is experiencing year over year growth, breaking into new markets, and gaining award-winning recognition for their accomplishments. This is an exciting time to join this innovative company, and make a visible difference by leading our [...]

6 Steps to New Job Success

Transitioning to a new job can be tough; it is normal to feel anxious about having to learn new processes and figure out how mesh well in a new environment.  In his article,"New Job Success: 6 Steps to Start Things Right," by Eugene Yiga, he provides 6 areas you should educate yourself in prior to [...]

Leading Building Product Supplier Seeks Territory Sales Representative

Our Client is a world-wide supplier of building materials and industry leader in Exterior Finishing and coatings manufacturing, with a combined product history of over 150 years.  With a foundation comprised of hard work, commitment, and loyalty, our client enjoys recurrent growth and is poised to move into the future with continual excellence in innovation, [...]

RMA Says “Thank You!!!”

This year RMA has decided to participate in a local radio station campaign, "The Big Thank You," started by the Q100 Bert Show.  The goal is for every United States Service man or woman stationed overseas to receive a handwritten letter on Thanksgiving.  This campaign has gained the attention of former President Bill Clinton, as well as [...]

Global Fortune Company Seeks Marketing Retention Manager

Our client is a leading, GLOBAL FORTUNE company that is recognized in the industry as a trend-setter. They have been voted to Fortune’s “Best Company to Work For” list thirteen years straight earning a reputation as one of the most ethical companies in the world. Overview The Customer Retention Marketing Manager will develop, test, and [...]

Motivate your Sales Team without Money

Sales is an important aspect of your business and a main deciding factor in driving profits: therefore it is critical to keep your sales team positive and motivated.  In order to boost team morale, it is important to understand how to motivate your team outside of money incentives. The Article "How to Motivate your Sales [...]

5 Mistakes to Avoid During a Phone Interview

A phone interview can totally make or break you as a candidate. In addition to providing educational background and work experience in your resume, selling yourself in a phone interview can land you an invitation for an official in-person interview. Only then can you pull a job offer. According to Eddie Earnest, author of “What [...]

New Intern- Welcome Kaylee!

Rowland Mountain Welcomes a new Research and Marketing Intern this week.  Kaylee hails from The Ohio State University and recently moved down to Atlanta. She has been here for one full week, and is quickly picking up the tricks of the trade. Congratulations Kaylee on your new role here at Rowland Mountain! Wishing you the [...]

Survival Tips for New Job Jitters

Starting a new job can be the trigger to a mountain of unwanted stress, and it may seem impossible to overcome.  With new jobs come a new officespace, new responsibilities, people, systems, and rules.  It is important to know that fear of the unknown is natural, and you are not alone in your aprehension of [...]

Specialty Chemical Supplier Seeks 2 Technical Sales Engineer for MW and NE territories

Our client is a family driven and focused Chemical Solution provider with over 15 years experience supplying to the Household, Industrial, and Institutional Markets.  By taking a unique approach to sales focused on their clients, they have enjoyed stability and continuous growth throughout their history.  Due to a recent promotion and expansion, they are currently [...]

Protect Your Company From Liability- Top Policies to Implement

In the present time, lawsuits are becoming business as usual in the corporate world, with studies showing approximately 90% of companies in the United States involved in legal battles.  Previous non-issues or seemingly minor complaints are turning into large settlements, in addition to more common and serious allegations. In the article, "Top Workplace Policies That You [...]

6 Apps for the Savvy Job Seeker

Job Searching ads are no longer just for the newspaper: the shift towards technology and smart phones has sparked a frenzy of mobile apps geared directly towards the active job seeker.  Amber Carucci outlines the top apps in her article, "6 apps for Savvy Jobseekers" as the following... 1. iUSAJOBS 2. ResumeBear 3. Job Search [...]

Intern Farewell- Aftab Virani

This Past week we said farewell to our Research and Marketing Intern, Aftab Virani who has left RMA to pursue his dreams.  He accepted a new internship with a  firm that he desired to further his career in Marketing. We will miss him, wish him the best of luck, and thank him for his contributions [...]

Six Ways to Improve Office Management

“Organization,” not be confused with “neatness,” is an integral part of any office setting. The definition of "organized" is very simple, yet differs between individuals; you have to find what works best for you. In her article “Six Ways To Improve Your Office Organization Skills” Barbara Hemphill outlines key things to remember: 1. Use your [...]

Global Producer of Fabricated Metal Products Seeks Controller

Our client is a global leader in the steel utilities industry. They have been in business for more than 60 years and offer tremendous projected growth and financial stability, advancement opportunities, supportive company culture, and an opportunity to influence and lead the organization. The Controller is responsible for assisting the General Manager in the overall [...]

Experienced Sales Director in Big Box Channel Market

This candidate has over twenty years of business experience involving sales, marketing and operations in consumer packaged goods. His responsibilities include over $300 million in revenue and consistently exceeds sales forecast. As a successful applicator of sales and marketing management he's proven to be an industry leader in turn-around and start up situations, strategic planning, [...]

Measuring Efficiency and Effectiveness at Work

The words “efficiency” and “effectiveness” are regularly employed regarding individual performance in organizations; but there is not a definite way to measure these variables. Below are suggested measures to consider; and also how they can best be used. In his article “Useful Performance Measures & Metrics – How to Measure Efficiency & Effectiveness” Michael VanBruaene states [...]

Top 10 Interview Mistakes to Avoid

A well prepared resume might land you an interview, but a successful interview is crucial in getting the job. You may feel comfortable and confident about your chances throughout the job application process, but even experienced candidates can fail to put their best foot forward. Prior to the interview your research should not only include [...]

Rowland Mountain Would Like To Welcome Our Newest Intern: Akshat Sharma

Rowland Mountain is excited to welcome our newest Research Associate Intern, Akshat Sharma! He has only been working for Rowland Mountain for three weeks and is continuing to learn all the in's and out's of our business! What's your favorite thing about your experience so far? I like the professional environement, the schedule, and the [...]

Improve Your Office Organization Skills

Keeping your office organized can be an extremely influential factor when trying to maximize productivity and thus increasing profitability. Almost everyone has had to waste time trying to find where a certain document is located, whether it be shuffling through stacks of paper or clicking through folders. This is just one example of how being [...]

Global Technology Leader Seeks Director of Product Marketing

Our client is a global technology leader with over 70 years in the business.  This particular position lies within their Rental and Staging division. This is an exciting time to join this innovative company, and make a visible difference by leading this company’s strategy efforts. The Director of Product Marketing will be responsible for the [...]

Well-Known Product Manufacturer Seeks Product Manager

Our client has been in business for over a century, and is the leading source in their industry. They are committed to quality products, which has led them to be the largest supplier in the world for their specific product. They are notorious for being the most innovative company in their field with extremely high [...]

161 Years For The New York Times

On September 18th, one hundred and sixty one years ago, The New York Times published their very first issue. Rowland Mountain is would like to recognize the creation of this now century-and-a-half old organization that has received over 100 awards. The founders stated their mission on this day, " We publish today the first issue [...]

Manufacturer of Plastic and Paper Packaging Products Seeks Director Of Quality

Our client is the leading manufacturer of plastic and paper packaging products for a variety of industries. Over the past 50 plus years of providing services, they have been able to enjoy significant growth and their products have become a staple for numerous applications. They are seeking an experience Director of Quality for their Michigan [...]

The Importance of Getting Your Employment Dates Straight

The increased competitiveness of the job market in recent times means an increased importance for checking the small details. A detail that is often times overlooked is the exact dates you mark for your previous employers. When companies are considering you for a position and do a background check, seeing conflicting reported dates can be [...]

Global Distributor of OEM equipment seeks Branch Manager

Our client is a publicly traded multi-billion dollar Fortune 500 global distributor of electrical, industrial, communications, maintenance-repair-operating (MRO) and OEM equipment and supplies, construction materials, and advanced supply chain management and services. They are a large company with over 5,000 employees and over 100,000 customers worldwide. They are seeking an Operations Manager for their Wyoming [...]

Learn to Discover Your Career Path

As students move through college and get close to entering the working world, it seems that we are on a constant struggle to figure out what path we wish to take. Emily Bennington writes "4 Steps to Discover Your Path From College to Career." Her advice tells us to: Grab you laptop or a notebook [...]

4 Skills Job Hunter Needs

If you're on the job hunt, you are more likely than not competing against an entire crowd. Thus, it is extremely important that you make yourself stand out, and get noticed in a positive manner. The CollegeBount Network has compiled a list of "4 Skills That Every Job Hunter Need, Especially Now." Social Media Savy [...]

Re:Loom is Seeking a Sales, Marketing, Operations & Communications Manager for Their Non-Profit Organization

Re:loom employs and empowers homeless and low-income individuals through weaving beautifully-designed products out of upcycled materials. Proceeds support weavers’ salaries and the Initiative for Affordable Housing (IAH) to reduce homelessness in Atlanta, Georgia. As a program of the IAH, re:loom is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization located in Decatur, Georgia. Their rigorous, holistic social services program [...]

Rowland Mountain is Seeking a New Sales and Marketing Intern!

Rowland Mountain is looking for a new Sales & Marketing Intern to be involved with multiple aspects of Rowland Mountain & Associates process and results. The Intern will be responsible for both spearheading the research aspect of recruiting, as well as improving brand recognition through value-added marketing media. This includes, but not limited to: Implementing [...]

Rowland Mountain Welcomes our New Associate: Zack Spillers

Rowland Mountain is excited to welcome our new Search Associate, Zack Spillers! He has only been working for Rowland Mountain for close to three months, and is on top of his game when it comes to sheer call volume. What's your favorite thing about your experience so far? Working in a company that has very [...]

The Cost of Work-Life Imbalance

Although we have written multiple articles giving tips and ideas on how to maintain a balanced life with respect with time spent at work or outside work, we wanted to stress the costs of having a poor work-life balance, with work outweighing the rest of your life.'s article "Work-life balance: Tips to reclaim control" [...]

Increasing Productivity: 15 Secrets to Keeping Your Employees Happy

The working person spends such a significant amount of time in the workplace, that it can truly become an essential variable in your employees day-to-day happiness. More than intuition tells us that more happy workers are indeed more productive workers, and can drastically effect motivation levels. In efforts to explain the "secret for keeping their [...]

Discover Your Career Path From College in Four Steps

We have all come across the extremely familiar question around college graduation time: Where do you want to be in five years? For some, this question can be a quick, easy answer; while for the majority, this question is one that we ourselves not only are unaware of, but do not even know how to [...]

Global Distributor of OEM equipment seeks Branch Operations Manager

Our client is a publicly traded multi-billion dollar Fortune 500 global distributor of electrical, industrial, communications, maintenance-repair-operating (MRO) and OEM equipment and supplies, construction materials, and advanced supply chain management and services. They are a large company with over 5,000 employees and over 100,000 customers worldwide. They are seeking a Branch Operations Manager for their [...]

Seasoned Business Development Manager Will Help Increase Sales

This candidate demonstrates a proven history of consistently increasing new business annually by over 10%, and has accounted for over half of this candidates previous company's sales in 2011.  With over 5 years of experience as a sales representative, this "Go-Getter" will identify, attract, and land new sales opportunities while maintaining key relationships to build a stronger [...]

Happy Birthday Wes Washington!

Rowland Mountain and Associates would like to wish a very special Happy Birthday to the Dream Team's Lead Executive: Wes Washington! To celebrate, we shared a delicious pecan pie with vanilla ice cream to compliment. From everyone at Rowland Mountain: Happy Birthday Wes!

Thermoplastics Company Seeks Regional Manager for Midwest Territory

Our client is a global compounder of thermoplastic and thermoset polymers, and they are seeking an experiences Sales Manager within their industry to grow a greenfield territory (Midwest) by developing relationships with polymer processors and Original Equipment Manufacturers. This is a highly visible role within the company, and will allow for progressive opportunities in the [...]

Leading Paper and Plastics Manufacturer is Seeking Experienced Plant Manager

Our client is the leading manufacturer of paper and plastic packaging products. They are seeking a Plant Manager for their Las Vegas location. Over the past 50+ years of providing services, this company has been able to enjoy significant growth and their products have become a staple for numerous applications. The incumbent Plant Manager will [...]

How to Deal With a Bad Boss

For professionals in the corporate world, having a bad boss can sometimes seem like the greatest inhibiting factor to progression towards your dream job. For those not equipped properly, this situation can become so frustrating that it forces them to behave in a way that in fact adds further obstacles in your path, distancing you [...]

Architectural Building Products Manufacturer Seeks Market Research & Analysis Manager

Our client is an established, 100 year old manufacturer of architectural building products. They hold the #1 market share in their respective field and are notorious for revolutionizing this product line. They are seeking an experienced employee to perform market research and analysis for their Atlanta location. Their unique culture combines a technically oriented staff [...]

New Years Resolution Checkpoint

As we come closer to the end of August, I would like to take a moment to remind you of that promise you made to yourself about 8 months ago: your new year's resolution. It is important to take some time to reflect on this promise you made to yourself  that you whole heatedly committed to [...]

The Ways To Get Promoted

Things are looking up for the job market in 2012. It seems those companies who have been able to best adapt to economical pressures are now starting to regain some traction. This is great on two fronts: the rise of new opportunities to fill, and an open door for promotions. Heather Huhman, of U.S, [...]

Global Technology Leader Seeks Business Development Representative

Our client is a global technology leader with over 70 years of experience in their industry. This position lies within our clients business unit, which is expanding with a new product introduction. This position has an overall responsibility for developing, establishing, and managing new partners in the Eastern territory of the United States. It entails [...]

Highly Experienced Commercial Leader Seeks Executive Position

This candidate boasts a proven ability to lead global, diverse teams of professionals to new levels of performance and success within the Infrastructure and Specialty Materials industry. In past experience this candidate has managed a cross-function team of more than 15 professionals, with a variety of skills including sales, marketing, supply chain, finance and distribution. [...]

The First Week On The Job

So, you have endured past every stage of the hiring process and finally got a job offer! Congratulations, now your ready to start working at your new workplace! Although you may be eager to begin your workload, it is important, especially during the first week on the job, to create a good impression. This will [...]

Gear Up for Football Season with Fantasy Football

Football Season. It is during this time of year that football fans clear their Sunday schedules, and dedicate plenty time making their fantasy roster. As we are just now into the preseason, somewhere between 30 and 35 million people around the nation are forming leagues with their friends and starting to plan out, in their [...]

6 Work/Life Balance Tips for Big Dreamers

Its time to revisit once again an all too familiar topic that never seems to lose its value: the importance of balancing one's career and their personal lives. Thomas Merton conveys this excellently when he quotes, "Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony." But for big dreamers, allowing [...]

Business Savy Plastics Engineer Seeks Upper Level Management Position

Our candidate possesses an undergraduate degree in Plastics Engineering as well as a Master of Business Administration with multiple concentrations. This candidate has held significant positions over the past years, managing companies with revenues over $35 million, and has contributed to growth of revenue greater than 100% during past positions. With more than 15 years [...]

Team Building Exercises That Improve Communication and Problem Solving Skills

For any organization, good teamwork and communication exists as an extremely important aspect in creating a productive, and ultimately successful company. As the number of employees go up in an organization, so does its need to make relatively more significant efforts to build these aspects into their training module. This improvement in communication and teamwork will [...]

Make Your Resume “Bulletproof”

Your professional resume is the very first thing that is seen by companies, and is often the dictating factor in the employing company's decision to move a candidate forward. Because of this, there should be a lot of time taken to ensure that your resume can get you past this first barrier and allow yourself [...]

Rowland Mountain and Associates is seeking a New Research Associate Intern

Rowland Mountain and Associates is seeking a full-time (40 hrs/week) research associate intern to successfully support the candidate recruitment and lead generation activities of Rowland Mountain and Associates. They will be responsible for researching, sourcing, identifying and screening appropriate candidates in order to fill various positions for client companies. They will be involved in lead [...]

3 Required Traits of Every CEO

What is it that differentiates a follower and a leader in business? What exactly is it that allows those leading a business to do it well, and successfully? The Harvard Business Review believes that they have found the key: the possession of three attributes that play an essential role in giving a CEO the ability [...]

Senior Level Marketing Professional Seeks Upper-Level Management Position

Our candidate is a senior level marketing professional who boasts more than 15 years of B2B and B2C sales/marketing in manufacturing, electronics, retail, and direct mail arenas. This exemplary individual has provided strategic and managerial direction focusing on high-impact, cost-effective marketing strategies and campaigns, and possess well-developed customer acquisition, revenue generation, and brand marketing skills. [...]

Creating an Uplifting Service Culture

Many companies will easily tell you that they strive to create a culture of service in the workplace, but what can companies do to help build and maintain an uplifting service culture?'s article, "Five Keys to Creating an Uplifting Service Culture" lists in detail the five things: Stretch: Your mind and your old habits. [...]

Achieving an Interview with Creativity

As you search and search for jobs, you may be finding it difficult or rare to get a call back. It is almost as if it has become harder to get a face to face interview than the actual interview process itself! For those who are tired of simply waiting to hear back from a [...]

Rowland Mountain Welcomes Our New Intern: Lindsay Schaaf

Rowland Mountain is excited to welcome our new Research Intern, Lindsay Schaaf! She has only been working for Rowland Mountain for a little over a month, and is continuing to train and learn as time goes on. We have asked her to answer a few short questions: What's your favorite thing about your experience so [...]

Rapidly Growing International Company Seeks Protection Control Engineer

Our client offers temporary power solutions to customers worldwide that are used for different situations such as disaster relief, remote locations, and power outages. This company prides themselves on the close relationships built and maintained with the community through health and education projects. This position is responsible for the relay protection and control engineering including one-line, three-lines, [...]

The Work-Life Balance Scale

When you use a scale as a metaphor to describe the relationship between your "Work" and your "Life," many Americans would agree that the scale tips towards the "work" side far more than they would like or had originally planned. Especially since the recent economic conditions have had an impact on companies, the fear of [...]

International Company Seeks Electrical Design Manager

Our client offers temporary power solutions to customers worldwide that are used for different situations such as disaster relief, remote locations, and power outages. This company prides themselves on the close relationships built and maintained with the community through health and education projects. This position is responsible for making all designs meet local codes for [...]

Get Ready… It’s August!

With the end of the month of July and the beginning of August, we at Rowland Mountain and Associates would like to recognize the start of a new month as a period that allows for reflection over the past month, and the potential to start fresh goals. So as we start this month of August, [...]

Global Technology Leader Seeks Lead Support Engineer

Our client is a global technology leader with over 70 years in business. This particular position lies within our client’s business unit, which is expanding with a new product introduction. This is an exciting time to join this innovative company, and make a visible difference by leading our client’s newest business development efforts. The incumbent [...]

Improving Productivity at the Workplace: 12 Tips

How productive employees are can be a major defining factor for a companies bottom-line and, ultimately, its success and sustainability. It is important to realize that merely recruiting the best talent does not alone guarantee success, they need to have the the proper environment to truly unleash their full potential. For example: a Bugatti, a [...]

Outdoor Landscape Beautification Company Seeks Experienced Channel Manager

Our client is notorious for superior customer care and constant innovation in outdoor landscape beautification. With their diverse customer base and growing market share they have developed in their long tenure of business, their reputation will only continue to flourish and ensure the endurance of this company. The incumbent Channel Manager will have the responsibility [...]

Your Job Application: Following Up

It is rare, especially in current times, that you will be the sole applicant to a job posting. Thus, competition among potential candidates creates the need for any action that causes special distinction. A great way to provide such distinction is to follow up appropriately during each stage of the hiring process.  Let's take a [...]

32 Salary Negotiating Tips

It is extremely hard to find an individual working in the corporate world who does not want to make more money. That being said, what can one, as an individual trying to step into a new position, do to maximize the salary that they receive after they have been made an offer?'s article "Salary [...]

Custom Moldings Manufacturer Seeks Experienced Plant Manager

Our client is a leader in custom molding technologies and is looking for a plant manager to operate their location in Seneca, SC. This position lies with a privately held company that caters to their individual customer needs by creating unique solutions. The incumbent plant manager will be responsible for the oversight of P&L, safety, [...]

Employee Spotlight: Macie Farmer

Name: Macie Farmer Hometown: Atlanta, GA Position: Research Intern Favorite color: Macie's favorite color is purple, which matches her volkswagen beetle. Education: Macie is currently a rising sophomore at The Miami University of Ohio. She is studying to major in finance with a minor in business analytics and economics. She also plans to study abroad [...]

OEM Manufacturer Seeks VP of Finance

Our client is an OEM that is a leader in the food processing industry, focusing on specific processing machinery. This company caters specifically to each of their clients, providing customer oriented unique solutions. They are looking for a candidate to fill their Vice President of Finance role to be responsible for the company's transaction execution, [...]

Balance Your Work-Life Scale

In a workplace driven by competition, the fear of losing ones job due to layoffs or restructuring (especially post 2008) has seemingly caused the once strikingly clear line diving work life and personal to become evermore translucent.  Although many feel this invasion of work life into their personal life is necessary to stay ahead of [...]

Injection Molding Company Seeks Sales and Marketing Manager

Our client is a privately held leader in injection molding and thermoset products. They have been growing for over six decades and has great potential for future growth through acquisition and partners. This position is for one of three divisions in the company located in Florence, KY. The role requires a hands-on sales leader who can organize [...]

Taking Steps to Avoid Age Discrimination

Age discrimination is 100% illegal. Why then, some argue,  is it still very prevalent in the corporate workplace despite consistent denials from the very companies accused? One of the biggest contributing factors is that when discrimination by age occurs, it can be hard to identify. This also make prevention even more difficult. It is important [...]

Jessica Brown’s One Year Anniversary!

Rowland Mountain and Associates would like to wish our valued search associate, Jessica Brown, a very happy one year anniversary with us! Jessica's first day here at Rowland Mountain and Associates in her current position was July 15, 2011. Since her arrival,  she has proven to be an extremely hard worker and has become very [...]

Dress Attire for an Interview

Going for a first interview can be nerve racking. You might have amazing credentials, yet those crucial thirty minutes to an hour can sometimes outweigh even the most place-able of candidates. When going to an interview, its important to recognize that from the moment you enter the door, your potential employer is making assumptions based on [...]

Freaky “Friday the 13th” Facts

Yes, today is that notorious "unlucky" day that even those who do not claim to be superstitious find themselves to be weary of. In the spirit of this widely-known eerie date, we explore some facts about Friday the 13th that will truly make your hairs stand on end! A few facts to spark your interest: [...]

Find Ways To Reduce Stress in the Workplace

As our society moves into a more globalized environment, it seems our leisure time decreases in direct relation. Our usual 9-5 days are becoming extra long, and traffic always seems to add to the days. It is easy to let all of these factors overwhelm you and contribute to a high stress level, which can [...]

Candidate Spotlight: Marketing Expert and Seasoned Leader

Our candidate boasts more than 20 years of broad marketing experience in different markets, and over 10 years of leadership experience since graduating with a communications degree from a well-respected university. This individual is seeking an upper-level management position that will enable this candidate to progress forward career wise while providing exceptional marketing and leadership [...]

Building Product Manufacturer Seeks Quality Manager

Our client is an established, 100 year old  manufacturer of architectural building products. They are actively seeking a Quality Manager for their Arkansas location to drive product quality and conformity of product category generating $100 million in revenue. They will be expected to use lean manufacturing, Kaizen, statistical process controls and other quality tools. Ideal Candidates [...]

Asking the Right Questions to Identify Your Candidate’s True Qualities

During an interview, it is important to not only get an understanding of your candidates skills, but its also imperative to determine how well your candidate will fit in with your company culture. In TechRepublics article, " 10+ interview questions that will help reveal a candidates true qualities," they suggest ten questions, and go into [...]

Global Producer of Engineered Polymers Seeks Global Industry Manager

Our client is a globally recognized producer of engineered polymers. They believe in building a valuable brand through superior customer service and relationship building. This particular role is within our client's the medical market, with the objective to provide sales and marketing expertise and commercial process optimization. Ideal Candidates will posses a Bachelor's Degree in [...]

Specialty Chemical Corporation Seeks Skilled Chemical Engineer

Our Client is a 300 million dollar specialty chemical company with decades of development and manufacturing experience seeking a highly skilled Process Engineer for their Tennessee location. The overall objective is to provide engineering expertise to support a safe and cost efficient operation of a chemical production facility. Ideal Candidates will posses a BS degree [...]

How to be Interview Savvy

Interviewing is an art form.  If not done wisely, the most qualified candidate could be easily ruled out.  On the flip side, if a candidate that is more of a long shot interviews exceptionally well, the hiring manager may be inclined to take a chance on them. So how do you become the candidate that [...]

Productivity Tips for the Workplace

Unless you have found your dream job and feel invigorated every day to do what you do, chances are some days at work you may feel less than motivated to get tasks done.  Odds are you fall in the latter category.  So the question becomes, how does the average worker who feels indifferent about their [...]

Get Aggressive with your Job Search!

Seeking new employment is not an easy task to undertake.  Regardless of whether or not you are currently employed, job hunting is a time consuming activity.  Time is money, as we all know, and taking the time out of your day to apply to multiple job postings and writing excellent cover letters for each application [...]

Halfway Through 2012

With the beginning of July, we are now halfway through 2012.  With that in mind, now is an excellent time to assess where you stand in proportion to your year end goals.  Are you on track to make your goals this year?  If you are not quite there, what steps are you going to make [...]

Critical Elements of Onboarding

Onboarding is a critical element to providing your new employees with the keys to succeed in your organization.  Without proper onboarding, you set your newest investment up for a high risk of failure.  Additionally, effective onboarding sets your organization up for high levels of success.  Onboarding, if done correctly, reduces the amount of time it [...]

Be the Boss that Everyone Wants to Work For

Let's admit it-- Employees always want to work hardest for a boss they enjoy working for.  And while being best friends with your direct reports isn't the best way to accomplish business, there are other ways to become a better boss. Specifically, if your organization is smaller and entrepreneurial, it is of utmost importance that [...]

Why You Should Brush Up Your Communication Skills

For business, the capability for employers to effectively communicate with their employees can be the defining characteristic of their ability to sustain, grow, and thrive.  As technology exponentially increases and we enter into a more globalized world, the importance of taking efforts to effectively communicate, especially across traditional boundaries, grows in direct proportion. Thus, it [...]

Don’t Drop the Ball After the Interview!

Congratulations-- You scored an interview with a company of your preference.  For many job seekers, this is one of the hardest parts of the job search process.  The first interview isn't over after you leave the presence of the hiring manager, however.  One of the most forgotten interview "must's" is following up with a thank-you [...]

Global Steel Utilities Leader Seeks Health and Safety Manager

Our client is a global leader in the steel utilities industry. They have been in business for more than 60 years, operating over 50 manufacturing plants globally. As the Health and safety manager, the incumbent will be responsible for identifying and gauging health and safety conditions, practices and behavior. They will be extremely influential, making [...]

Summer Solstice: The Day After

This year's solstice can truly be described as unusual. Deviating from its typical day of occurrence, June 21, the sun reached its peak in the sky a day early. On Wednesday, some states experienced more than 15 hours of daylight from sunrise to sunset. The word "solstice" is derived from the Latin words "sol" (sun) and [...]

First Day of Summer

Happy first day of summer!  Although the weather has been warm for months in Atlanta, it is now officially the summer solstice.  Today is a beautiful day in the Atlanta area and certainly feels like summer.  Additionally, today is the longest day of the year.  What will you do with your extra daylight today?

Building Product Manufacturer Seeks Product Manager

Our client is an established, 100 year old manufacturer of architectural building products.  They are actively seeking a Product Manager for a product category generating $100M in annual revenue.  The incumbent Product Manager will have overall responsibility for the North American cradle to grave product life cycle.  Ideal candidates will possess an Bachelor's Degree in [...]

The New Age of Talent

With the changing of times, finding qualified and available talent is becoming increasingly difficult.  Stephen Lowisz, of, proposes several questions that can accurately delineate whether or not your company is addressing this new struggle for talent efficiently.  Of these questions, the common denominator is whether or not your company is focusing their attention in [...]

Happy Father’s Day!

In celebration of our fathers, we would like to thank the men in our lives who taught us how to face our fears.  Whenever we fell while learning something new, literally or figuratively, our dads picked us up and encouraged us to try again.  Fathers teach us how to not give up when the going [...]

Kim Rubin’s Five Year Anniversary

Rowland Mountain would like wish Kim Rubin a happy five year anniversary with us! Kim's first day at RMA was June 15th, 2007. We always appreciate and value everything you do for us, from the meticulous book keeping to keeping us laughing. Thanks Kim for everything you do for us and happy anniversary!

Specialty Chemical Company Seeks VP of Government Sales

Our client is a leading, international specialty chemical company with a 75 year history.  They are actively seeking a Vice President of Government Sales.  Our client is seeking a strategic visionary who can align corporate through executive planning and developing a strong sales strategy for their new government business vertical.  The new Vice President would [...]

Happy Flag Day From RMA

Happy flag day to our fellow Americans!  Proudly fly your flag today in representation of one of the most famous symbols of our American freedom. As famously written by Francis Scott Key in the Star Spangled Banner, "Whose broad stripes and bright stars thru the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly [...]

Global Electrical MRO Distributor Seeks Global Account Manager: Automotive

Our client is a global leader in the field of electrical MRO equipment and supplies distribution.  They are actively seeking a Global Account Manager: Automotive to focus on targeting new business opportunities in the automotive OEM market by aggressively growing existing accounts and winning new client contracts.  Ideal candidates will possess a Bachelor's degree (Master's [...]

Having Trouble Finding Talent for your Organization? You’re Not Alone!

Almost half of US employers surveyed by the staffing agency ManpowerGroup have reported having a difficult time finding qualified people for their open jobs.  Specifically, 49% of these employers felt this way, as opposed to a worldwide average of 34%. Why this crunch for talent?  Let Rowland Mountain help you expedite your search for excellence [...]

Electrical MRO Distributor Seeks Regional Government Specialist

Our client, a multi-billion dollar global distributor of electrical MRO equipment and supplies, is actively seeking a Regional Government Specialist.  This position will be focused on customer acquisition and profitable sales growth focused on Mid-Atlantic regional government contracts and projects.  This position will focus on civil federal agencies such as the CDC, Department of Homeland [...]

How to Nail Your Answer to the #1 Most Tricky Interview Question

"Why should I hire you?"  This question has been ranked by as the most difficult interview question to answer.  This question is testing whether or not you are capable of doing the job, ready and committed to do the job, and if you will be a good fit for the job.  While this question [...]

Triple Crown Fall Out

Who are you pulling for to win the Belmont Stakes now that I'll Have Another has been reportedly scratched from Saturday's race?  It has been 34 years and counting since the last triple crown was accomplished by Affirmed.  Several horses have come close but failed on the last leg of the crown.  Do you think [...]

RMA Outing

Two of our research interns, Christopher Luke and Edward Missinne are leaving RMA to pursue their dreams.  Edward has gotten into Moorehouse School of Medicine to follow his dream of becoming a doctor.  Christopher Luke has gotten a financial internship to prepare him for his desired career in finance.  We will miss them, wish the [...]

Global Corporation Seeks Regional Manager

Global corporation that manufacturers a wide range of consumer and industrial goods actively seeks a Regional Manager.  This position has overall responsibility for leading a diverse, regional team in our client's commercial roofing division.  The Regional Manager oversees 10 direct reports plus additional staff members.  Ideal candidates will possess a Bachelor's degree in construction management [...]

National Donut Day

Today is national donut day! Did anyone in your office contribute to the cause? If no one brought any, you can get a free donut at Dunkin Donuts or Krispy Kreme with the purchase of a beverage! National Donut Day celebrates the Salvation Army workers who made donuts for soliders overseas in World War I. [...]

RMA’s Newest Intern

RMA would like to introduce and welcome our newest intern, Macie Farmer, to the Rowland Mountain family!  Macie is a student at the University of Miami and is interning with us for the summer.  Macie will be teamed up with Russ Mountain and Jessica Brown during her internship.  We are very excited to have her aboard.  Welcome, [...]

Don’t Become Stuck in your Career!

It is in human nature to be afraid of, or at least hesitant to, change.  However, with job dissatisfaction at such a high level, it is surprising how many people are opposed to making a career change.  Glenn Llopis, of, suggests there are five reasons professionals remain complacent and dormant in their careers. The [...]

Sales Hunters and Farmers– Both are Critical

If you listen to a sales person carefully, you will notice that they either consider themselves a "hunter" or a "farmer."  While both sales types are contributing to the success of the company, Rick McPartlin believes there is a place in a product life cycle for each.  Additionally, believes that the strategic use of both is [...]

Global Electrical MRO Distributor Seeks Global Account Manager

Multi-billion dollar global distributor of electrical MRO equipment and supplies actively seeks a Global Account Manager for their Food and Beverage division.  The goal of this position is targeting new business opportunities in the food and beverage market by aggressively growing existing accounts and winning new client contracts.  Ideal candidates will possess a Bachelor's degree; [...]

Industrial Manufacturing Company Seeks Manufacturing Manager

Steel utilities industry leader actively seeks a Manufacturing Manager.  The incumbent Manufacturing Manager will play a pivotal role in the plant's multi-shift operation.  This role has responsibility for ensuring high productivity throughout the fabrication, finishing, and shipping stages for all manufactured products.  Additionally, this role carries responsibility for the maintenance of the department's equipment, safety [...]

Characteristics That Breed Success

In the article, "10 Characteristics of Highly Successful People," Steve Tobak highlights characteristics that are common amongst elite professionals.  While not every one possesses each of these ten characteristics, it is interesting to note competencies that are correlated with success, in the hopes that one can build upon any of the characteristics possessed.  Do [...]

What Job Seekers Prioritize In Their Job Search

A survey, conducted by Mary Lorenz of The Hiring Site, revealed the five most crucial elements a job seeker considers during a job search are compensation, benefits, runway for growth, work-life balance, and management appreciation.  While not every company can feasibly have all five areas in line with what job seekers as a whole desire, Lorenz offers [...]

Good News in the Job Market

According to The Associated Press, the number of job openings in the month of March was the highest in four years.  How is your company addressing the higher employment needs?  Let Rowland Mountain be your partner in finding the highest caliber candidates for your organization. Read further to learn more about the jump in the [...]

National Armed Forces Day

Tomorrow is National Armed Forces Day. Thank you to all of our military members, past and present, for serving selflessly to protect our great country. Click here to learn more about Armed Forces Day.

RMA’s 24th Anniversary Trip

We celebrated RMA's 24th annivesary at Blalock Lakes in Newnan, Georgia last October.  We had a blast shooting sporting clays in the sun.  Some of us were more experienced than others, but we all left feeling accomplished and closer as a team.  Here are some of the photo highlights:

Global Compounder of Thermoplastic Polymers Seeks Regional Manager

Our client is a $350M+ privately held global compounder of thermoplastic polymers.  They are actively seeking a Regional Manager for their midwest territory.  The Regional Manager will possess overall responsibility for identifying and developing new and existing business opportunities within polymer processor/OEM clientele.  Ideal candidates will possess 7+ years experience with polymers compounders selling thermoplastic [...]

Ways to Quickly Improve your Skill Set

In today's era, everyone is interested in ways to quickly achieve something.  The drawn out process of improvement is less ideal in a fast-paced environment.  Caroline Ceniza-Levine, of, has compiled several simple ways to elevate your professional skill sets.  Suggested are writing down both personal and professional "wins."  The personal wins are to serve [...]

Global Fortune Company Seeks Customer Loyalty Manager

Our client is a global fortune company that is recognized in the industry as a trend-setter.  They have been voted to Fortune's "Best Company to Work For" list thirteen years straight, earning a reputation as one of the most ethical companies in the world.  This company is actively seeking a Customer Loyalty Manager to develop, [...]

Time Efficient Onboarding

Congratulations!  You have finally found what you deem to be the ideal candidate to fill your XYZ position, they have accepted your offer, and are ready to start work.  Now is time for the lengthy and cumbersome onboarding process.  According to the article, "Onboarding: How to Get Your New Employees Up to Speed in Half [...]

Happy Mother’s Day!

This Sunday we celebrate our mothers.  These are the women who tirelessly shaped us into the people we are today.  From day one of our lives, our parents leave the hospital feeling very excited, yet afraid they will "mess us up."  Children don't come with owners manuals and the thought of raising a child, with [...]

Global Fortune Company Seeks Commercial Brand Manager

Our client, a global fortune company that is recognized in the industry as a trend setter, actively seeks a Commercial Brand Manager.  They have been voted to Fortune's "Best Company to Work For" list thirteen years straight while earning a reputation as one of the most ethical companies in the world.  The incumbent Commercial Brand [...]

Stand Out Project Manager Seeks Progressive Opportunity

This standout project manager seeks a project management position with a growth runway through operations management.  Having a strong background in engineering, this rainmaker earned a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from a university whose Mechanical Engineering department ranks top 25 in producing BSME graduates.  During his higher education tenure, this standout earned two [...]

LED Signal and Lighting Manufacturer Seeks Market Segment Manager

Our client, a stable and growing LED signal and lighting manufacturer, actively seeks a Market Segment Manager.  This company is currently the highest ranked in its respective market.  The incumbent Market Segment Manager will have overall responsibility of researching, identifying, and developing traffic safety, construction, and utility markets; and coaching and guiding a sales force [...]

National Distributor Seeks Outside Sales Representative

Our client, a $300M national distributor of pre-fabricated and fabricated plastic materials, actively seeks an Outside Sales Representative for their South Louisiana territory.  The incumbent Sales Representative will be responsible for developing this completely new sales territory by calling on companies, both large and small, selling pre-fabricated and fabricated plastic materials.  Ideal candidates will possess [...]

National Receptionist Day

The second Wednesday of May is recognized as National Receptionist Day.  This day celebrates our hard working receptionists who make the crucial first impressions of our organizations to outside guests, whether via phone or in person.  We thank you for all you do for all of us.  How is your organization recognizing and celebrating National [...]

Flat Glass Manufacturer Seeks Field Sales Representative

The largest flat glass manufacturer in the world, currently ranked #1 internationally and #4 in the US, actively seeks a Field Sales Representative for their Greater Atlanta territory.  The incumbent Field Sales Representative will have overall responsibility for developing relationships with glaziers/installers, architects, manufacturers, and distributors to generate awareness of the company's product line by [...]

Simple, Yet Effective Hiring Advice

Eric Jackson, of, shared a piece of groundbreaking advice he was given in regards to hiring.  You will find article after article, page after page of interviewing advice that often contradicts other articles.  The simple fact is, there is no "right way" to interview a candidate.  There are research-supported ways, but science itself refers [...]

Tier I Chassis Component Manufacturer Seeks Manufacturing Manager

Our client is an $800M Tier I automotive component manufacturing supplier to some of the largest automobile OEMs in the United States and around the world.  They are actively seeking a Manufacturing Manager for their Alabama location.  The incumbent manufacturing manager will have responsibility of managing 12 direct reports in running and improving manufacturing processes [...]

138th Running of the Kentucky Derby

The first Saturday of the month of May is a celebrated day in sports across America.  Fondly dubbed the "Greatest Two Minutes in Sports," the derby is one of the most famous sporting events in the country. Who is your pick to take home the coveted garland of roses? Here is some more information on [...]

Communications Provider Seeks Director of Sales

Premier communications provider actively seeks a Director of Sales.  This company is rapidly growing and committed to building and maintaining excellent coverage, delivering extremely high speed coverage, continuously developing the product experience, and intimately understand the unique needs of their customers.  The incumbent Director of Sales will have the strategic oversight and overall responsibility for [...]

Fluid Power Distributor Seeks Territory Manager

Our client is the #1 distributor for their fluid power manufacturing supplier- a global manufacturer in the industry.  They are actively seeking a Territory Manager for their greater Grand Rapids area territory.  The incumbent Territory Manager will have responsibility for cold calling purchasing/engineering contacts within power generation/municipality OEM and MRO accounts, selling fluid power products [...]

Psychological Factors to Team Motivation

There is a psychological phenomenon that has shown up in several studies involving how motivated an individual is to stick to something if they have created it rather than it being given to them.  One of the most famous experiments involved lottery tickets: some people were given lottery tickets with the numbers chosen for them [...]

Economic Optimism Should Launch The Job Market

According to a USA Today's quarterly survey of economists, as reported in the article, "Economists Upping Their Forecasts For 2012," economists believe the economy in 2012 will grow stronger than initially predicted.   More specifically, they believe the job market will pick up momentum and generate thousands of more jobs than initially predicted. What does [...]

Industrial Manufacturer Seeks Director of Operations

Well-established industrial manufacturer of fittings, valves, flanges, pipes, and other finished metal products, actively seeks a Director of Operations.  This position has overall responsibility for leading 12 direct reports in managing manufacturing and distribution operations for a manufacturing facility in addition to three other distribution facilities across the US.  Additionally, they will be responsible for [...]

Body Language to Avoid During an Interview

A significant portion of what is said in person is interpreted by the speaker or listener's body language.  Considering this, being cognizant of one's body language in a job interview could make a world of difference in how you are perceived by the hiring authority. Dave Johnson, of, has compiled his top 5 most [...]

Remembering April 27th, 2011

Today marks the one year anniversary of one of the worst tornado outbreaks in recent history.  The rampage of tornadoes across the southeast, especially in Alabama, wreaked havoc and utter destruction.  Our thoughts and prayers are with those affected by those terrible storms a year ago. In response to these storms, states across the southeast [...]

Chemical Distributor Seeks Account Manager

Top chemical distributor actively seeks an Account Manager for their southeastern United States territory.  This organization is known for being extremely stable and adaptable; in fact, this company is home to employees with an average of tenure of 15 years.  The incumbent Account Manager will have responsibility for calling on R&D/product development contacts within formulator [...]

Operations Manager Seeking Next Career Challenge

Successful Operations Manager seeks next career challenge.  His extensive site management experience includes management of multiple sites in metal processing, including overseas, and managing both union and non-union facilities.  This challenge-driven operations professional has experience closing and moving facilities as well as driving great turn-around success in order fulfillment, inventory reduction and cost control.  This [...]

Groundbreaking Software Company Seeks Executive Apprentice

Our client sells groundbreaking software to the wireless industry.  This company is only a year old, but had eight million dollars in revenue last year; in addition, they are projected to more-than double their revenue in 2012!  With this extreme growth, this company is tracking to be number five or six of the fastest growing [...]

Happy Administrative Professionals Day!

We would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to our wonderful Administrative Professionals.  They keep our businesses running smoothly and much of what they do can be behind the scenes and can go unnoticed.  These professionals are the backbone of an organization. Thank you for everything you do for us!  Remember to thank your Administrative Professionals today [...]

Happy Birthday Juliette!

Happy birthday to the backbone of Rowland Mountain, Juliette Lovell!  Tricia made Juliette her famous banana pudding and it was delicious!  Juliette, we hope your birthday is as fantastic as you are!  Thanks for everything you do for us.

Industrial Distributor Seeks Account Manager

Our client, a $70M US industrial distributor of hydraulic, pneumatic, and electromechanical motion control products, is actively seeking an Account Manager for their Central TN territory.  The incumbent account manager will be responsible for developing and growing existing OEM and MRO accounts while hunting new business opportunities within the territory.  Ideal candidates will possess a [...]

Insight Into The Recruiting Industry

Have you been contacted by a recruiter?  Frequently, when our associates are making recruiting calls, they are greeted on the other end by a professional that isn't sure exactly what a recruiter has to offer. The stronger the relationship you build with your recruiter, the more beneficial the relationship will be.  Recruiters speak to hundreds [...]

Earth Day 2012

Earth Day 2012 is this Sunday, 4/22.  This year marks the 42nd year that this special cause has been celebrated.  This special day celebrates the Earth that sustains us and consequently builds awareness to ways we can prevent our planet from being irreparably compromised.  What is your organization doing to promote and utilize green programs and initiatives? [...]

Global Leader in the Steel Utilities Industry Seeks Project Manager

Our client is a global leader in the steel utilities industry.  They have been in business for more than 60 years and offer tremendous projected growth and financial stability, advancement opportunities, supportive company culture, and an opportunity to influence and lead the organization.  They are actively seeking a Project Manager to lead multi-million dollar projects [...]

Forestry Products Company Seeks Lumber Trader

Well-established forestry products company with over 30 years in lumber trading actively seeks a Lumber Trader to join their team. This position has overall responsibility for purchasing and selling Western Spruce. The incumbent will have access to a moderate existing customer base, but will be responsible for bringing or building a strong book of business. [...]

Marketing Champion in Consumer Products Poised for GM Role

Marketing champion in consumer products poised for GM role.  In a relatively short time frame, this professional has risen in the ranks from a sales representative in a mid-size company to Marketing Vice President in a Fortune 500 company.  In the toolbox of this building products champion, you will find sales, marketing and R&D leadership.  [...]

The Power Of Cultural Fit Within An Organization

Surprisingly, one of the biggest challenges facing a new employee is not whether or not their skill set will be strong enough for the role, but whether or not they fit into the cultural dynamic of the organization.  In fact, Ritika Trikha, of, quotes a recent study of Mark Murphy's (the author of Hiring [...]

Industrial Distributor Seeks Mobile Equipment Specialist

Our client, a $70M US industrial distributor of hydraulic, pneumatic, and electromechanical motion control products, actively seeks a Mobile Equipment Hydraulic Specialist.  This position has overall responsibility for developing OEM and MRO hydraulic accounts in the Georgia area, calling on engineering to secure projects and see these projects through to completion, providing technical product support, [...]

Become An Organization That Retains Top Performers

Retaining top talent in a company should be a priority if it isn't already one.  Rather than having to train a new employee to do the same job each time one leaves, shouldn't it behoove an organization to simply keep the same employee? According to Erika Andersen, of, there are ways to create an [...]

Global Steel Utilities Company Seeks Project Manager

Global leader in the steel utilities industry is actively seeking a Project Manager.  This position has overall responsibility for leading multi-million dollar projects from customer order, through custom engineering and manufacturing, to ensuring on-site delivery on time and on budget.  The PM has opportunity to operate with teamwork, initiative, and skill to produce a large [...]

Essential Tips for Cover Letter Writing

While the importance of writing an effective resume is widely known, the cover letter is often overlooked.  There is no "right way" to write a cover letter, especially as they are a chance to showcase your creativity; however, there are some things that are not recommended to do.  A cover letter should effectively and concisely [...]

Braves Home Opener

We turned casual Friday into Atlanta Braves Spirit Day in celebration of their home opener tonight! Let's go Braves!

Account Executive Seeks Business Development Role

This sales champion truly enjoys the heavy hunting and prospecting aspects of sales.  Her background is in the Healthcare industry and she has helped launch start up organizations into profitable business due to her excellent communication skills and ability to swiftly understand new, technological products to sell.  This candidate brings a fearless ability to connect [...]

Specialty Chemical Manufacturer Seeks Engineering Manager

Specialty chemical manufacturer is actively seeking an Engineering Manager.  This company is currently experiencing 20% year-after-year growth and is looking to hire this Engineering Manager to lead a group of process engineers to successfully manage capital equipment installation projects across all operations of the plant and pilot plant.  More specifically, the incumbent will directly manage [...]

Why Employers Make Counteroffers– It’s Not Why You Think!

If you have been in the interview process while still currently employed, chances are you have wondered about or been extended a counteroffer.  Of course, your ego tells you that they would extend a counteroffer because your company cannot possibly function at such a high level without your specific skill set.  While this may be [...]

Plastic Materials Distributor Seeks Sales Manager

Private, well-established plastic materials distributor actively seeks a Sales Manager for their Seattle/Tacoma territory.  This company has been in business for over 65 years and is experiencing the highest level of growth in its history.  The incumbent Sales Manager will be responsible for managing a 4 person sales team in developing an existing branch, identifying [...]

How to Navigate Those Tricky Interview Questions

As much as one would like to think that the interview process is straight-forward, the simple fact is that it is not.  In order to weed out the "professional interviewers," or those that interview exceptionally well but do not deliver upon the hire, hiring managers are forced to devise questions that will determine who will [...]

Augusta Masters Weekend

It's considered a holiday weekend in Augusta to most-- The weekend the green jacket will find yet another owner for the 2012 season.  From Rory McIllroy's historic meltdown in the 2011 tournament to Tiger Woods's remarkable four green jackets you can be sure that this year's tournament will be entertaining and exciting.  And, for those [...]

Model-Based Software Company Seeks Marketing Manager

Innovative Model-Based software company is actively seeking a Marketing Manager. This position has overall responsibility for leading an international team with 3-4 direct reports. The incumbent should build awareness for this product as well as event plan. The product the incumbent will be marketing is revolutionary software to the construction industry. Ideal candidates will possess [...]

Audio Visual Company Seeks National Sales Manager

Our client is actively seeking a National Sales Manager to play a crucial role in  attaining sales and customer satisfaction objectives.  This role includes but is not limited to building and growing a new business channel for the company and educating end users.  This position requires 70% travel.  Qualified candidates will have a Bachelor's degree, [...]

Become An Unforgettable Leader

Everyone will most likely have at least one incredible boss during their career-- a boss whose impact upon your development will never be forgotten.  So what is it that makes this caliber of boss truly phenomenal?  Here's a hint: This type of leader doesn't achieve results of this magnitude by having only a deep resume.  Jeff [...]

Consumer Product Manufacturer Seeks Product Manager

Leading manufacturer of consumer product is actively seeking a Product Manager.  This company lies in a dynamic category that requires excellence and innovation across all organizations.  The incumbent will be joining a team has been carefully built to include creative, versatile and dedicated professionals working together to form a high-performing team.  This position has overall [...]

National Doctor’s Day

March 30th is National Doctors' Day!  Today we celebrate and thank our wonderful doctors for always providing us with the best care they can offer.  These individuals are some of the hardest working people out there, as their professional career cannot even begin until they master years and years of strenuous courses, preparing them to [...]

Sales Representative Seeks Progressive Field Sales Role

Professional and technically savvy sales representative seeks a progressive field sales role in the Northeast.  After earning a degree in business administration on an athletic scholarship, this competitively-driven athlete joined a nationally-renowned building products company. With over five years of sales experience, this sales champion has consistently exceeded sales goals and ranked as high as [...]

Steel Utility Leader Seeks Health and Safety Manager

Our client, a global leader in the steel utilities industry, actively seeks a Health and Safety Manager.  This position is responsible for identifying and gauging health and safety conditions, practices, and personal behaviors as well as facility, equipment, and product losses.  The incumbent will collaborate actively within all divisional employees to resolve problems and share [...]

Global Technology Company Seeks VP of Worldwide Sales

Global technology company is actively seeking a Vice President of Worldwide Sales.  This company's products are extremely innovative and they hold a dominant share of their respective market.  This position claims overall responsibility for leading worldwide sales for this division.  The VP of Worldwide Sales will be responsible for driving the sales success of a [...]

Simplifying All The Opinions About Interview Questions

Let's be honest-- There are so many passionate opinions about effective interview questions that it is overwhelming to decide which route to go when conducing an interview.  Todd Raphael, of, summarizes what Mark Murphy believes are two loosely grouped categories of questions to ask in an interview.  Of these two types, one type determines [...]

Your LinkedIn Profile is a Valuable Resource: Take Advantage!

LinkedIn has turned into a very valuable networking tool for everyone in the business world.  However, some LinkedIn profiles are designed in a more marketable way than others.  So how can you enhance your LinkedIn profile to make it more marketable?  Jeff Haden, of, offers six ways to update your LinkedIn profile to achieve [...]

Inside Insight Into What Hiring Personnel Look For in a Resume

Recruiters look at dozens of resumes a day.  As such, we are exposed to both very effective and powerful resumes as well as weaker and disorganized resumes.  The weaker resumes tend to make what is written on the resume less powerful and consequently a great candidate could potentially be overlooked due to their weaker resume. [...]

Want to Strengthen Your Presence in the Canadian Market?

Bilingual sales professional seeks progressive role in sales management.  As an individual contributor, this top performer in building products has a proven track record of success in every role held, year over year, consistently maxing out the bonus potential and reaching the stretch goals.  This candidate attributes this success to an entrepreneurial drive to grow [...]

March is Youth Art Month

During the month of March we recognize the usefulness of art education in schools.  While not every child is destined to grow up to be the next Picasso, the creative thinking abilities that are developed while in art education classes help to build our future leaders of our country. Read more about how youth art [...]

Groundbreaking Software Company Seeks Sales Lead

Our client offers an opportunity to join a team selling groundbreaking software to the wireless industry.  This company is only a year old, but had eight million dollars in revenue last year; in addition, they are projected to double their revenue in 2012!  With this extreme growth, this company is tracking to be number five [...]

Innovative Ways to Ensure Employees are Happy

Chances are you have heard of the company SAS, as they have been named the best place to work for by Fortune Magazine for the second year in a row.  What keeps this company's turnover as low as two percent are the company's innovative employee benefits programs.  For example, there are day cares on this [...]

A Large Amount of Interviewees Are Making This Mistake

Are you, or have you been, in the process of interviewing for a position?  If so, this may surprise you.  If you have interviewed and did not send a follow up email, don't be surprised if you were overlooked for that position.  This may seem too simple of a task to make a very big [...]

St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick's Day is tomorrow, March 17th.  But do you know the origin of the holiday?  March 17th is the date of St. Patrick's death. St. Patrick is celebrated for bringing the Christian church to Ireland.  The legendary shamrock iconic to St. Patrick's day and the Irish culture springs from a legend that St. Patrick [...]

Global Technology Leader Seeks Trade Show Representative

Innovative, global technology leader with over 70 years in the business is actively seeking a Trade Show Representative.  This position has overall responsibility for managing all aspects of trade show attendance for our client.  Managing budgets, scheduling and coordinating with vendors and show services, and all aspects of working with stand builders will be required. [...]

Women’s History Month

We celebrate Women's History Month in March.  Rowland Mountain would like to recognize all of the accomplishments women have made to society through brave women standing up against societal norms.  It is because of these tireless efforts that women are able to strive and become the CEO of a company, when decades ago that would [...]

The Most Effective Interview Questions

As executive recruiters, we are constantly immersed in the high-stakes interview process.  Therefore, we have seen clients that ask effective interview questions that target the best fit for the role, and others that might have some unnecessary questions that could potentially be a waste of time.  So which questions are the most effective for targeting [...]

The Value of Working With a Recruiter Regardless of Career Progression

It isn't uncommon for a recruiter to experience some resistance during their recruiting calls.  Despite the fact that a recruiter's phone call offers more than the average sales call does, the phone call still comes off as disruptive and bothersome to some potential candidates.  However, a recruiter can be a valuable resource for anyone, despite [...]

Electrical MRO Distributor Seeks Global Account Manager

Multi-billion dollar global distributor of electrical MRO equipment and supplies actively seeks a global account manager for their Semiconductor segment.  The goal of this position is targeting new business opportunities among the Semiconductor OEMs and Capital Equipment OEMs in that space, developing relationships with operations and financial decision-makers, and managing account success.  Ideal candidates will [...]

Projector Manufacturer Seeks Field Service Engineer

Award-winning manufacturer and distributor of high-performance projectors is actively seeking a Field Service Engineer for their North-Eastern territory.  This position has overall responsibility for resolving all technical problems that arise in their territory or as otherwise directed.  The position requires 50-75% travel depending on customer needs.  The incumbent should be located in the North East [...]

How to Differentiate the Best Employees From Average Employees

The employees that make the biggest impact on your company have common qualities that can differentiate them from the rest of your employees.  According to Jeff Haden, of, these eight qualities include: Having the intuition to know when to offer assistance outside of their job description Not being afraid to stray outside the norm [...]

Employee Appreciation Day

The first Friday of March is Employee Appreciation Day.  No company could effectively function without the employees- from the support staff to those at the top of the organization.  Therefore, take today to remember everyone's contributions to your company and thank them for those contributions.  Here at RMA, we are going zip-lining as a team-building [...]

Over Achieving Sales Director – Seeks to Leverage Success

This well-rounded Director-level sales leader desires a new, challenging opportunity in the building products industry.  This sales champion desires a role where he can positively influence opportunity in the marketplace and truly impact company growth.  Having a background in both sales and marketing, this professional has the ability to thoroughly manage new and existing products [...]

Electromechanical Motion Control Manufacturer Seeks Field Sales Engineer

Multi-million dollar Electromechanical Motion Control manufacturer actively seeks a Field Sales Engineer for their North-West US territory.  This position has overall responsibility for selling the company's full product line through distribution and to OEMs, training distributor representatives on the product line, acting as a technical resource for both reps and clients, as well as other [...]

Happy 2 Year Anniversary Juliette!

All of us at Rowland Mountain would like to wish Juliette Lovell a very happy 2 year anniversary with our company! We greatly appreciate everything you do to keep our company a well-oiled machine!

Global Manufacturing Corporation Seeks Roofing Solutions Manager

Our client, a global corporation that manufacturers building products among other consumer and industrial goods, is actively seeking a Roofing Solutions Manager.  This position will have technical responsibilities within the sales department, as well as responsibility for working with different departments within the company in regards to client warranty services.  The roofing solutions manager will [...]

“What Are You Prepared To Do”….. Quote From The Untouchables.

With the Academy Awards fresh in my mind I've been thinking of Sean Connery and Kevin Costner in The Untouchables.  Sean's bleeding, dying words to Elliott Ness (played by Kevin Costner) were, "What are you prepared to do to stop Capone," or something to that effect.  His implication was that it is going to require going [...]

Employee Spotlight: Stephanie Mansour

Name: Stephanie Mansour Hometown: Austin, TX Position: Research Associate to Katherine Carrier Education: Stephanie graduated from the University of Georgia with a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish.  She also studied abroad during highschool in Spain! What is your favorite thing about recruiting? Stephanie enjoys connecting with people in the marketplace, as well as learning about the [...]

Happy Presidents’ Day!

Happy Presidents' Day from all of us at Rowland Mountain! Thank you to our past and current Presidents for bravely leading our country.  Without such leadership our country would not be the successful and respected nation that it is today. 

Congratulations Are In Order!

Congratulations to our newest Search Associate, Katie Owens, for making her first placement!  Katie placed her first candidate with a global technology leader that occupies 65% market-share in their industry.  Congratulations again, Katie, and may there be many more placements to come!

Senior Level Management Professional Seeks a VP Level Role

Award winning and results driven senior level management professional seeks a Vice President–level role in retail operations.  This rainmaker has been promoted up the ranks expeditiously in a large Fortune 500 company, in a short time becoming Vice President of a major business unit.  Our candidate has extensive experience in retail operations, nationally and internationally [...]

Happy Valentines Day From RMA!

All of us at Rowland Mountain would like to wish our wonderful clients and candidates a very happy Valentine's day!  Valentine's day should not be limited to our significant others-- Make sure everyone that is special in your life knows you appreciate them today!  We appreciate all of you!

The Psychological Reasons You Are Sticking With The Job You Hate

In the recruiting world, we often hear from a potential candidate that they aren’t interested in leaving their current position because they are “happy where they are.”  While we love to hear this, and certainly do not enjoy other people’s career-related pains, it is unlikely that each of these people are truly happy at their [...]

Ways to Increase Performance During the Defining Year of 2012

As the United States is showing signs of improvement, the last thing our country needs is for the momentum to stagnate.  If you are in a leadership position, how you perform is strong indicator of how your team will perform.  So how should you prime you and your team for success in 2012? According to [...]

10 Things Every Job Seeker Should Do

Looking for a job this year?  Looking for a job can be extremely discouraging, especially if you are currently unemployed.  However, Justin Thompson, of MSN Careers, has quantified ten practices to become the most effective job seeker you can.  His suggestions cover a broad range of the job seeker's routine, from suggesting keeping "business hours" [...]

Premier Roofing Company Seeks Outside Sales Representatives

Premier commercial roofing manufacturer seeks two Outside Sales Representatives to join their team and cover respective territories. These positions are responsible for increasing sales within their territories by calling on architects, independent contractors, and building owners. The ideal candidate has 5+ years outside sales experience, background knowledge of construction and roofing systems, and exceptional written, [...]

Wanting to Motivate Your Employees? Money Isn’t the Only Way to Do So!

Frustrated with finding the perfect way to motivate your employees without bankrupting your company?  Ilya Pozin, of, compiled a list of nine ways to motivate your employees that don't involve money.  In fact, even the best paid employee in the office would most likely be better motivated by cultural initiatives than the size of [...]

What You Say During the Interview Isn’t the Only Thing Sending a Message

As a recruiter, we frequently get feedback that our extremely qualified, professional candidate has been ruled out of the running for the job because they "didn't seem to want it."  This response is ironic, as most people wouldn't take the time to interview for a position they didn't actually want.  So what causes this?  Your [...]

Tough Interview Questions Leave You Stumped?

Interviewing can be a very overwhelming process.  The broad, open ended questions tend to leave the interviewee wondering what the interviewing is looking for in their answer.  Thus, often the answers to these questions seem vague and tend to go in circles.  Selena Kohng elaborates how to answer the tough interview questions such as: "Tell [...]

Electromechanical Motion Control System Provider Seeks Strategic Accounts Manager

Global leader in providing electromechanical motion control systems and components for OEMs is actively seeking a Strategic Accounts Manager.  This position is responsible for hunting and managing large OEM accounts in the Southeast.  This person will be calling on GMs, SVPs, and other high profile corporate level leadership professionals, being responsible for top-down sales in [...]

Specialty Chemical Company Seeks Operations Manager

Specialty Chemical Company with over 60 years of development and manufacturing experience is seeking a highly skilled Operations Manager for their Memphis, TN location.  The overall objective of this position is to provide oversight and management of all related activities to 50% of the Plant, specifically the Fine Chemical unit, and the Specialty unit.  Ideal [...]

Get the Productivity and Determination You Desire in an Employee: Hire for Spirit

Which is the more crucial aspect to target during the hiring process, level of skills relevant to the job or level of spirit?  Spirit, as defined by Michelle Randall of Fast Company, refers to soft skills such as teamwork and "heart."  And while Michelle isn't suggesting to hire someone completely unqualified if they have high [...]

Wondering Why You Didn’t Get a Second Interview?

The hiring process can be an incredibly frustrating process.  You may be the most qualified candidate and feel you are perfect for the position, but not get called back to a second interview, or lose out in the final round of interviews.  So why does this happen?  Caroline Ceniza-Levine, of, has compiled through her [...]

Recent Graduate Advice

The next steps after graduating from college can be very daunting, as there is no longer anything set in stone for you.  For 20+ years of your life your schedule has been dictated by school, and to picture a life without it may very well be an intimidating and scary thought.   Instead of being overwhelmed, remember [...]

Feeling Misunderstood at Work?

Are you struggling to make positive waves at your organization?  This can be a result of feeling misunderstood at your organization.  We've all heard that being too honest and forthcoming with personal information at work can cause problems; however, Glenn Llopis, of, suggests the opposite can be true.  In the modern-day work environment, many [...]

Well established US Building Products Manufacturer Seeks Director of Sales

60 year old, well-established building product manufacturer is actively seeking a Director of Sales.  This company's brand is huge, making up 70-75% of the market share in the US.  In their respective category, they are the largest manufacturer in the world.  The Director of Sales will have overall responsibility for day to day management of [...]

What is Your Business New Year’s Resolution?

It's time to welcome 2012.  While everyone else is making resolutions to lose weight, work out more, or eat healthier, why not try a little different tactic and make a business-related New Year's resolution?  Here are some ideas to improve your business behavior in 2012: 1.  I will get more done in less time so [...]

Motivated Senior Engineer Professional Seeks Project Management Position

Motivated and successful Senior Metallurgical Engineer is seeking a Project Management position with a runway for growth into a Facility Management position.  This professional is well educated, with both a Bachelor's degree in Materials Science and Engineering and an MBA from a prestigious university.  During their education tenure, this individual won an engineering scholarship, was an active member in [...]

How to Identify the Candidates that Will Outperform the Rest

When coming up with candidate requirements for a new job opening, it is important to remember to consider the "soft skills" necessary to thrive in your organization.  If screened for these soft skills accurately, the candidate that has the right mentality to overcome the challenges your organization possesses (every organization has them) will become much [...]

How to Remain Calm During a Job Interview

Being nervous in a job interview isn't uncommon to interviewers, regardless of the career progression of the interviewer.  Even people who have been in the business world for 30+ years can become victim to butterflies in the pit of their stomach if they don't take the necessary precautions before the interview.  Larry Buhl, of MSN [...]

Embracing the New Year

It's the new year, which for most business professionals means a chance to revisit your professional progression.  Analyzing your annual goals and adjusting them accordingly to your previous year is a great way to start.  It is important to revise these goals, as life dictates changes which affect goal progression and other areas.  In order to achieve [...]

Rainmaker Spotlight: Engineering Manager Seeks Director Level Position in Electrical Manufacturing

Driven Engineering Manager is looking for a Director level position in the electrical manufacturing industry.  This candidate is well-rounded, offering an innovative combination of both MBA with a concentration in marketing and engineering expertise.  Having extensive P&L experience, this rainmaker has been responsible for crucial business decisions regarding product focus and termination.  This individual has [...]

Don’t Burn Your Bridges: How to Respectfully Fire Someone

Firing someone is an unfortunate duty of a manager, and often times this termination conversation leaves bridges burned and very unhappy former employees.  While there is no way you can make a person happy by firing them, there are several ways to "lessen the blow."  According to Amy Levin-Epstein, of, there are 5 common [...]

Global Technology Leader Seeks Technical Support Engineer

Global technology leader is actively seeking a Technical Support Engineer responsible for providing support of both hardware and software of a new product our client is launching.  The incumbent will also serve as a resource for both the technical sales individual and the customer throughout the sales process to ensure given solutions efficiently resolve the [...]

Global Technology Leader Seeks Business Development Representative

Global technology leader is actively seeking a Business Development Representative  to development, establish, and maintain new US partners for our client.  This position entails calling into the C-suite of hospitals selling a new healthcare solution that our client is launching.  Ideal candidates will possess a Bachelor's degree, 5+ years experience business development, 5+ years sales success [...]

Internationally Prominent Steel Utility Manufacturer Seeks Supply Chain Manager

Internationally prominent steel utility manufacturer is actively seeking a Supply Chain Manager.  This position entails overall responsibility for establishing and managing the supply chain and raw material purchasing activities.  Ideal candidates will possess an Engineering degree, at least 5 years of manufacturing experience, at least 5 years of supply chain experience, a high level of [...]

Global Technology Leader Seeks Director of Sales

Global technology leader is actively seeking a Director of Sales to lead their sales team for a new, innovative product they are introducing.  Business development is a key aspect to this role, as the Director of Sales will be responsible for both targeting and developing new business leads.  Ideal candidates will possess a Bachelor's degree, [...]

Hire the Candidate that will Truly Benefit Your Organization

When defining criteria necessary for a position you are hiring for, there are several areas most companies fall short in.  There is no one "correct" way to handle the hiring process; however, according to, there are five areas that should be targeted differently during your recruiting efforts. When creating the job description, they suggest [...]

Internationally Respected Manufacturer Seeks Global Sales and Marketing Manager

Internationally respected plastic/rubber flow control manufacturer is actively seeking a Global Sales and Marketing Manager.  Overall responsibilities for this position include qualifying and prioritizing leads, driving opportunities from lead to project, managing sales and marketing direct reports, international travel to manage key accounts, P&L of unit, and other responsibilities.  The position is located in Atlanta, and will [...]

Reflections on the Holiday Season

Regardless of what holiday you are celebrating, this time of the year is cherished by just about everyone.  Here are Rowland Mountain & Associates's favorite things about this time of the year-- Enjoy the serious and humorous messages! Tricia Mountain: I do not have one favorite thing about this time of the year-- I love everything about [...]

Global Leader in Water Solutions Seeks Mechanical Design Engineer

World renown leader in water solutions is actively seeking a Mechanical Design Engineer for their Houston facility.  The engineer will be responsible for 2D and 3D design of skid piping systems.  The incumbent will also work with clients through reviewing of fabricator submittals to ensure design compliance.  Ideal candidates will possess a Bachelor's degree in [...]

Global Leader in Water Solutions is Pursuing a Site Leader

Our client is a global leader in water solutions and technical products with a history of over 40 years in the business.  They are currently actively looking for a Site Leader for their new West TX facility.  The site leader will be part of the management staff that will establish a new facility in Western [...]

Worried About Responding to Salary Inquisitions During a Job Interview?

Salary requirements are a very tricky part of the job interview process to navigate.  You don't want to turn off your potential employer by requesting too much, but also don't want to be paid less than what you are worth.  This can be especially tricky in the earlier stages of the interview process, as the interviewer [...]

World Renown Manufacturing Corporation Seeks Operations Manager

World renown manufacturing corporation is actively seeking an Operations Manager.  This position has overall responsibility for successful operation of a metal and asphalt manufacturing facility, including directing plant managers, leading continuous improvements, managing equipment, and budget responsibility.  Ideal candidates will possess a Bachelor's degree in Engineering, have 12+ years experience in manufacturing, have P&L experience, [...]

Global Technology Company seeking Marketing Communications – Medical

Global technology company is actively seeking a Marketing Communications Specialist in their medical division. This position will be responsible for developing and executing strategic marketing plans and programs, specifically within the company’s channel partners. The qualified candidate for this role will have 2-5 years experience in marketing communication. Channel experience will be necessary for this [...]

Global Manufacturing Corporation Seeks Senior Engineer

Global manufacturing corporation is actively seeking a Senior Engineer to be a part of a team of engineers and product development professionals.  This team will be developing products to support commercial/industrial roofing applications including but not limited to geomembranes, metal roofing, metal roofing panels, air barriers, and waterproofing.  Requirements for this position include an Engineering degree, [...]

A Phone Call is Still More Effective Than an Email

With technology advancements, many people are predicting email almost eliminating phone usage in the business world.  Companies are turning to email as a primary form of communication, believing it is effective.  However, email communication misses key ingredients that make it less effective than phone communication. It is very difficult to convey emotion properly in written communication.  While this [...]

Rainmaker Spotlight: Performance Driven Leader Seeks Senior Level Commercial Position in Medical Industry

Highly experienced sales professional is looking for a senior level commercial position in the medical industry.  Candidate has consistently been a top sales-person for multiple, industry-leading companies.  They have extensive experience managing sales personnel, and their reports view them as a great leader.  This professional is currently a National Sales Manager, and has finished #1 for Region of the Year [...]

Global Chemical Distribution Leader Seeks Account Manager Trainee

Leader in the chemical distribution industry is actively seeking an account manager trainee.  This position is an entry-level sales role that will provide support for the two leading account managers at the branch.  This position is responsible for coordinating gas sample pickup and delivery, traveling the territory to form relationships with established customer base, and [...]

Employee Spotlight: Martelle Warner

Name: Martelle Warner Hometown: Norcross, GA Position: Marketing Associate Education: Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the University of Georgia What is your favorite thing about working for RMA?  Rowland Mountain & Associates is an extremely supportive environment.  Business is conducted professionally, but at the end of the day everyone here is like a family.  I [...]

Don’t Blend In With the Rest of the Candidate Pool!

Worried about not being memorable during the job hunt process?  Miriam Salpeter discusses, in the article "How to Stand Out When Applying for a Job," John Kalusa's philosophy on applying for jobs utilizing a sales person's mind-frame.  Blindly sending resumes and going into interviews without doing your research will not set you apart from the [...]

World Renowned Tile Manufacturer Seeks Senior Director of Sales

Globally prominent tile manufacturer is actively seeking a Senior Director of Sales.  This position has overall responsibility for all sales functions for our client, with emphasis on strategically and successfully leading the sales team to market share growth.  Candidates should have a Bachelor's degree in business or marketing, 10+ years of new business development experience in a [...]

Interviewing Someone Currently Employed? Avoid Doing This!

Interviewing is a very time consuming process for both the candidate and company.  The predicament occurs when a company wants to hire top talent that is currently working, but still wants to make sure they are a good fit for the role.  In most situations, companies answer this question by requiring multiple interviews with various [...]

Take Full Advantage of your LinkedIn Account!

Many individuals make a LinkedIn account, but proceed to neglect it for "more important" ways to spend their time.  They may not view it as a valuable resource, or have forgotten about it.  However, LinkedIn can be a very beneficialnetworking resource that should not be overlooked.  Your online presence is becoming more and more important as technology [...]

Global Consumer Products Company Seeks Division Vice President

A global consumer products company is actively seeking a Division Vice President.  This position has overall responsibility for managing the account division that includes drug and grocery chains, smaller hardware and sporting goods chains and independent channels.  Candidates must have a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration or a related discipline, 10+ years experience in Consumer [...]

Employee Spotlight: Christopher Luke

Name: Christopher Luke Hometown: Chicago, IL Position: Research Associate to Russ Mountain Education: Chris is currently a student at Georgia State University, in pursuit of a Bachelor's of Business Administration in Finance. What is your favorite thing about recruiting?  Chris enjoys the process of putting people in the pipeline and seeing them through to the interview [...]

Global Glass Manufacturer Seeks Architectural Sales Manager

Prominent global glass manufacturer is actively seeking an Architectural Sales Manager for the territory covering Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, and Illinois.  Candidates must have a Bachelor's degree, 5+ years sales experience, have an American Institute of Architects Accreditation (AIA), have experience working with architects, and have knowledge of infiltrating architecture firms and know who to speak with.  [...]

Keep the Train of Motivation Moving: Recognize Your Employees’ Hard Work!

Nothing motivates an individual to perform at their highest potential like knowing their hard work is appreciated.  Especially around the holidays, give a little reminder to your employees as to why they chose to work for your organization, and why they should stay.  You may think your employees know how grateful you are for their work, [...]

National Industrial Distributor Seeks Branch Manager

National industrial distributor is actively seeking a sales-oriented branch manager for their Charlotte branch.  This role is highly autonomous in nature and the market in the Charlotte territory is very fertile and ready for growth!  Responsibilities include managing full P&L of the branch, leading multiple departments, growing branch sales, identifying/implementing office process improvements, and managing [...]

Stumped With Envisioning Where You Will Be in Five Years?

"Where do you want to be in five years?"  This question can make even the most confident interviewer feel a little sick to their stomach.  Many people go into an interview hoping this question won't be asked, and don't truly prepare for the importance of this question.  However, this is such a personally defining question that it should be [...]

Employee Spotlight: Kim Rubin

Name: Kim Rubin Position: Business Manager/Human Resources Hometown: Kim is a native of Atlanta, GA! Education: Kim earned a Bachelor of Arts in Business Management from Arizona State University What is your favorite thing about working for RMA?  Kim enjoys the flexibility of being able to contribute to RMA by utilizing her knowledge from prior experiences. What have you [...]

Rowland Mountain Says Thank-You

'Tis the season to reflect on all that we are thankful for, and here at RMA that hasn't escaped our attention.  In the spirit of thankfulness, we would like to thank all of our wonderful and loyal clients and candidates for choosing to work with us.  We also would like to thank the software, web design, [...]

Pilot Plant Technical Manager, Specialty Chemicals

Specialty Chemical Company with over 60 years of development and manufacturing experience is seeking a highly skilled Pilot Plant Manager for their Memphis, TN location. The overall objective of this position is to provide oversight and management of all Pilot Plant related activities at this location. Excellent opportunity to shine in a smaller organization that [...]

Revealing Signs to Look for When Interviewing a Candidate

After interviewing dozens of candidates for a job, all of their responses may seem to become redundant.  Considering this, it may be difficult to differentiate between which candidate will be the best employee based on their generic answers.  According to, there are some signs that can clue you into which candidates will be the [...]

Use the Holidays to Your Advantage in Your Job Search!

It is a common misconception that job searches die down over the holidays; however, that is not necessarily the case.  There is a level of pressure to fill a job by the end of the year so the position can start at the beginning of the year, and recruiters as well as hiring managers are [...]

Is your LinkedIn Picture Sending the Right Message?

Competent, Confident, Professional.  These are adjectives you would want your LinkedIn profile picture to convey.  So how do you make sure your LinkedIn picture isn't sending the wrong message?  As recruiters, we practically live on LinkedIn; therefore, we see a large variety of profile pictures.  It is much more important to have a professional picture [...]

A Story of How GE Recruited Elite Talent

Some time ago, General Electric, in preparation for a major expansion in its plastics division, decided to conduct a study of their recruiting efforts over a five-year period. The goal was for GE to determine which of the many recruiters they employed had been the most effective in attracting elite talent to GE.   GE [...]

Leveraging New Technologies and Business Applications

From social media to apps - and hybrids where apps run on social media platforms, there is no doubting that business as usual never will be business as usual again.  In fact, a high-tech New York agency recently posted a job on its website for someone who will “solve large, complex problems in the areas [...]

What Makes a Brand More Resilient? Add More Give!

What makes a brand more resilient?  Add more Give! To give means either to transfer possession or to bend or alter shape under pressure.    These two qualities in a brand are important to the brand’s intended audience and to the market overall.  The give becomes a big deal. As we travel deeper into the information [...]

Employee Spotlight: Juliette Lovell

Name: Juliette Lovell Where are you from? Juliette is from Barbados! Position: Juliette is the Business Manager, but also does some sourcing for the company. Education:  After attending Brooklyn Technical High School in Brooklyn, NY, Juliette attended the Air Force School of Logistics, where she studied Procurement and Contract Administration. What is your favorite thing about [...]

Telling Interview Questions

With all of the interview prep available for individuals these days, how can you tell if the candidate you are interviewing is fudging the truth or being genuine?  It's no secret that with the rise of the internet, resources for interview-prep are abundant.  Even the weirdest interview questions have responses readily available if you google them [...]

Eliminate Any Unnecessary Clutter from Your Resume!

Struggling to make your resume jump out from the rest?  With the current job market, hiring managers and recruiters are getting more resumes than ever; however, the number of available jobs has not increased to the same extent as the number of job seekers.  This means your resume needs to be spot on to grab the [...]

Rowland Mountain Extends Our Sincere Gratitude to Our Veterans

From all of us here at Rowland Mountain & Associates, we are extremely grateful for the service of our troops and want to send a heart-felt Thank You to all that have served our wonderful country.  The impact each and every one of you have made upon our country and it's freedom is immeasurable, and we [...]

Employee Spotlight: Jessica Brown

Name: Jessica Brown Hometown:Douglasville, Georgia Position: Search Associate to Russ Mountain Education: University of Georgia, Bachelor of Science in Psychology What is your favorite thing about recruiting?Jessica enjoys coming across a candidate whose needs match our client's needs.  She loves being able to ask the right questions to help a candidate realize what's really important [...]

You CAN Avoid Hiring the Wrong Candidate!

As mentioned in one of ourblog posts last week, the ability to foresee whether or not a candidate will fit in the organization is in your hands.  According to the article "How to Prevent Hiring Disasters" in the Harvard Business Review, knowing what characteristics are valued and thrive across the organization is a great place to start.  [...]

National Account Manager, Canada

A well-established United States company is in the process of furthering it’s global expansion and is looking for a National Account Manager for Canada.  This position will be in charge of the Home Depot account, the organization’s number one account in Canada!  This newly launched market has already exceeded their market share expectations with 2 [...]

Calling All Business Women: Don’t Inhibit your Career Progression!

Although the female presence in the work place is becoming progressively more prominent, there are still some differences noticed between the two genders in relation to the business world.  As women, there are several intangibles that can affect how we are perceived in the work place, and many of them may be derived from the way [...]

Wondering Whether or Not to Include a Cover Letter?

Everyone knows you can't apply for a job without some sort of resume.  But what about a cover letter?  As an employee of Rowland Mountain & Associates, I am involved in the initial screening process of candidates before I pass them along to the search associate on my team.  I have seen many cover letters, [...]

Employee Spotlight: Katie Owens

Name: Katie Owens Hometown: McDonough, Georgia Position: Search Associate to Tricia Mountain Education: North Georgia College and State University, Bachelor of Business Administration with emphasis in Finance What is your favorite thing about recruiting? Katie enjoys the people the most.  She values the opportunity to talk to candidates and learn about their background, and how she can help [...]

Solution Sales Executive Position Available

Global leader in the medical field is seeking a spirited Solutions Sales Executive for their most complex sale cycle. This ground-breaking company is experiencing explosive growth and providing unmatched opportunity for advancement to leadership. A hunter mentality, strong teaching skills, and resilience will excel without limit in this environment. Qualified candidates must have a bachelor's [...]

How to Make the Most Effective Hire

Even if your company is actively working with a recruiting company to fill your job position, the final decision of who to hire is still in the company's hands. There is a large opportunity cost associated with hiring the wrong candidate, and it hurts. A recruiter's job is to find as many qualified candidates as [...]

In the Process of Updating Your Resume? Here is What NOT to Include!

It's one of the most important factors in the job search process, if not the most important, and with so many schools of thought around it, it is difficult to know whether or not yours is competent. What I'm referring to is your resume, and it can be the obstacle keeping you from getting a [...]

Proactive Controller Position Available in the Steel Utility Industry

Global leader in the steel utilities industry is actively seeking a Proactive Controller.  This company offers tremendous projected growth and financial stability, advancement opportunities, supportive company culture, and an opportunity to influence and lead the organization.  The Controller will manage multi-million dollar P&L's in a custom manufacturing environment.  This is a high recognition, high impact [...]

Field Sales Engineer, San Francisco Bay Area

U.S. electromechanical motion control company is actively looking for a Field Sales Engineer in the San Francisco Bay area.  This company is looking to gain an competitive edge in the Bay area market, and this position is geared for swift career advancement to management in 3-5 years!  Candidates for this position must have 5+ years experience selling directly [...]

Don’t Lose the Job Interview Opportunity Due to Your Social Media Accounts!

In this age of social media, it almost seems as though if you don't have a facebook, linked-in, or twitter you don't exist.  While these social media outlets are a fun way to interact with friends, thinking that your personal facebook page is off-limits to companies while you are going through a job interview process [...]

National Account Manager, Canada

A well-established United States company is in the process of furthering it's global expansion and is looking for a National Account Manager for Canada.  This position will be in charge of the Home Depot account, the organization's number one account in Canada!  This newly launched market has already exceeded their market share expectations with 2 [...]

Employee Spotlight: Daniel Barna

Name:  Daniel Barna Hometown:  Chicago, Illinois, but grew up  in Aurora, Ohio for 13 years. Position:  Search Associate Education:  Bowling Green State University in Ohio, Bachelor of Science in Psychology What is your favorite thing about recruiting?  Dan enjoys the  interaction with people on a daily basis:  His personal goal is to make 72 calls a day, [...]

Rainmaker Spotlight: Highly Qualified Candidate Seeking Plant Manager or Operations Manager Role

Highly experienced manufacturing and engineering leader is looking for a plant manager or operations manager role.  Candidate has international experience, merger experience, multi-site plant management experience, and has turned failing plants back to being profitable.  This individual has created strategic implementations throughout their career, including saving millions of dollars annually for a company through the [...]

Director of Sales Position Available in Canada

Globally expanding company seeks a Director of Sales responsible for their newly launched, highly expanding Canadian market.  This is a very unique opportunity for an individual to leave their legacy in an untapped area for this company. Candidates must have a bachelor's degree, 5-10 years sales experience calling on retail and distributers selling building products, experience working [...]

International OEM Manufacturer seeks Engineering Manager

The #1 International OEM Manufacturer in their "niche" is looking for an engineering manager to direct project managers across North America. Candidate must have 10-12+ years experience managing projects, delivering installation of equipment on time and budget, and prior experience managing people. Project management experience in capital equipment installation is preferred, as well as experience [...]

Business Development Sales Representative Needed

Multi-million dollar pipe and valve company seeks a business development sales representative to expand on the demand in the oil and gas market.  Qualified candidates must have 5-10 years sales experience calling on EPCs companies in the oil and gas market as well as experience in ‘valued added’ valve and pipe fitting sales.  Ideal candidate [...]

Subject Matter to Steer Clear from During a First Interview

With the job market still struggling, it would behoove the majority of people in the United States to brush up on their interview knowledge, regardless of how stable they believe their job to be.  While most of us know the basics, such as finding a way to draw in the aspects of the job role [...]

Recruiters: The Sports Agents of the Business World

As soon as I accepted my internship job offer at Rowland Mountain & Associates, questions began rolling in about the company I would be working for.  What I came to realize was most people have only a vague idea of what the recruiting world does, and especially don't understand the area of executive search.  As [...]

Pilot Plant Technical Manager, Specialty Chemicals

Specialty Chemical Company with over 60 years of development and manufacturing experience is seeking a highly skilled Pilot Plant Manager for their Memphis, TN location. The overall objective of this position is to provide oversight and management of all Pilot Plant related activities at this location. Excellent opportunity to shine in a smaller organization that [...]

Read to Gain Insight on How to Become a Crucial Member of Your Organization

At Rowland Mountain and Associates we specialize in recruiting “rainmakers,” or the most indispensable members of a company.  These individuals have extremely high levels of expectations for themselves and deliver upon these expectations thoroughly.  The results of these change-makers are felt throughout an organization and largely an organization can trace its success to these individuals.  [...]

Employee Spotlight: Harris Nye

  Name:  Harris Nye Hometown:  Charlotte, NC Position:  Search Assistant Background:  Harris is taking a year off before attending law school.  He was referred to this position from a pervious intern and friend from college, Chris Hurst. Education:  The Citadel-- Bachelor of Arts in English.  Class of 2011 What do you love about recruiting?  Rowland [...]

Congratulations are in order

Congratulations to two of our newest employees for making their first placements! Katherine Carrier, our new search executive, made her first placement with a growing and entrepreneurial retail company. Daniel Barna, one of our new research associates, placed his first candidate with a well-established utility infrastructure manufacturing company. Congratulations Katherine and Dan, and may there [...]

Global Account Manager-Semiconductors- for a Leading MRO Distributor of Electrical Utilities

Global Account Manager  Leading MRO distributor of electrical utilities is amidst a substantial growth spurt and seeks sales leadership! This Global Accounts Manager welcomes the challenge of hunting new business, developing and maintaining account success within the semiconductor realm. Great opportunity for the driven sales professional to excel and take ownership of major accounts from [...]

Georgia State Job Fair

Megan and Jessica had a wonderful time attending the Part-time and Internship Job Fair on Wednesday. We are currently seeking motivated college students and recent graduates for our Research and Marketing Internship programs located in Atlanta. If you or someone you know is interested please call 404-325-2189!!!

RMA has a NEW search!

We are excited to announce our new search! One of our clients is looking for a Channel Marketing Specialist. If you or someone you know has marketing communication experience within Pro A/V or high tech products in a channel environment, you would be an ideal candidate! Agency experience is a huge plus in this role [...]

District Managers Needed For Underperforming Territory in Medical Sales

Global Leader in Medical Sales is seeking a seasoned sales professional with 3+ years experience leading a team in a turn-around situation. This person MUST have experience selling into Hospitals. Strong leadership is the key to manage a team of 8 to victory in the Houston, OR the Philadelphia area. These two voids currently reside in their [...]

NEW Account Manager Position!

RMA has a new client! We are so excited to begin work on this Account Manager position. Our client is looking for someone with 5+ years experience in account management with large retailers. The Account Manager will work with buyers at the retailers to develop sales strategies, as well as with the marketing team to [...]

GLOBAL LEADER in medical device sales seeking Sales Specialist with HUNTER mentality

Global leader in the medical field is seeking a stellar salesperson for a lengthy sales cycle. They are seeking a motivated leader to determine and engage key opportunities in a territory spanning the L.A. region. This is an opportunity to move into a massive company, with an unmatched runway for growth. If Los Angeles is not your [...]

Two Outside Sales Engineers Needed in Engineered Valves

A leading engineered valve manufacturer is looking for mechanical engineers to fill two open positions in outside sales. The first position involves managing accounts across the Midwest and parts of the south, maintaining relationships with power plant EPC's.  An experienced project engineer with valve knowledge is preferred for this role, although a candidate with a mechanical engineering degree [...]

Chemical Plant Manager Needed.

A Tennessee-based chemical plant is looking for new leadership to revive a sleepy production line.  The successful candidate will have a degree in chemistry (engineering or otherwise) and 15+ years of progressive chemical plant experience, with at least 5 of those years in a plant manager, or similar, role.  Specifically, we are trying to find individuals [...]

Channel Sales Manager Needed!

RMA is BUSY!! We are getting new jobs in left and right, so stay tuned! Our newest opening is a Channel Sales Manager in the A/V industry. We are looking for people with 8-10 years experience in channel sales, familiar with selling to distributors and integrators. Strong technical knowledge is needed to succeed in this [...]

0 Years Experience? No Problem!

The #1 ranked industrial glass manufacturer in the world is reinstating its Field Sales Training Program and is looking for candidates right out of college.  This comprehensive inside and outside sales training program will groom the selected candidate for outside sales roles in the company.  Those with an aggressive personality, great communications skills, and a desire for [...]

Global Technology Company seeking Marketing Communications – Medical

RMA is excited about our newest position! We are working with a technology leader who is looking for a Marketing Communications Specialist in their medical division. This position will be responsible for developing and executing strategic marketing plans and programs, specifically within the company's channel partners. The qualified candidate for this role will have 2-5 [...]

One Last Glimpse into the Life of a Rowland Mountain Intern

What an experience this has been! My internship is coming to a close and I cannot believe how much I learned. Not only did I learn about the recruiting industry, but I learned valuable business skills that I can apply to my last year of school and well into my professional career. The things I [...]

GLOBAL LEADER in medical sales seeking Sales Specialist with HUNTER mentality

Global leader in the medical field is seeking a stellar salesperson for a lengthy sales cycle. They are seeking a motivated sales leader to determine and engage key opportunities in a territory spanning the Milwaukee region. This is an opportunity to move into a massive company, with an unmatched runway for growth. If Milwaukee  is [...]

GLOBAL LEADER in medical manufacturing industry seeking Sales Specialist

Global leader in the medical field is seeking a stellar salesperson for a lengthy sales cycle. They are seeking a motivated sales leader to determine and engage key opportunities in a territory spanning the Chicago region. This is an opportunity to move into a massive company, with an unmatched runway for growth. If Chicago is [...]


Global leader in the steel utilities industry is in a favorable position in their business cycle with a lot of future leadership needs. They are seeking a motivated sales leader to determine and engage key opportunities in a territory spanning Pennsylvania to Maine ($15-40M in revenue!). This is a highly visible commercial leadership role for [...]

Employee Spotlight: Mary Cate Prendergast

Name: Mary Cate Prendergast Hometown: Knoxville, TN Position: Marketing and Research Associate How has Rowland Mountain played an integral part in your career? Working at Rowland Mountain has shown me a side of the business world I have never seen before. Everything that I learned in a classroom I have seen working at Rowland Mountain [...]

Are More Skills Needed in a Post-Recession Market?

The economy is rebuilding but it is a slow process. Companies cannot afford to hire mediocre workers. Jobs are hard to come by and only the top performers are going to be able to find them. Companies are doing more cross-training to keep their company lean. If someone is out on vacation, but another emplyee [...]

Globally Recognized Glass Manufacturer Seeking Field Sales Representative

A globally ranked industrial manufacturer is looking for an autonomous and responsible sales leader to manage a large sales territory in Texas and its surrounding states.  Working under the title, "Field Sales Representative", this individual will be responsible for effectively blending his/her core sales competencies with an aggressive personality to generate new business while maintaining current [...]

GLOBAL LEADER in Healthcare Industry seeking Leader for Regional Sales Director

WORLD LEADER in healthcare products seeks exceptional leadership for $300M+/ 8+ District Manager/80+ Sales Rep organization in Southeast region. This role forecasts advancement to VP leadership within 24-36 months, which WILL REQUIRE relocation to a flourishing Midwestern city. This is a tremendous immediate impact opportunity for someone that welcomes the challenge of reviving the company’s [...]

Glimpse into the Life of a Rowland Mountain Intern 6

This week I've been working on email marketing. This has entailed gathering basic information about the company to send to candidates and clients so they have information about Rowland Mountain at their fingertips. Another thing I have been working on this week has been developing a "social media plan." This is something for me to [...]

Employee Spotlight: Chris Hurst

Name: Christopher Hurst Hometown: Marietta, Georgia Position: Intern How has Rowland Mountain played an integral part in your career?: It has opened my eyes to where success is in today’s business world. Education: The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina BA: International Affairs What do you enjoy doing while not working?: Spending [...]

Global Leader in Utilities Industry seeking Ambitious Product Manager

Global Leader in utilities industry is seeking an AMBITIOUS PRODUCT MANAGER. This company offers tremendous projected growth and financial stability, rapid advancement opportunities, supportive company culture, and an opportunity to influence and lead the organization in marketing strategy. Product Manager has opportunity to operate with autonomy, initiative, and skill to produce a large IMPACT internally [...]

Technology company seeking Product Manager!

RMA is currently working on a great opportunity! We are looking for a Product Manager who has had experience working with a product from creation through the sales cycle in visual display technology. This position has the ability TO MAKE NEW PRODUCTS A REALITY! If you or someone you know would be a fit for this [...]

Why You Should Not Accept a Counteroffer

If you decide to leave your job for another job but your company wants you to stay, they might present you with a “counteroffer.” Sounds like a good thing, right? Wrong. A counteroffer hardly leads to anything good for you, or for the company. The reason you are thinking about leaving your company is probably [...]

Global Chemical Distribution Leader Searching for Territory Manager

A global chemical distribution company is looking for an assertive sales leader in the Houston, Texas area, who will be selling chemicals to oil and gas refineries and petrochemical plants.  Working under the title, "Territory Manager", the successful candidate will have at least 5 years of technical sales experience in the oil and gas industries, a [...]

Industry Leader Seeks Field Sales Engineer

A national manufacturer in the motion control industry is currently looking for a self-directed individual in the Northeast with at least 5 years of experience selling to OEMs and distributors, preferentially in the applicable industry.  The successful candidate will possess a bachelors or technical degree, work effectively with a team, and enjoy traveling to clients throughout the region (~35%).  With 'autonomy' a watchword, individuals [...]

Glimpse into the Life of a Rowland Mountain Intern 5

This week is very sad for me, today in particular. This is my last day in the office, so I have been trying to get all my projects done and move by stuff over to another cube so Chris can move to my desk to be closer to Tricia and Julie. I am going to [...]

Employee Spotlight: Edward Missinne

Name: Edward Missinne   Hometown: Marietta, GA   Position: Intern   Background info: I moved to Georgia after graduating college, after which I began to explore possible career paths by first teaching afterschool science, then becoming a personal trainer, working at hospitals, and finally, taking an internship with a National Park in Arkansas.  After again [...]

Global Leader Seeking Sales Leadership for North Central Territory

Global Leader in Oil and Natural Gas industry seeking sales leadership in North Central Territory of U.S. This company offers stability and a significant runway for growth. Position allows considerable autonomy for a self-disciplined professional. If you are an industry expert with a sales mentality, please contact Jessica Brown at

Why Creating a Brand is so Important

All people know about your brand is what you present to them, that is why it is so important to create the brand you want your customers to know. When you create a strong brand, your company will start growing. In an article written by Brett Gerstenblatt, it says, “many mid-market CEOs place brand building [...]

Glimpse into the Life of a Rowland Mountain Intern 4

Next week is my last week in the office which I am very sad about. I love all the things I have been doing lately! I started doing Phone Screens this week and I am loving it more and more. Also, we are getting social media savvy! We have a new Twitter and Facebook page [...]

Global Company Seeks Highly Motivated Senior Sales Rep!

Rowland Mountain & Associates is pleased to announce our latest position! We are currently seeking a dynamic and inquisitive self-starter with 2-7 years of experience in the agricultural industry to fill a Senior Sales Representative position.   If you are driven, responsible and independent, and possess a high understanding of the agricultural industry, you may [...]

Employee Spotlight: Wes Washington

Name: Weslee Mountain Washington                      Hometown: Auburn, AL Position: Search Executive            Background info: I started my career with Liberty Mutual Commercial Insurance.  LMCI is the Nation’s largest writer of workers’ compensation insurance and employees over 36,000.  In my first full year of sales I won Rookie of the Year and Liberty Leaders.  After four successful years [...]

GLOBAL LEADER seeks Global Market Manager for GROWING business!

RMA is happy to introduce our latest opportunity. We are partnering with a leader in the natural resources industry. This is an opportunity to run your own business within a business that has TREMEDOUS growth potential for the foreseeable future. The ideal candidate would have progressive experience in product management, product development and market strategy. [...]

Does High Pay Equal High Fulfillment?

I was having an abnormally hard time trying to figure out what I was going to write about today. (There is a method to the madness: Mondays-business related, Wednesdays-Employee Spotlight, Fridays-about my internship experience). So I started thinking about some of the articles I have read lately and something someone said to me today really [...]

Glimpse into the Life of a Rowland Mountain Intern 3

This week, I am into all kinds of new stuff... phone calls! I am excited because maybe I will get to talk to some of you, but I am also nervous that I will forget questions that I am supposed to ask or something of the sort. I know it will go away once I [...]

Employee Spotlight: Megan Milligan

Name: Megan Milligan   Hometown: Auburn, Alabama Position: Search Associate How has Rowland Mountain played an integral part in your career? Rowland Mountain has offered a firm foundation in the recruiting industry. RMA demands a strong work ethic with a “do anything” attitude that is critical for success and rarely taught! Education: BA in Communication,  Auburn [...]

Today’s Economic Growth

Here is the news everyone has been waiting to hear, “the economy is rebuilding!” This is by no means a quick process, but according to USA Today’s economy section, most jobs are expected to grow from here on out. A drop in 2008, and a low, but steady pace in 2009, brought forth a rebuilding [...]

Glimpse into the Life of a Rowland Mountain Intern 2

This week has carried a lot of excitement with it, as most weeks do around here. We had our normal “What’s Hot, What’s Not” meeting on Tuesday morning, an anniversary party (Jessica McDevitt’s 1 year at RMA) on Wednesday, and we started office training webinars this Thursday. There has also been a lot of excitement [...]

Join this GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY LEADER as a Media & PR Representative

RMA is proud to annouce our newest position! We are working on a Media and PR Rep position in the Atlanta area. Qualified candidates must have experience in public relations in a high tech environment. Ideally, we are looking for candidates with 3+ years experience in PR and event management, and agency experience is a plus! [...]

Employee Spotlight: Julie Blackmon

Name:  Julie Blackmon Hometown:  Greenville, SC Position:  Search Associate Background info: My background is actually in healthcare. I went to school for health education and was working at a hospital when my husband brought me down to Atlanta and I was fortunate enough to join the team here at Rowland Mountain! Education:  B.S. [...]

Innovative Market Leader in Healthcare Technology Seeks Inside Salesperson!

Rowland Mountain is excited about our latest position! We are looking for candidates with 1+ years of inside sales experience for this new opportunity in the Atlanta area! An ideal candidate would also have some understanding of medical and clinical topics in order to better sell this healthcare technology. Our client is looking for driven, [...]

How to Pursue a Job Using Social Networking

With the way that technology is constantly changing, it is sometimes a struggle to keep up and really use social networking to your advantage. One tool that can be really helpful is LinkedIn. You create a profile which is more or less an online resume. If you get connected on LinkedIn and keep your profile [...]

Glimpse into the life of a Rowland Mountain Intern

Hello, my name is Mary Cate and I am one of the summer interns. This is my third week at Rowland Mountain, and what a fun week it has been! We moved offices over the weekend. After 11 years of being in the same office building, that is over 2800 days that Russ and Tricia [...]

North American Sales Manager – Advanced Materials

An Industry Leader of Performance Polymers has an opportunity for a Sales Manager to initiate and manage opportunities for sales and innovation to drive growth.  Excellent opportunity gain experience in the industry and get on board with a well-respected company. Candidates can be located in Chicago or Cleveland. Please contact Megan at for more [...]

Account Manager for Polymer Distributor

Top ranking privately held polymer distributor is experiencing rapid growth in several geographic territories.  They are seeking aggressive Account Managers to handle these growing markets.  Excellent opportunity to manage your own territory and learn from one of the most respected in the industry! Contact Megan Milligan @ 404-325-2189 for more information.

Western Regional Sales Manager Opportunity for Established U.S. Manufacturer!

A 110 year old U.S. company is looking for a Regional Sales Manager to take over their West Coast territory! 7+ years of sales and sales management experience is a must! Experience with commercial plumbing or construction sales is a plus. Contact Julie Blackmon at 404-325-2189 or

“Green” Opportunity!! Market Development Manager for Solar Glass

Key producer of Solar Glass is seeking a Market Development Manager to develop and maintain customer relationships within the Solar Industry.  Excellent opportunity to participate in the success of renewable energy and make a difference! Contact Megan Milligan @404-325-2189

Experienced Chemist needed in Douglasville, GA

95+ year old Decorative Concrete Manufacture has an exciting R&D Manager opportunity. With a corporate mission of continuous improvement and creativity this role is essential for company success!  If interested call Megan at 404-325-2189

Looking for a DYNAMIC CPG Director of Marketing!

  We here at RMA are so excited about our latest position! While both a tactical and strategic role, the Director of Marketing will manage the marketing effort from product strategy, market strategy, packaging design, to presentation development and more!  We are looking for candidates with experience in CPG marketing  leadership with an entrepreneurial spirit. If [...]

Automotive OEM Sales Experience Needed!

RMA is looking for a salesperson who has experience selling into Automotive OEM's. Our client has developed an amazing new technology, and they need someone to help them infiltrate the automotive market. This position could be in either Atlanta or Detroit, so contact us if this sounds like the opportunity for you!

Director of Consumer Insights Needed!!

RMA is excited to annouce our newest client! We are currently working with a leader in the consumer packaged goods industry that is looking for a Director of Consumer Insights. This is a highly analytical role responsible for providing market and category insight in order to assist decision makers in the organization. If you or [...]

HUNTER needed for growing Motion Controls company in the Northwest!!!

If you have strong sales experience in the motion controls or related industry and live in the northwest we want to talk to you! Opportunity to grow a territory using a synergistic approach. Company has the ability to sell multiple parts to the complete solution and customize products to customer needs.

Marketing Manager – Lighting Business

We have an exciting opportunity for an experienced Marketing Manager to head-up the new lighting division of a well established organization. If you have a strong background in New Product Development, Running a Marketing Department and enjoy Technical Products this is your next career move! The position will be located in Southern California and report [...]

Global Market Manager, Automotive Segment for Plastics Company

Excellent opportunity for get on board with an outstanding polymer company! Looking for candidates with strategic market exp. to the commercial side of the Automotive industry.  This is a GLOBAL role and has many opportunities for career progression!!!

European Sales Manager for U.S. Chemical Company

This position will be based in Europe and is responsible for developing new business while maintaining existing accounts.  Strong chemical educational background and 5+ years of European chemcial sales is required!  This is an exciting opportunity for a chemical professional to work autonomously and grow new business!!

WANTED…Senior Account Executive!

RMA is looking for a seasoned Senior Account Executive with experience selling full life-cycle IT Solutions. This is a wonderful opportunity to get in on the ground floor of a company looking to GROW!! If you or someone you know would fit the bill, call us!

Do you want to help SAVE LIVES?

RMA is excited about our newest client! Our client has developed life-saving they need someone to help them get the word out! If you or someone you know has experience calling on auto manufacturing executives, has a MBA,  and is PASSIONATE about saving lives, we want to talk to YOU!

Rowland Mountain is growing…AGAIN

     We are expanding again. We are ready to hire IMMEDIATELY. We are looking for Search Executives and Interns. If you, or someone you know, is looking for an exciting career change send us your resume today!

Don’t you want to have a FUN job?

We here at RMA are excited about our newest position! We are looking for a Sales Representative who has 10 years experience and a solid track record achieving quota and reaching goals. If you want to sell to some FUN buyers, this could be the job for you! If you have experience in the retail/QSR [...]

Business Development Director Position Open!

Are you ready to work for a global production leader? Do you have extensive experience in The Home Depot account? Are you a superior negotiator? Then we have the position for you! The ideal candidate will have 10+ years selling into or marketing to The Home Depot. This role is not only to grow the [...]

Double Sales In An Existing Territory!

We are looking for a proven sales account representative with experience selling to major accounts like Kroger, Big Lots, Rite Aid, Travel Centers of America, Dick's Sporting Goods, ect. The ideal candidate will be given the opportunity to take a large territory with an existing book of business and expand sales over the next 2-3 years! This position [...]

New Vice President Opportunity!

We are excited to announce our newest position! Our client is a leader in the IT Staffing and Consulting industry with a global presence. They are looking to double their sales in the next 3-5 years and they want to hire the top talent to help them achieve their goal! You will not want to [...]

Exciting Opportunity for Russian speaking Salesperson!

We are looking for a salesperson who has International Sales Experience and speaks Russian fluently! The ideal candidate will have the opportunity to open new markets in the former Soviet Union and Asia. We are looking for someone with 2+ years of experience in sales to join a fast growing company with a hip, laid-back [...]

Looking for a uniquely rewarding career?

Look no further! Rowland Mountain & Associates is hiring. We have experienced TREMENDOUS growth lately and need to expand our team. We are hiring multiple Search Executives, Search Associates and Interns! -The Search Executive position is for someone who has vast sales experience and expertise. Recruiting experience is helpful, not required. We can teach the [...]

Exciting New Opportunities in Atlanta, Dallas, and Richmond

We are excited to announce our newest client! They are a leader in the IT Consulting field and have won multiple prestigious awards including being named one of the "Top 5000 Fastest Growing Privately Owned Businesses in America" by Inc. Magazine in 2010. You won't want to miss the opportunity to jump on board with [...]

Looking for a NATIONAL Sales LEADER!

We are searching the country for 5 to 7 years of progressive sales leadership experience calling into the Utility T&D / Supply Chain / and EPC market.  This opportunity is a NATIONAL SALES LEADERSHIP role working from home based location accessible to major airline hub.  Our GLOBAL client is #1 in the industry and widening the gap.  [...]

Exciting new sales position in the Atlanta area!

-Business Development Executive is needed to fill up the company's current pipeline and cause predictable business. This is a Dependent Eligibility  Product Sales and Marketing role. -The role comprises 10% Marketing and 90% Sales. -The ideal candidate will be great at creating marketing "stories" and using their savvy to package those stories in an effective [...]

Projected Job Growth Through 2018, PART II: Fastest Growing Jobs in 2011

For about a month now, we have been collecting data on projected industry growth for the next decade. Out of all of the facts and figures we have found, this particular article from was perhaps the most intriguing. It outlines the industries which will undergo massive growth in the year 2011. Enjoy our findings! [...]

Projected Job Growth Through 2018: PART I

What industries are projected to have TREMENDOUS growth? Well, that's what the RMA team has been researching over the past week. As stated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Healthcare holds the highest ranking for job growth. You may wonder why? The Bureau of Labor Statistics provides comprehensive information explaining this trend. Could it be [...]


TREMENDOUS opportunity exist for Jr. Military Officer with strong commercial leadership skills calling on the D.O.D.  Use your military success and work from your home based office to lead your team of field based sales professionals calling on your former military branch base locations through out the country.  This is the fastest growing sales group [...]

Looking for CHANNEL MARKETING Manager!

Channel Marketing Manager (PRO/PAINT Channel) Job Descriptions: Fully integrated manufacturer backed by over 60 years of state-of-the-art product design, thorough testing, and evaluation experience, making them THE LEADER in their space! The successful candidate this is hired for this role will develop and execute the marketing strategy for the professional and paint channels. Working with [...]

Looking for Vice President, Pipeline Construction

Opportunity to run a $30mm pipeline construction business with huge growth potential! Description: This organization needs a strong leader to take it to the next level!  It is backed by one of the nation's largest and most elite construction companies which provides strong financial backing and cross segment services.  This is a Vice President level [...]

Searching for District Sales Manager

Subsidiary of Distributing GIANT that is the largest and most recognized name in their space! Description: The primary goal of this position is to ensure double digit growth and 20% gross margin!  In essence, this job is route sales management to include: - 80% of the time will be spent out in the field with [...]

Searching for JUNIOR Business/Marketing Analyst!

#1 Manufacturer in their space!! Job Description: Responsibilities will include assisting in the development, execution and completion of initiatives, projects and daily tasks in the area of marketing and sales.  Position will also be responsible for many office administration and meeting logistics.  The position will require working and communicating with many cross-functional team members on [...]

Searching for Marketing Analyst

#1 Manufacturer in their space!! Job Description: Responsibilities will include assisting in the development, execution and completion of initiatives, projects and daily tasks in the area of marketing and sales.  Position will also be responsible for many office administration and meeting logistics.  The position will require working and communicating with many cross-functional team members on [...]

Custom OEM Sales Manager Opportunity!

Our Client Serves Global and Fortune 500 companies & is still growing! The Custom Sales Manager will hunt and close new business in custom metal cast applications for our OEM clients consistent with the Vision, Values, Mission and Strategic Objectives of the organization. He/she will be responsible to grow revenue a substantial amount. Responsibilities: - [...]

Senior Account Manager for Largest U.S. Metals Company & Still Growing!

Our client is changing the culture of the industry and they really own the market! This role offers autonomy and opportunity to succeed! The Senior Account Manager will manage approximately 25 high value accounts to ensure account retention and growth. The Account Manager will work closely with all areas of manufacturing including scheduling, centralized quoting, [...]

2010 War For Talent Is Coming!

Here's to the end of a crazy year.  Record highs and record lows usually don't happen in the same year but they did this year for RMA and others.  November and December helped us end strong  with some good momentum going into the new year.  There are positive signs almost anywhere you look that indicate more jobs will [...]

Government Sales Professionals Need Apply

RMA is excited to be seeking industrial sales professionals with a proven track record of success selling a technical product to federal; state; local governments and or calling on the department of defense anywhere in the country.  Our client is a multi billion dollar, GLOBAL, industry leader that has a great income opportunity to double [...]

Have You Sold Well To Grainger?

Do you have successful experience navigating their organizational structure at the V.P. level with effectiveness?  Are you looking for a career growth opportunity with a strong established market leader?  IF SO, and you can quantify and document your successes, there is a tremendous opportunity for you in Dallas, Texas with a global OEM leader that [...]

National Electrical Distribution Sales Leaders

RMA has numerous opportunities across the country with multiple clients in the electrical OEM and distribution market for proven top performers with college degrees (Engineering Preferred) with C Level consultative industrial sales background.  Verticle market relevance ranges from Oil and Gas; Utilities; Government; Education; Healthcare to Hospitality.  If you are a clear leader of your peers [...]

Lean Manufactuing Leadership Role in NY

RMA seeks strong hands on Lean Manufacturing Leader  to convert old school, union production workforce from a mass production and waste culture, to a lean oriented, customer focused, high value and efficient manufacturing operations.  This multi plant OEM is a high mix, low volume run, metal bending, stamping, and coating eviornment model with a lot [...]

Natural Gas Technology Advances Create Strategic Marketing Leadership Role in N.E.

The Marcellus shale in West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and New York, once thought to be played out, is now estimated to hold 168-516 TCF still available with horizontal drilling.[34] It has been suggested that the Marcellus shale and other Devonian shales of the Appalachian Basin, could supply the northeast U.S. with natural gas.[35] In November 2008, [...]

Seven Must Do’s For Highly Effective Career Management

  1.  Begin with the end in mind.   Where do you ultimately want to go/be at the height of your career by when?  What does it take to get there by then?  How and where do you BEST get started in that direction as soon as possible? 2.  Be proactive.  Achieving compelling education credentials with [...]

What NOT TO DO With Your Career

After 22 years in the recruiting business, interviewing thousands of people, and reading tens of thousands of resumes, there are some clear common denominators for those who have exceeded in their career and those who have fallen short.  Regardless of industry, and across every market there are a number of sure fire "do's" and "don'ts" [...]

Is the recession really over? Not the right question!

But, in a one word answer, yes.  The worst is behind us overall, not withstanding the actual lingering debt of the massive bailouts.  I plan to tell my grandchildren that the deficit is all their spoiled parents' fault. When all the second quarter data for '09 gets tallied, I predict the technical end will be factual.  The dow [...]

Rainmakers – Who are they?

Rainmakers are the real difference makers for any business. They have an early and ongoing impact that produces sustainable results long after they are gone. They raise the bar and set the company records and high standards that keep the entire organization reaching and challenged. They bring in and drive the highest revenues, acquire more [...]

Rainmakers – Where Are They?

It’s all relative to the industry. They are in every industry somewhere; most likely in the companies where the greatest opportunity to learn, lead and earn exist. They are too smart; too driven to succeed, and too much in demand to just exist somewhere. They are good decision makers and leaders therefore they will be [...]

How do I connect with Rainmakers?

Doctor Smart, author of the best selling book “Topgrading”, recommends finding a good recruiting firm first, although he admits that’s not always easy to do. Word of mouth references are best, he suggests. There are national and state associations of professional recruiters that have web sites that can be searched by specialty, industry and locations. [...]

How do I recruit and hire Rainmakers?

“Hiring good people is hard. Hiring great people (Rainmakers) is brutally hard. And yet nothing matters more in winning than getting the right people on the field. All the clever strategies and advanced technologies in the world are nowhere near as effective without great people to put them to work.” Jack Welch. Dr. Smart says [...]

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