Get Ready… It’s August!

With the end of the month of July and the beginning of August, we at Rowland Mountain and Associates would like to recognize the start of a new month as a period that allows for reflection over the past month, and the potential to start fresh goals.
So as we start this month of August, let’s take a look at some history of this month as well as some interesting facts: defines the word “August” as: inspiring reverence or admiration; of supreme dignity or gradeur; majestic. This makes a little more sense when considering the Month was named after Julius Ceasar’s grandnephew Augustus. Originally the sixth month, August was made the 8th month once January and February were moved from their previous position (there is controversy over roman writings).
August is also the time where a lot of things are changing in our environment. Summer inches closer to its end, the birds start planning to fly south, and insects seem to be more noisier and numerous. For business, times seem busier as people tend to take their vacations around august.
Additionally, several causes have been associated with August; it is: Women’s Small Business Month, Admit You’re Happy Month, National Psoriasis Awareness Month, National Sandwhich Month, National Catfish Month, Black Business Month, Panini Month, Happiness Happens Month, and Inventor’s Month.
So as you move through the days of this month, remember these interesting facts and have a wonderful August!